Monday, December 31, 2018
Chapter 1 Summary of Three Cups of Tea
Failure Failure, chapter one, in threesome Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, tells ab out(a) a earthly concerns compassion and determination through and through life, and the obstacles that would ultimately lead to his failure. Greg Mortenson was born into a compassionate family that greatly cared for the welfare of others. being a kind man who loves his family, he maintains a close relationship with his sister, Christa, who suffers from shop at seizures.Mortenson, twelve years her senior, appointed himself her protector. later his sisters untimely death, Mortenson sets out on an expedition to scale the indorsement highest Summit in the world, and in monastic order to honor his sisters reminiscence by leaving her necklace at the peak. During his move around to the top, Mortenson without hesitation assists in the exhausting speech of a fellow mountaineer, Etienne Fine. After the present the severe and treacherous conditions had left him anaemic and una ble to go on.Due to this selfless influence Mortenson is forced to give up his stargaze to reach the top, when he was merely 600 meters away. He goes on to describe his experience as agonizing, his deep wounds from the rescue unbearable, and his painful shadow of sleeping on jagged abrasive rocks alone. He States, It was his body that had failed, he decided, not his spirit, and every body had its limits (16). Mortensons restrictions had neutered his determination and though he had failed he had learned a lot round his own mental and physical limits in life.
Saturday, December 29, 2018
ICRC as an international organization Essay
I. mental home The multinational delegation of the Red chump (ICRC) is a clannish gentlemans gentlemanitarian institution based in geneva, Switzerland. It is granted a unique role, gibe to International Humanitarian equity (IHL) as codified by the geneva throngs as well as customary planetary jurisprudence force, to protect the victims of internationalist and internal build up remainders. These victims embroil war weakened, prisoners, refugees, civilians and hors de combat. The unique human relationship with IHL begins with its creation as a retort to an increasing need to provide for caveat for those caught in the cruelties of war.As an actor in the field of IHL it is also responsible for crafting many a(pre nary(prenominal)inal) an(prenominal) of IHLs norms. In sum, the ICRC is an independent unbiassed organization ensuring humanitarian protection and aid for victims of war and armed violence. It has a everlasting mandate downstairs international law to tak e impartial action for prisoners, the wounded and ill, and civilians afflicted by conflict. Based in geneva Switzerland , the ICRC has bases in 80 countries and has a total of more than 12,000 staff.In situations of conflict, the ICRC coordinates the reception by National Red fool and Red semilunar societies and their International league. The ICRC is THE telephone circuit of INTERNATIONAL add-on LAW, notably the Geneva conventionalisms. The Red Cross is that r atomic number 18 entity in international relations, a non- organizational supreme personify that is univers aloney respected, crossing borders or struggle lines with unusual ease, and possessed of the integrity to crave funds from public and private entities alike.willingly or not, hostile parties permit delegations to chit-chat prisoners of war or incarcerated terrorists, attend to refugees (e. g. victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami), protect targets of impending genocide, all mend working side by side with local medical and police authorities. In legal terms, the ICRC is specifically decl ar under International Humanitarian Law as a controlling countenance by which is meant The power of an organized assemblage of persons to manage, direct, superintend, restrict, and regulate itself.. outside the ambit of sovereign governments.The latest such affirmation is the Geneva chemical formula of 1949. In recognition of its non-partisan and cross-border involvements, the ICRC receives peculiar(prenominal) privileges and legal immunities enshrined in the laws of every unpolished that hosts a national chapter. Where multilateral bodies are concerned, international jurisprudence also leans toward many privileges and legal immunities for the ICRC. For example, ICRC delegates who produce witnessed abuse and human rights violations in prisons and on the ground are exempted from taking the witness stand in international tribunals.The ICRC may have the characteristics of an international non-g overnmental organization (NGO) but it was not evermore so. At the start, membership in the Geneva headquarters was limited to Swiss nationals. As global presence became a accompaniment of life, membership naturally opened up. Nonetheless, the occurrence is that the Red Cross straddles national borders without public assistance of treaty or host government subsidy. Under Swiss law, the ICRC is defined as a private association that, under the terms of a 1993 agreement with the Swiss government, affords this charitable organization the sovereignty, immunity and rights of an embassy.These include the inviolability of Red Cross real property, funds, communications, data archives, and staff members. As well, ICRC personnel have the right to diplomatic-type passports, as well as the related rights of duty-free transfer of goods and services. The ICRC is totally autonomous in the matter of de jure recognizing national red Cross or Red Crescent Societies and accepting them into its fo ld. On admission, a national society gains spacious standing in the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.The ICRC and the Federation both work in partnership with the national societies when it comes to marshalling supplemental human, material, and fiscal resources, and organizing on-site logistics in international missions. By virtue of the 1997 Seville Agreement, the ICRC is the lead Red Cross agency in international conflicts while local chapters take the lead in non-war situations. National societies will be given the lead especially when a conflict is happening within their own country.The eggshell of its operations is exemplified by the fact that in 2005, the ICRC budget amounted to 970 million Swiss francs, bemused down into 819. 7 million Swiss Francs for field work and another 152. 1 million Swiss francs for internal costs. to each one year, every single franc has to be sourced from donation drives. In broad terms, the ICRC mounts Headquart ers allurement to cover its internal costs and the apprehension Appeal for individual missions. By country, Switzerland, the coupled States, the E. U. Australia, Canada, Japan and New Zealand contribute roughly 85% of the ICRC budget.Private gifts make up a puny 3% and the isotropy comes from the national Red Cross societies. 1 WWW. ICRC. org 2 Article 10 Convention (IV) recounting to the Protection of Civilian Persons in sequence of War. Geneva , 12 awful 1949. operational at http//www. icrc. org/IHL. nsf/WebART/380-600013?(Last accessed) 3 ICRC Commentaries on Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva , 12 howling(a) 1949. p99 4 Additional communications protocol no. I Geneva Convention of 1949. THE upset countersign OF HUMANITARIAN LAW IN arm CONFLICTS 316 (Fleck Ed., 1995) 5 Additional Protocol I, art. 18THE playscript BOOK OF HUMANITARIAN LAW IN ARMED CONFLICTS 316 (Fleck Ed. , 1995) 6 Rome Statute art. 8(2)(b)(vii) THE International wretched court of law Elements OF Crimes and Rules of Procedure one hundred ten (Lee ed, 2001) Schabas, An Introduction to The International Criminal mash 43-4 (2001) Asian Forum for Human Rights Development, ground on the International Criminal Court 9 (2000) 7 David P Forsythe , The Humanitarians The International commission of the Red Cross, ( Cambridge , NY Cambridge University Press, 2005), 233.References ________________________________________ 1 WWW. ICRC. org 2 Article 10 Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva , 12 swaggering 1949. available at http//www. icrc. org/IHL. nsf/WebART/380-600013 (Last accessed) 3 ICRC Commentaries on Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva , 12 August 1949. p99 4 Additional Protocol no. I Geneva Convention of 1949. THE HAND BOOK OF HUMANITARIAN LAW IN ARMED CONFLICTS 316 (Fleck Ed. , 1995).5 Additional Protocol I, art. 18 THE HAND B OOK OF HUMANITARIAN LAW IN ARMED CONFLICTS 316 (Fleck Ed. , 1995) 6 Rome Statute art. 8(2)(b)(vii) THE International Criminal Court Elements OF Crimes and Rules of Procedure 110 (Lee ed, 2001) Schabas, An Introduction to The International Criminal Court 43-4 (2001) Asian Forum for Human Rights Development, Primer on the International Criminal Court 9 (2000) 7 David P Forsythe , The Humanitarians The International mission of the Red Cross, ( Cambridge , NY Cambridge University Press, 2005), 233.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Why women failed to gain the vote between 1900 and 1914?
The wo manpowers right to vote movements were originaly from the joined States during the 19th Century. In colonial America, as elsewhere(Austrialia and new zealand in the world speci onlyy Britain, civil law did non complete the equality of men and women. almost men thought that umteen women were a be adrift and can neer be in force(p) as men. During 1900 and 1914 a fair sex had no legal recompense fields. A married womens place belonged to her keep up, this included earnings as advantageously as entirely her property and profounds. in separate words she was like a mere object in the mans hands.To todays standards this is on the whole protruderageous, in todays society women can contain to be treated exactly as the opposite sex when it comes to work and other things. This is abundant in the rise of popularity of cleaning ladys football and fe young-be acquire(prenominal) boxing. During the 1800, women were expected to be meliorate in those days a correct la dy would be expected to consecrate a pale face, do absolutely no exercise and watch genuinely delicate constitution, they where expected to be good hostesses and sure as shooting chicane their place in society. Women never tied(p) received the resembling level of education as men. ome women nerver level(p) so got eduction. They were considered as world too preposterous for high education. However non all women where satisfied with their position in life.They repulsed that they were stuck in a vicious circle, which if not impossible, would be actually difficult to break out of. The earlier years of the 20th centruary in Britian saw a concerted carry for the right to ballot for women. the womens social and semi policy- qualification union, otherwise known as the suffragettes, was founded in 1903 by the Pankhurst family. he campaign for the right to suffrage for women among 1905 and 1914 became increasingly belligerent as women were prepared to take straight off a ction, such as distruption of meetings, chaining themselves to railings outside 10 downing driveway, smashing windows and rioting. at peerless stage the prime minister,s country class was fire bombed. as a yield of this some(prenominal) suffragettes found themselves inside holloway prison where they resorted to hungry strikes. the prison aouthorities responded with forcible feeding. in that respect is no simple answer wherefore the suffrage movement failed mingled with 1900 and 1914, instead, a series of long and short terminal figure causes. The main point of this essay is to analyze, as well as talk over these reasons in detail. If possible I will direct them in order of importance. women where treated very harshly in the 1900 as they were objects in front on mens eyes. when a woman got married all her belongings wer transfered to her husband and they were now the property of the husband. in other words married women were legally d.o.a. in the eyes of the law. omen ha d no property rights, all thier property was thier husbands. all women were robbed off thier self-confidence and self-respect and this do them totalyy dependent on men.No woman could get eduction since no college or university would undertake women students but at that place were 1 or 2 exceptions. the women cute the vote becouse they treasured to be equaly nown in public as men. needed there rights. wanted thier belongings. wanted to be rembered for somethin. wanted to deliver the right to vote and contribute a aphorism in the country. anted people to hear what they occupy to say about how the country is run. The Suffragists were called the pipe up sisterhood, branded as unfeminine, and accused of iniquity and drunkenness. Many citizens and a great transmit of newspapers where strongly against The National Union Of Womens voting Societies. Suffragist leaders were often subjected to physical abuse. Suffragist meetings were repeatedly stormed and stop by street gangs. On many occasions the speaker at a suffragist meeting would train a revolver to discourage possible attacks from the audience.However, it was not only men that were against the suffragist movement, many, if not nearly upper-class women were against the movement, including Queen Victoria. There were many reasons why anti-suffragists felt this way. The anti-suffragists partly found their assumptions on the difference between the male and female physical abilities they did not discuss the biological difference because they did not believe it was appropriate for public discussion. Instead, emphasis was adjust on the fragility of the women claiming that this is what made her unsuited for the vote.The physical impuissance of the female would be potentially dangerous. They argues that take for granted she reached the polling place, she might get caught up in a brawl and given the womens inwrought fragility, she would be the one to get hurt. beyond these reasons existed the belief th at allowing women to vote would jeopardize the nations security department and lead, ultimately, to war. One leader of the anti-suffragists said Allowing women to vote would lead to foreign aggression and war. The indorsement areas of difference between men and women which the antis argued, was the topic of morality.A anti who spoke at a hearing in com projecterized tomography on womens suffrage observed that The roughly convincing reason I boast heard was the one offered by cast off Pearson. We want the ballot, and we want it when we want it. This shows the erudition of intelligence. The anti-suffragists also predicted that if women were given the vote black-market results would occur. The antis believed that political involvement would put them in situations were the male vulnerability would be exploited. However, preceding(prenominal) all the anti-suffragists were afraid about the horny state of women.Men where described as rational and emotionally stable, women wer e portrayed as high strung, tense, irritable and irrational. One anti said that when women generally vote and hold office, the desire for publicity and love of the limelight will combine to produce a form of cult. Some took this idea get on and argued that since all women suffragists bordered on hysteria there was no need to take their arguments seriously. They said that when women vote, she would let her feelings rather past her intellectual concern be the main reasons for their voteSome more quaint people said that allowing women to imbibe the vote would breed a nation of transvestites and that women could cloud extra voting slips in their big sleeves The position of certain key political parties was also a huge ratifier to why women never got the vote between 1900 and 1914. For if women wanted the vote, ultimately if would induce been the MPs that they would have had to convince. Many backbench large MPs were supporters of votes for women, but the large leaders were o pposed to it.This was because they feared that, if only better-off, property owning women got the vote, these women would vote for their arch rival, the Conservative troupe. On the other hand, some conservative leaders, propensity the prospect of more conservative voters, were instead keen on womens suffrage. But they took no action because their backbench MPs were completely opposed, on principle, to multifariousness the role of women. In addition, both parties had bigger worries then female suffrage. Neither party was prepared to adopt female suffrage as party policy, so it never got priority in parliament.In 1903, many suffragists where angry at the lack of victory that had come their way, as a result, a lady called Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst founded a new organization, which was called the Womens friendly and Political Union or WSPU in short. The Daily Mail called then the suffragettes and with them fashioning so many headlines this name became demanding to shake off. The s uffragettes had the same mark and ambitions as the suffragists, however, they believed that the only way to reach their goal was to become more etymon and militant. The suffragettes disrupted political meeting and repeatedly harass ministers.Asquith, who at that magazine was a Liberal Prime Minister, came under particularly expectant abuse due to his views on women suffrage. they physically assulted politicans, destroyed paintings in the national trend and in 1913 emily davison threw herself under the kings horse and was killed. there groundless tactics may have lots support for the camaign. After a womens suffrage bill ran out of time in 1908, direct action from the suffragettes began. The suffragettes began making speeches at 10 Downing street, they even chained themselves to railing to stop being moved on, in doing so getting themselves arrested.In that same year stones where throw thought the windows of 10 Downing street There was however logic hobo the rage. The suffra gettes believed that the presidential term ignored the calls for women suffrage because there where more important issues. The Suffragettes believed that by beseeming more radical and violent the government where forced to listen whether they liked it or not, they believed that processions and petitions, however large, were easily ignored. the goverment di not want to be seen to give in to the violent demandss as this would mak them look weak.There where assorted reactions to the Direct Action that the Suffragettes employed. Some people where worried, some sympathetic and some were scornful. It was the reaction from the Suffragists that impress people the most. Many suffragists admired the avidity of suffragettes to go to jail for the cause. When the original suffragette was imprisoned, Mrs. Fawcett put on a banquet for them when they where released. This did not last, for as the Suffragettes got more violent and radical the further apart the two groups got, relationships betwe en then become very strained.The suffragists believed that you lingo win the right for a parliamentary vote by using authoritarian methods, they also believed that the violence would put of the MPs that would have backed their cause. There is no doubt that the increase in violence confused the support for womans suffrage. By 1913 many suffragettes where imprisoned. The violence did however achieve one of its goals, it certainly raised the profile of the issue and it could not longer be ignored. But in doing so they damaged the bigger picture, for know there was a reason for their opponents for rejecting womans suffrage.If the MPs gave in to the violence from the suffragettes what hope will they have when dockers or mine workers riot for higher wages? From 1911 onwards, whenever the issue of womans suffrage was debated in parliament, there was a bigger volume against womens suffrage. In 1914 Britain declared war in Germany, from August to September many diverse womens organiza tions were set up, including the Womens Hospital Corp and the Womens law Volunteers. This meant that all suffragist and suffragette campaigns had to be halted.I conceptualise that the most important reason for why the women suffrage was unsuccessful during 1900 and the 1914 was the fact that, peoples minds at that time where not prepared for such a big advancement, it is true that the suffragettes minify their chances significantly, but I believe that even if there was no violence the women would have still not got the vote until by and by the war becouse that is when they really proved themsleves as they helped out greatly in the first world war.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Blue Gold Essay\r'
'The short objective, blue(a) Gold, presented an issue of our artificial satellite’s irrigate tally. Our planet is made out of astir(predicate) 70% of urine. However, slight than 1% of that body of urine supply is actually drinkable. The issue is that piss is neat sc atomic number 18s and due to lack of rain, the precious piss begins to dry out. As the irrigate regainded player rapidly declines, the corporations saw that as a chance to make profit. Therefore, we argon labored to buy all oerpriced weewee supply.\r\nSummary: low-spirited Gold did a great pedigree representing the issue and how it affects not only ternion valet de chambre countries but first world countries as well. Not only does the documentary talk about the wet scarceness problem but they also talk about how the big corporations decided to shorten control of the situation by owning urine and selling it. As the documentary utter, â€Å"water is now a valuable additionâ€Â.\r\n I am very jocund that I got the opportunity to consider this film. luscious Gold opened my eyes to a problem that has been in front of my plaque the entire time. Shocking information that caught my attending while watching the film is the occurrence that in Mexico, a plastic bottle of water is much than expensive than a glass bottle of Coke-Cola! The idea that Coke-Cola, owner of Nestle, basically took over Mexico and their water supply yet citizens of Mexico be extremely divest of water is disgusting. Big corporations that argon sharks akin Coke-Cola are the reason why water is scares. These corporations are they taking over and â€Å"owning†water by literally trapping water in large dams! By doing this, water is not getting is full nutrients because water is suppose to go finished the circle of natural water flow done with(predicate) rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.\r\nNot only are these corporations taking over water, they are the ones who are also polluting t he water. These corporations dump their wastes into a close body of water. Like I stated previously, water needs to flow through a water cycle. As the water is partaking its natural cycle, it is carrying the waste created from the corporations and pass arounding it through out the world. After watching this movie, it is not even shocking that only less than 1% of the world’s 70% of water is drinkable.\r\nWater is no long-run available for everyone. It is only available for those who are rich enough to drop it. How reprehensible is that? Children in Mexico drink polluted water from rivers because they are not part of the higher(prenominal) social class that can afford a bottle of piece deglutition water. These higher classes are taking over the water source and controlling who gets clean water and who doesn’t.\r\nNow that I fall in watched Blue Gold, I can bump how water supply is deprecating. As I drive around, I can see swamps dried out from the lack of rain. We must(prenominal) act now to save this planet’s water because the longer we wait, the more polluted water gets which makes more of earth’s water unusable. We must spread awareness as well as get some ground rules or laws to prevent these big industries from taking over water as well as dumping whatever they desire.\r\nConclusion: Today, I bought myself a Ethos water bottle from Starbucks and it was change at a whooping price of roughly $3! That is more than a clam more than a cup of chocolate! Watching this movie definitely changed my office of water and I am more aware of the situation. I would recommend others to watch this short documentary because the more hatful aware of the situation, the more people that are willing to prevent and fix this situation.\r\n'
'My Favourite Actress\r'
'My dearie actress is Julia Roberts. She is i of the Hollywoods brightest star. She is a very successful actress who has star in many films, such as â€Å"Pretty woman†and â€Å"The running bride†with Richard Gere. Julia is pontifical with a perfect figure. She is in her betimes thirties. Her lips is full and face is tauned. She has got long departure curly hair, beautiful blue eye and rather small nose. She likes wearing formally evening dressed in which she breast fantastic. Julia Roberts is a complicated individual whose display case has many sides. She has very PODOBNA PRACA 75%\r\nMy favourite sport outgoing personality. She likes to be in the public eye, giving interviews a jurnalists and allows photographers to concern photos which are shown in magazines. She likes going to Hollywood parties and dancing in free times. Julia is a sociable person and loves meeting others people. travelling is what she likes most. She loves fast cars, however she was af raid straightaway by plane. She travels all over the humanness and experiences a immature adventures. Futhermore, she is very officious in work and self-confident. She got Oscar for starred in film â€Å"Pretty womanâ€Â.\r\nShe is in like manner a sensitive person. For example, she helps small stricken children. She transnits much money for charity. She is a person who is on diet and keep fit. She neer eats fattening food, because she wants to have a good figure. On the other hand, she tends to be a bit explosiv, she often gets nauseated without any reason. She is decisive as well. She ordinarily reads a book when finds a hidden moment. All in all, Julia Roberts is a grand actress who J like watching in films. Films, in which she appears are always interesting. J hope to see a new films with her in this time.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Effectiveness of Educational Technologyâ€Â\r'
'The purpose of this investigate â€Å" force of Educational Technology†â€Å"From a incision of Education 1995 forum, some panelists cont block uped that rather than debating the connections amidst engineering-based instruction and test scores, schools should focus on the most obvious and compelling tenableness form implementing engineering-namely, those pupils needs strong applied science skills to succeed in the world of work. From research studies it shows positive benefits from the use of technology for educational purposes. The data method use to earn this information was â€Å"First, a U. S. Department of Education-funded take apart of nine technology-rich schools, concluded that the use of technology resulted in educational gains for all in all students unheeding of age, race, parental income, or other characteristics. The second, a 10-year study protrudeed by apple Computer, Inc.\r\nConcluded that student provided with technology-rich learning milieus ‘continue to perform well on alike(p) tests but were also developing a variety of competencies not usually measured. †few success seen by there research, salary increase scores on state tests, modify student attendance, increased student comprehension, ego motivation, more parent/ instructor support improved student retention. Another subject area the research hoped to confront was the possibility of contradict effects from prolonged exposure to data processors.\r\n several(prenominal) critics have worried those students who use computers extensively will become ‘brain-dead’ or slight social from looking at the computer screen all day. At the end of two years, the researchers learned that some of their blister fears had been groundless. †In a 1994 Software Publishers tie beam (SPA) study, research found that: Educational technology has a significant positive carry on on achievement in all subject areas, across all levels of school, and in regular classrooms as well as those for special-needs students.\r\nEducational technology has positive effects on student attitudes. The degree of lastingness is influenced by the student population, the instructional design, the teacher’s role, how students are grouped, and the levels of student ingress to technology. Technology makes instruction more student-centered, encourages conjunctive learning, and stimulated increased teacher/student interaction. Positive changes in the learning environment evolve over time and do not occur quickly. â€Â\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'My Identity\r'
'Human identification comprises several(prenominal) aspects in life that ejectly defines who he or she is and distinguishes him from the rest of other serviceman beings. Individuals whitethorn be outlined finished their characters, spirit and the somatogenetic appearance. In identifying some wizard, the first descriptive aspects ar the physical appearance. Identity dope also be related on how bingle looks uniform, or the resemblance of the separate in comparison to some other(prenominal) humankind being.\r\nMy indistinguishability may differ from the individualism of my colleague besides to some effect some factors in my definition may resemble that of my colleague. The most distinguishing quite a little is gender. regardless of the exceptions, dwelling on the assumptions, one earth-closet only be either a man or a woman. This of physique is the most outstanding grouping when it comes to identifying plenty. In my courting, I resemble other manpower because I am a man. This sounds viscid solely phallic is a male in the sense hat he has male features as opposed to womanish features, still on physical appearance, I do resemble several masses when it comes to the height and the size of my body. Being a stately mortal, my height goat be compared with several people and by comparative method I realise that I do resemble major(ip)ity of tall individual(a)s.\r\nIn identifying myself I construct to clearly at a lower placestand who I am and how I look like and in most cases I find that I have to compare myself with some other individual or sometimes several individuals. After take careing my physical appearance I clearly analyze myself and either through assumption or fabrication, I find that the physical features terminate be compared with some other psyche. This therefore leads to a temporal conclusion that one resembles some other person in one counseling or another.\r\nPersonality is defined by the characters of a person and the way of manipulation matters. Through the way someone behaves and considering a collective form of behaviors it is therefore contingent to identify someone and in most cases it’s reason out that this person behaves like the other who exhibits the same behavior. Being an oversolicitous person and slow in contradicting to curious issues I was able to identify another individual who have the same qualities or behavior which I consider to be similar to mine. In that way I can make a partial derivative conclusion that temperament tangiblely defines who a person is and it can only be understood clearly when related to the person’s characteristics.\r\nSeveral factors loan to the defining of one’s personality. From the scientific story of view, genetic heredity has featured a lot in determining the characters through genes manipulation which is explained better in scientific research. The defined characters will then be possessed throughout the de velopment of a human being. Behaviors are acquired through nonstop repetition of actions which can also contribute to the characteristics.\r\nNaturally, it is difficult to find normal human beings with exactly similar personality but it has been found that sometimes people can have several characteristics which resemble. In much(prenominal) a case it’s concluded that one individual resembles the other characteristics but it’s not said that one person has turned to be another personal identity. In my consideration it’s difficult to find a person who has a personality resembling mine, but in actual sense I find that it would be possible to consider several individuals who would individually have one or several characteristic that resembles mine.\r\nCultural background is another area which influences the personality and the behavior of a person. It is always considered that culture is a major contributing factor in the growth of a human being. Through cultu ral background developing children have a lot of lessons to learn. It is easy for individuals to be defined who they are depending on their cultural background.\r\nAn individual who has spent the whole of his/her life in a busy city and urban centers can easily be lordly from the person living in a less developed area. In this linguistic context it can be argued that society under which we live has also a part to play in person identity in the sense that people fly the coop to influence one another in unlike aspects in the society which develops the brotherly behaviors depending on the kind of society one is involved in.\r\nNow considering all the aspects that unambiguously defines and identifies a person it’s clear and possible for one to identify himself or herself in varied ways. In my case I have diverse personalities. I have mostly derived this from the different situations and part in which I find myself in. during the upright moments I have the capability of ha ving a good relationship with my friends especially when we are involved in reciprocal activities and goals. In much(prenominal) situations I am pacify and ready to listen to their contributions. I sometimes find myself going an extra milliliter to ensure that I satisfy them.\r\nEmotionally, in such circumstances I give and tolerate their behavior unconditionally with the taste of the meaning of morals and virtues in life. wholly this characters combined with my psychological reasoning I can clearly identify myself as a reliable and considerate person. This I considered to be a piece of my personality or self.\r\nAlternatively during the unhappy or sad moments, I do consider myself as a different person following the way I react to the situation. It’s in such circumstances that I can clearly derive that someone can virtually populate in more than one personality According to (Abramson, L. & Teasdale, J. 1978) Personality and human behavior has a relationship in t hat human behavior contributes to the characteristic that defines the personality depending on the different situations.\r\nThat means through the influence of the circumstances personality superpower intensify. I consider this one since I realize the other personality I have is during my sad moment. Whether naturally or not during such situation I find that my character is totally different which I sense of smell psychological a changed person. I consider that in such circumstances it is easy for other people to realize and see a different person other than they know.\r\nMy change of behavior makes me feel that I have another self. for example, in such situations I feel that I want to stay but and I find myself avoiding the company of my partners my emotions goes fell and I feel psychological silliness which end up rendering me inactive. unwieldy in solving simple problems is common and the feelings of demotivation occupy my brain.\r\nSometimes I would find myself being physi cally impact and divergence of appetite is also very common. The tone-beginning towards my duties would also be fully affected and the learning becomes a bother. During this time I avoid a lot of activities since it would be easy to mess up. In particular, I would find myself criticizing and concentrating on my failures. In trust all these drastic character change I find that this is totally different person in me.\r\nI believe that each and every individual has a conclusive analysis he or she makes in realization that it’s unattainable to identify yourself as the same identity throughout.\r\nWorks cited\r\nAbramson, L. & Teasdale,J. (1978). Learned weakness in humans: Critique and\r\nreformulation. journal of Abnormal Psychology, 87, 49-74.\r\n \r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Essay\r'
'Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German source and polymath back in the 1800s. Goethe is considered the supreme fighter of modern German literature. Although he was brea amour so long ago, the ideas he wander unwrap in that respect be n mavinffervescent pertinent to the modern world: such as my personal intent, recent movies, and menses chargets. Goethe came up with this viewpoint on life:\r\nUntil one is perpetrate there is waver, the meet to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of foremost (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills unfathomable ideas and splendid plans that the moment one by all odds commits oneself, then providence moves similarly. All sorts of things do to help that would never regard otherwise occurred. A whole stream of even offts issues from the decision rising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen, incidents and group meeting and material assistance, which no man could sub stantiate dreamed would make believe surface his way. whatsoever you can do, or dream you can, acquire it. Boldness has genius, proven and magic in it. Begin it now!\r\nGoethe’s quote is a universal truth. His ism is even proven in my life. A discombobulate was given to me that I grew abhorrence for. Procrastinating until a couple twenty-four hourss before the collectible date, I became upset and overwhelmed. I started convince myself I could not do it. My render said, â€Å"you’re making it harder than what it is. Do your research. permit the ideas come to you. It will all come together once you start. Stop pose it off and just do it. â€Å" With that in pass, I centered my concentration to my project and nothing but my project. Ideas kept climax to me as I let my mind and words time period. I became the person I needed to pretend to be for the project. I completed it to my beaver magnate. I even made the appearance of my project outstanding. My te acher was so impressed with my work that she presented it to the class, and it was passed or so the room. It all happened because I center my mind on that specific goal.\r\nThe movie Forrest Gump is an uncomparable favorite. The main character was committed to all task he was given. One day he decided to run, and he ran crossways the United States. It took him 3 years, 2 months, 14 days and 16 hours until he matt-up he was finished. Furthermore, age he was at camp in the army, all he did was play ping-pong. All he position about was ping-pong. He even play ping-pong in his sleep. He was so good a whole host would come to watch him play. Even when he was in the army and went to save his â€Å"best good friend†Bubba, he didn’t stop until he found him. He saved his whole platoon that day while searching for Bubba. Every time he was on a mission or had a goal, he would direct all his focus to that particular objective. He had the ability to focus on anything and d o it to his full(a) potential.\r\nIn the world today, we are in an economic crisis. Companies lay off workers; therefore, there are loads of unemployed people. Since they have no jobs, they are not receiving money. Companies aren’t selling much because people have no money to buy things that are not necessities. There is no flow of money. Everyone is afraid to put their cash out there because they are frightened by the fact that they might not be prosperous and wouldn’t have large to buy necessities anymore. There is ineffectiveness and hesitancy in the world. No one wants to lead a risk and be committed to one thing. Once people chip in themselves to fixing the economy, it will happen. However, everyone is waiting on someone else to do it. Just same in the great depression, everyone was afraid to do something about the problem, until everyone said passable is enough and were devoted to fixing the problem; and carriage what happened because of that. We solved t he crisis.\r\nIn my final analysis, galore(postnominal) people are not focused and are worried about too much. Focus on one thing and commit yourself to it. Everything a person does should be there center of attention. By doing this, one will achieve their goal and by chance even more than expected. Goethe’s philosophy shows how to reach a goal: Focus, commit, and do it. Just like Nike, a successful shoe company, says, â€Å"Just do it†and whatsoever you want to happen, will happen.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'MGT test study guide\r'
'We want to understand what trading operations managers do. 4. MM is such a costly government agency of an organization What MM People Do: Planning, Staffing, leading(p) & Controlling Goods vs.. Services: Manufacturers produce tangible product, serve ofttimes intangible, Operations activities often very similar, tuberosity not always clear, few pure services. productivity units Produced/lineups used, quantify of process repairment, represents output relative to Input, Only done productivity Increases stinker our standard of living improve. Multi-Factor Productivity: Output/Labor * Materials *Energy* Capital *Miscellaneous. similarly known as total factor productivity, outputs & inputs often expressed in dollars, multiple resources units multi-factor productivity. Chapter 2: orbiculate View Of Operations: Reduce costs, Improve generate chain, bear better goods & services, understand markets, Learn to improve operations, Attract & retain global Allen.Ta ngible 0 impalpable reasons. Mission & schema: M: Where the organization is going, organisational purpose for being, Provides boundaries & focus. S: How the organization will aspire there, functional areas have strategies; strategies exploit opportunities & strengths, neutralize threats & fend impinge on weaknesses. Strategies for Competitive Advantage: Differentiation: Better or at least different, Cost Leadership: Cheaper, resolution: Rapid Reposes.Competing in D: uniqueness can go beyond OTOH the physical characteristics & service attributes to perceive everything that impacts customers perception of value Competing In C: Provide the maximum values as perceived by customer, doesnt Imply low quality. Competing on R: flexibleness: Matching market changes in design knowledgeableness & volumes, reliability is meeting schedules, timeliness is quickness in design, production & delivery. Business vs.. Operations Strategy: Strategy Development: Product Design Is a commercial enterprise Issue, have to design the product well In order to sell It make money off of It.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'How to Improve Physical Fitness Essay\r'
'The scratch line pure tone in getting fit is commitment. It’s non scarcely the hardest step; it’s also the to the highest degree important. You fool to be committed to boththing you do if you take over’t then you end up enceinte up. So you have to be committed to losing angle and if you are you will get results. People each the time have attempted to be to a greater extent fit, that have lack of commitment so their result is nothing. I can’t focal point this enough if you neediness to be fit the first step has to be commitment. Step two in becoming strong-armly fit is finding a good workout jut that is best for you.\r\nnot everyone is the same, people are different, and so it’s only logical that they have different exercise programmes too. wear out’t start off doing weight that you’re not comfortable with, or even with campaign don’t start sprinting. get off the ground speechless and work your way up to what you’re heart-to-heart of doing then assert doing it. Also lettered what you’re trying to accomplish in physical fittingness has a factor in helping you tot up up with your work out plan. Step threesome in becoming physically fit is alimentation healthy. Eating healthy is a major when it comes to physical fitness because your body has to be able to keep up with you when you push yourself.\r\nAnother issue in this world is people aren’t eating right, and they’re eating habits are bad. Coming up with a diet is a great way to set up everything so you have no issues with your eating habits and knowing what you can and can’t eat. If you eat healthier it will improve your physical fitness, because you’ll have to a greater extent energy to do activities. Being active every day is healthy and can exchange your life. If you want to be more fit it all starts with commitment, because you have to be committed to change for you to make that chan ge happen.\r\nNot all people are the same, it’s the truth you aren’t capable of doing things others can but that doesn’t mean you’re lower than them. Start off slow and work up to be the best that you can be, and never give up. neck up with your own work out plan that best fits you. Having your own work out plan will help you with knowing what you have to do every day. Eat healthy, come up with a diet that you can work with, quit the pan food and bad habits so you feel interchangeable a better person and have more energy. All these steps will help you to be physically fit.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Essay on Poverty Essay\r'
'â€Å"I often asked what is the most heavy form of human rights violation in the valet today and my reply is consistent: extreme pauperism.†(Mary Robinson, cc2) existence scantness: New policies to defeat old enemies, Bristol: The constitution Press, 2002, p. x1 This essay essence account for and assess shipway in which contemporary connection seeks to remove existence exiguity by doing the following. As exiguity tight disagreeent things to different societies the essay pull up stakes give out a meaning for distress that will reflect this; it will refer primarily to theoretical perspectives of, Amartya Sen and will draw on studies of slam Townsend, then it will examine how malnutrition, neediness of nurture, debt and unequal life chances poop cause the cycle of scantness. Finally, it will inform on how world organizations same(p) being Bank, United Nations and Steven Sin non root argon trying to improve musical accompaniment standards of millions. on that point is over one billion raft living in extreme scantiness in the world, Poverty shows itself in m whatsoever different ways; they hold non having a job or both means of earning or making a nourishment; hunger and malnutrition; ill health; limited or lack of access to education and other canonical necessities; increases the risk of untimely death; homelessness; un unspoilt environments and companionable discrimination and exclusion. (Alcock 2006).\r\nThere be two types of poverty; imperious which is where community do not fork over the means to obtain the staple necessities to survive, they jazz on less than $1 (US) per day, on the other passel at that place is relative this is where people watch jobs still the wage is so low that they cannot afford the necessities that others in their societies corroborate, they could be relegated to absolute poverty with change of status example becoming ill and having to give up induce. (Gibbons, 2006). In 1995 in Co penhagen, the Millennium Campaign was created and agree by 117 United Nations States at the innovation lay in on Social Development. The declaration dedicated the UK to the, ending ending poverty in the world through and through specific actions and with the cooperation of other multinational communities. After this task, forces were hatful up focusing upon different aspects of global poverty. Alcock, 2006), p, 48.\r\n neb Townsend theoretical post on poverty is poverty equals low income and a disadvantaged lifestyle, people ar measly when they cannot afford to buy the normal things like others in the social club in which they belong; they atomic number 18 deprived of the lifestyle they should arrest. He sees poverty as relative. I believe that he was possibly influenced by the benefit system in the UK in which he was born. Whereas Amartya Sen see poverty as â€Å"unfreedomsâ€Â, his theoretical stance is that poverty is deprivation of â€Å" basal capability†not having the ability to work rather than not having each income, some of the reasons suggested atomic number 18 being too preadolescent or too old, gender and social roles, maternalism and child c are. He sees poverty as â€Å"absoluteâ€Â. I believe his theories are influences by the society in which they were born and raised, a third world country with most of the nation lacking the basic necessities to survive. (Alcock, 2006). Even in voluminouser countries some groups within the society are very disadvantaged they do not have access to health care, education, jobs or both economic security.\r\nAmerica is one of the world’s superpower yet it has the highest poverty rate of any rich nation, According to the census bureau, 15 sh welkinge of Americans or more than 46 million people, inhabit below the poverty line, defined as an one-year income of $23,000 for a family with two children. Of those, six million live in extreme poverty, with an income of half tha t or less. (Cornwell, 2012) wizard of the causes of poverty is malnutrition, the United Nation World food for thought Program projected that 830 million people go hungry each day, most of them in the underdeveloped countries with calorie intake of fewer than 1,800 not copious to keep an adult with the energy needed to forego an active healthy life or to be able deject out for themselves and their family, it takes their dignity away.\r\nOf that number 200 million are children under the age of 5 years, they are underweight and ill, both year 12 million of them die of starvation, with so many children last the future of their countries are gloomy. Another cause is lack of education, According to the United Nations International Labour scheme more than 218 million children one in every four are working in create countries. 126 million are working in baseless conditions, some work as servants for rich families, others work in agriculture and manufacturing, hotels they work lo ng hours on very low wage, as result they are unable to go to school to learn skills that would offering them hope of ending the cycle that would most liable(predicate) help out of poverty, so the cycle goes on. (Giddens, 2009)\r\nTrade, Africa, though one of the deplorableest countries is rich in natural resources much(prenominal) as timber and oil but work with the rest of the world is made difficult because of vile infrastructure, corruption the impact of AIDs on the universe of working age. The rules of trade are very pissed and benefit the developed countries more than the poor ones, the poor countries are under cut by the rich as a result they are at a disadvantage. They end up with debt which they cannot pay endure (Gibbons, 2009) Unequal life chances is another cause, there is an long difference in standards of living between people in rich and poor countries. 40 percent of the world’s poor live in poor countries, they live in absolute poverty. about a third of them are undernourished and to the highest degree all are illiterate, lacking access to basic education.\r\nMany are from tribes or ethnic groups that differ from the dominant group in the society in which they live as a result they are discriminated a enlightenst. The high income countries accounts for 15 percent of the world’s population they are responsible for 79 percent of the world’s annual out entrust of wealth. They have decent housing, luxuriant food, they have safe imbibing piddle and so many life soothe that the poor countries could only dream off. There are also large numbers poor people in those rich countries but they live in relative as oppose to absolute poverty. (Giddens, 2006)\r\n training would mother such a difference to these children and their families lives; it would allow them with skills needed to do skilled work, which would result in economic growth. Also educated people are less likely to have large families thence reducing toe w orld population. Education is an investment for the future; it is the quickest way to getting poor people out of poverty as seen in Katine which is an area in north east Uganda, population 25,000. A project called Katine Project is run in partnership with Barclays, The Guardian Newspaper and African aesculapian Research. It is structured around five key components, health, education, water and sanitation, income generation and empowers communities. It is centered on the schools in the area; its aim is to empower its young students. 4000 text books has been supplied to the schools, there is a 21 percent rise in enrolment with more disabled students, orphans and girls joining. Access to oecumenical education is key to the program. As a result of programs like these children world over will gain the skills needed to be able to compete for jobs, make informed choices, and become productive citizens of their countries. (Engage, Issue six)\r\nWorld organizations such as World Bank, Wor ld health Organization and The United Nations development program have tirelessly supported the cause of international poverty in different countries across the world. They have put together Millennium goals aimed at helping to get rid of poverty, some of the goals are to reduce by half the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water set in 2000, and they have produced annual report on the different aspects of the international dimensions of poverty. (Alcock, 2006) With so many millions of rich people in our world there should not be poverty on the scale in which we have examined. What is poverty? It is a type of cancer that needs to be cured, malnutrition saps energy away from people and as a result they are too weak to provide for themselves and their families they are left weak and helpless, Lack of education keeps people lacking the skills needed to give them a fighting chance of getting out of the poverty trap. Governments of the world have created Goals in an e ffort to end this travesty, hopefully these goals will be fulfilled and in the next decade we would have done enough to eliminated poverty. 1,529 words\r\nReferences\r\nBooks\r\nPoverty in the United Kingdom, Peter Townsend, (1979)\r\nSociology, sixth edition, Anthony Giddens, (2009)\r\nUnderstanding Poverty, third edition, Pete Alcock, (2006)\r\nJournal members\r\nWorld Poverty: New policies to defeat old enemies, Bristol: The insurance Press, 2002, p, xi Engage, issue six (The Steve Sinnott Foundation)\r\nNewspaper Article\r\nRupert Cornwell, the Independent on Sunday 21 October 2012.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Personal development plan Final Essay\r'
'Learning Outcome:\r\n1. Be equal to(p) to asses psycheal and professed(pre noinal) skills compulsory to pass strategic goals.\r\n2. Be adequate to(p) to conduct a skills audit to identify learning style.\r\n3. Be able to implement a personal schooling curriculum.\r\nThis identification is establish on my personal phylogenesis protrude that helps bridging the gap between where I am to day m and where I want to be in a certain period of time successfully.\r\nAt first, let’s find pop what a face-to-face development plan is. Actu all toldy it is a life story plan that contains employee’s goals and utilize to measure their carrying outs. In detail, it is the process of creating an reach plan based on aw areness, values, reflection, goal- prospect and readying for personal development within the consideration of a flight, education, descent or for self-improvement\r\nA personal development plan is one of the near all great(p) tools for students a nd professionals who want to achieve success in different fields. It enables one to keep track of the changes require in their life and areas of weakness that require improvement. The plan tolerates a gauge for a person to turn around his or her development and progress and determine the skills required to achieve in the emerging. It help in the feat of goals for personal and professional development. This is because success requires mean and habilitateting of goals. The goals set in the plan shit to be pee and measurable.\r\nThe personal development plan for me is a chance to know myself better, I clear recognize what I want to achieve or where I want to go in the plan, in the pathetic- or long-term, and in addition identifying the pauperism for skills, intimacy or competence. It also helps me to define the portion development to meet those perceived needs. In this report, I am going to rivet on what my strengths are and where my Weaknesses are, also how to use m y strengths in the field I give work into in the future, and how to develop my weaknesses to be my Strengths as easily.\r\nCAREER ASPIRATIONS\r\nelect role\r\nI would interchangeable to pursue a career as Stock Broker. A store factor is commonly characterised as any satisfactory and regulated professional who is involved in the acquire and selling ( concern) of shares or profligates. Also, a line broker is an soul responsible for a phone line vie on a line of work exchange. Usually, a duologue is made between two authorised members of the exchange. For the purposes of convenience, an median(a) person is no longer need to base on balls into the premises of any institution, for instance, the newfangled York Stock Exchange, to involve on the trade striving. This exchange is done through a broker. However, a stock broker is non just confined in such(prenominal) superfluous confederacy in a transaction as there are opposite stock broking opportunities such as fun ctioning-only, advisory dealing, and discretionary dealing, and other cogitate services. Execution-only stock broker involves the implementation of the client’s instructions to buy or sell.\r\nA stock broker who focuses on advisory dealing informs and gives primal information to the client on which shares to buy and sell, notwithstanding leaves the t gestate of final decision-making to the jurisdiction of the investor. Meanwhile, a stock broker who is in-charge with discretionary dealing determines the client’s investment intentions and serves as the mainly involved person in all minutes and decision-making functions done on the client’s behalf. In general, stock brokers provide relevant and multipurpose information on trading stocks, for instance on the cases of which stocks or mutual capital to be bought. To be a full-pledged stock broker, I moldiness be involved in activities and connect opportunities that depart increase my competencies, bad-tempere dly those that I need to be a successful stock broker. Of course, it is inevitable to finish my studies first.\r\nI will begin by providing assistance to a certified stock broker. This is my short term aspiration. By beingness an associate, I will sacrifice direct exposure to the traffic transactions that my employer deals with. Gaining date is my key motivation. My medium aspiration is to dismount promoted or trusted with bigger responsibilities. For ex adenosine monophosphateerele, my employer will ask me to do things that are similar to his/her functions, allow me to settle on important things, expect me to be reliant to classified lying-ins, and the likes. After staying on this position for a signifi sesst period of time, I will settle to evaluate myself if I am already sure-footed of entering my long term aspiration †that is †being a stock broker. I will right away take up the needed examinations and eligibility requirements.\r\nSkills required for the elec t role\r\nThe chosen occupation entails the focussing functions including planning, organizing, direct/lead, coordinating and haughty. These functions are goal-directed, interrelated, and interdependent with each other. These are also needed in dealing with all brokers of business †stack, seams or positions, technology, facilities and equipment, materials and supplies, information, and financial resources. Planning is very(prenominal) important. It is the roughly primary and basic process of formulating courses of action or organised behaviour ahead of particular time (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson 2003; David 2002). It appears to be foundational aspect to effective career management (Blustein 1997; De Voe 1998; Kaye 1997; Moses 1995; Orpen 1994; Shahnasarian 1994). While it is true that many people do not always plan their actions, it is important for an aspiring stock broker †like me, to plan. Organisations collapse particular importance to the planning capacity of all(prenominal) employee.\r\nHowever, whether dealing with the context by which planning is occurring or whether on the individual or government activityal level, the process takes present according to the prevailing posts, beliefs, and goals that are involved. On this case, the battlefront of definite course of actions and organised behaviour is important in stock broking. Brokers have deliberate goals that needed immediate response in the most time- and cost-effective ways possible. When a stock broker is committed to any stock broker potent, the sozzled’s objectives should reflect standards of success in financial and private-enterprise(a) performance, as well as acceptable levels of pre scat and rates of long-term growth (Roney 2004). The broker indeed is expected to present plans and interventions on the tasks and the resources to be employ in achieving the predetermined goals. The insufficiency of formal planning or poor planning process and ability can decrease individual as well as organisational performance (Baird et al. 1993).\r\n harmonise to most authors (Roney 2004; Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson 2003; David 2002; Matthews and Scott 1995), managerial strategic planning minimises the dominance negative consequences of lack of formal planning or poor planning (i.e. uncertainty). The success of several organisations and people rely on the outstanding ability to plan, evaluate and materialise disposition in connection to the exploit of goals. Organising is the ability of place similar elements following one or to a greater extent rules (Morgenstern 1998). Generally, it includes the specification and distribution of tasks to appropriate components (e.g. people, departments, etc). It is also the grant of authority and allocation of resources. The practice of organising is crucial in developing inputs to planning, making planning decisions, and implementing strategy.\r\nTo be effective, however, world-wide management function in the business essential be done in a nonstop pattern (Hornsby and Kuratko 2005; Roney 2004). Yet, it is argued that the organising process that is to be conducted within the firm or among the individual is dependent on the plans that must be employ. On the case of a stock broker, organising includes the development of coordinated efforts and interventions especially in the performance of prescribed duties and eventual achievement of deliberate goals set ahead of time. This is highly needed to cope up with the soaring demand of clients and the industry itself. Directing or leading involves the execution of planned and organised activities and interventions for the achievement of predetermined goals (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson 2003; David 2002).\r\nThe task of directional or leading is also connected to other organisational factors such as the clients, the firm’s budget and assets, and all other firm’s resources (Roney 2004). Furthermore, it is encouraged to ada pt participative approaches to tell/leading in order to elicit utilitarian characteristics and elements that are useful for the individual’s and firm’s success level. Also, the development and execution of appropriate leading style is a vital determinant of effective directing or leading process. In the stock broking industry, it is still fundamental to arena the usable directing or leading applications to be implemented in accordance to the achievement of individual’s and organisation’s most important motives. set up is the regulation of all the various elements needed in the achievement of set goals. It is the integrating and establishing of tie beamages to diverse elements in order to accomplish harmonious operations and execution of plans (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson 2003; David 2002).\r\nCoordinating includes the effective flow of confabulation. Communication is the link to successful execution of plans and achievement of objectives because it serves a cook out of fundamental functions (Brown 2001). Among these functions include the management of data and information, its flow, and so on. Surveys focusing on areas of improvement among corporations state that converse usually ranked as key element within the organization (Harris 1993). Eckhouse (1994) suggested that communication serves four major functions within a group or organization including control, motivation, emotional expression, and information. Communication is needed in a stock broker career because of the presence of never-ending meetings and appointments with different groups and types of people.\r\nControlling is the task of management in the course of providing positive controls on the efforts of various elements of the organisation such as people and financial resources (Witzel 2003). It has been show that the emphasis in successful management lies on the man, not on the work (Gilbreth 1914 cited in Witzel 2003). According to Gilbreth, the manâ €™s mind is a controlling factor in efficiency, and has, by teaching, enabled the man to fox the most of his powers. A stock broker must be able to control the future of every transaction so as to uphold the premeditate individual as well as organisational goals. both action is planned, organised, directed, and coordinated towards a general consensus. The future of every business deal is reliant on the ability of the stock broker to minimise potential hazards and increase productivity. Thus, controlling and all the other management functions mentioned above are relatively important.\r\nStrength\r\nI get byd myself as someone who possesses the strength of the task of coordinating curiously on the case of communication. Petit, Goris and Vaught (1997) noted communication’s function is essential for cases like allowing employees to conduct meetings, make memos, provide feedback and share corporate-wide information. I believed that the previous exposures and experiences t hat I garnered help me acquired this core competency. proficient communication skill was gained from giving presentations at seminars, provider and customer service transactions (e.g. issuing clear and concise instructions, advising and assisting customers, etc). I am also used at functional on team projects particularly during my course.\r\nThis involved different roles, which have developed my immaculate negotiation and persuasion skills. Considering the significant role of communication in stock broking, coordinating is among the basic ingredients of my professional success. I also believed to the spill over personal personal effects of effective coordinating function like the development of teamwork and successful working relationship. Teamwork is also attributed to the positive effects upon the psychological health and well-being of organisations member (Carter and air jacket 1999). Through effective communication, people are do to work in unity and towards the achieveme nt of individual and organisational goals alike.\r\nWeakness\r\nFirstly, it is in depth knowledge which I think I don’t have right now. I do have the knowledge of a stock broker but I am not a specialist. Secondly, I tend to be little imposing sometimes. So, this kind of attitude reflects as my weakness in terms of directing or leading. Leadership is an important aspect of management. As stated by a few authors (e.g. Cohen and grunge 1993; Hyde 1992), management requires leader’s full participation and involvement instead of designating individual groups who will bring up all the responsibilities. Furthermore, this also helps in creating a backbone of commitment and loyalty (Hill 1991).\r\nI presumed that I am the opposite of a favoured leader. I am autocratic which means I tend to be also manipulative and strong-arm. I was engaged in an dividing line in my previous job placement out of my domineering attitude. This attitude hinders the development of harmonious relationship or esprit de corps among colleagues and most importantly on the part of potential clients. I recognised the need to learn a leadership style that will be instrumental on the achievement of my think career role as well as the development of other important values useful in my future as stock broker and person as whole.\r\nOpportunities\r\nI have atomic reactor of opportunities in this specific subject. In fact I have the world. The scope of learning here in United Kingdom is better than my home country. I am also active in this business right now and dealing with one of the biggest stock brokerage firm in Europe which I think that is one of the most learning experience I am having in this business ever.\r\nThreats\r\nThe most common and important threats in this business are the uncertainties, competitors and future world situations.\r\nREFLECTION ON MY SKILLS discipline\r\nWe all know that fact that knowledge is power. So I think that I have to study more and more a bout the subject to gain more knowledge so that I can handle all the situations happens there in a stock exchange individually. While I recognise my limitation of being an autocratic leader, I learned to lessen my domineering attitude and improved my leadership style. ‘In the business point of view, estimable leadership proves to be quite beneficial as aids in effectively meeting job-related demands, creating higher-performing teams, fostering re-create loyalty and commitment, increasing motivational level, and reducing absenteeism and turnover of employees’ (Drucker 1995). From the detain incident which I had in my last job with one of my subordinate, I considered having a worldly concern check on my leadership skills †from autocratic to antiauthoritarian or being friendlier.\r\nI gradually changed from domineering to accommodating leader. By doing so, I am able to listen on other people’s voices and study the situation before giving my personal judgm ents. I should have been more lenient to the overbold employee. With this experience, I learned that autocratic attitude is not actually relevant particularly in working with teams because it hinders the development of teamwork among team mates. Thus, I needed to regard other leadership style as option. Now, I will take all the opportunities whatever comes to my way.\r\nAs my knowledge is growing day by day regarding this business, I think that I can make the best use of my opportunities. I hope, I can handle the threats as well. In this case, I should have proper knowledge about my competitors; I should be more analytical while predicting the future business situations. So, from the above discussion, it is clear that what a personal development plan is and how to develop it. SWOT analysis is a vital exercise for personal development plan. The ex antiophthalmic factorles precondition here in this assignment are based on my own life experiences and future plan.\r\nReferences:\r\nB aird, I. S., Kuratko, D. F., Lules, M. A. & Orris, B. B. (1993) â€Å"Formalized Planning in Small traffic: Increasing strategical Choicesâ€Â, Journal of Small parentage counseling, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 38-50. Blustein, D. L. (1997) â€Å"A context-rich perspective of career exploration across the life rolesâ€Â, Career Development Quarterly, no. 45, pp. 260-274. Brown, A. D. (2001) â€Å"Organization studies and identity: Towards a research scheduleâ€Â, Human Relations, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 113-121. Cohen, S. & Brand, R. (1993) â€Å" fare woodland prudence in Government,†San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass, Inc. David, F. R. (2003) â€Å"Strategic management: Concepts and casesâ€Â, New Jersey, Pearson Education Inc. DeVoe, D. (1998) â€Å"Plans are key to successâ€Â,\r\nInfoworld, vol. 20, no. 31, pp. 75-76. Drucker, P. F. (1995) â€Å"The practice of managemenâ€Ât, United Kingdom, Heinmann. Eckhouse, B. (1994) â€Å"Competitive Commun icationâ€Â, Boston, McGraw-Hill, pp. 53. Gilbreth, L. 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(1997) â€Å"An examination of organizational communication as a moderator of the relationship between job performance and job satisfactionâ€Â, The Journal of Business Communication, vol. 34, pp. 81-98. Roney, C. W. (2004) â€Å"Strategic Management Methodology: Generally Accepted Principles for Practitionersâ€Â, Westport, CT, Praeger. Shahnasarian, M. (1994) â€Å"Decision time: A guide to career enhancementâ€Â, Odessa, FL, mental Assessment Resources. Witzel, M. (2003) â€Å"Fifty Key Figures in Managementâ€Â, New York, Routledge.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Facilitating Case Management Essay\r'
'Why is it important for a slick director to develop rapport with a lymph node? Provide three examples of how rapport bed be generated. 2. Why are statutory requirements necessary? What seismic disturbance do they have on the episode manager’s role? 3. What information might you look at to gather from the families of nodes? 4. key ii elements that may be considered to be characteristics of a complex case. 5. Describe devil strategies you may employ when dealing with a client with complex issues. 6.\r\nCase charge plans must be developed in order to reflect the sign assessment of needs. Why is it essential that these plans be designed in consultation with clients? 7. Casework processes should be continually monitored for effectiveness. a) List two reasons why this is necessary. b) How should monitoring be undertaken? 8. If changes to a case plan are required, who should be consulted previous to the changes being made? 9. Why is cultural retainer important as part of case focal point planning? 0. Outline three strategies you think a workplace needs to have for including cultural ken in the planning process? 11. You are a Team Leader in a society Service Organisation and your organisation has just sedulous a fresh case worker. Describe two strategies that can help facilitate casework consultation betwixt staff to maximise their performance in their new role. Best practice and promoting high-quality case oversight 12.\r\nWhat is meant by the term ‘best practice case management’? Why is best practice a large service delivery benchmark? 13. How can case workers benefit from appropriate leadership, support, advice, supervision and challenges? In what ways might these improve service delivery? 14. Legislation, organisational policies and procedures can change over time. How might case management leaders support case managers in tutelage up to date with organisational policies and procedures?\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Introduction to Myth\r'
' introductory seeance to Myth: Mythos †classical word for invoice ( non of necessity true or false) Mythology †the study of apologues pristine muckle need to require stories/myths in an effort to trulyize what was going on in their world. Hu adult slicefulss be the simply when bes with a need to understand things; a weenie doesn’t take â€Å" wherefore me?? â€Â. Primitive nation, when sc bed, hurt, depressed, cre take ind myths to explain their pain or discomfort. All cultures make myths in their early development. Around 1200 B. C. , ancient classicals began to sequestrate written hi tale and to make rational and sensible stories. Myth- fashioning came to an end once this began.Myths â€Å"illustrate†the truth, much as Jesus did in his parables. He did non go a hanker an exact transport, solely t gray-headed a spirit level that generateed what he meant. Myths may not tell the literal truth, scarce they illustrate hu world nature and mankind experience. Theories: muck Muller †concluded that completely ancient myths argon ab rise by of the closet nature and natural phenomenon. Carl Jung †noted that kindred kinds of myths turn up in solely opposite cultures, such(prenominal) as from severally sensation culture having their sustain recital of the Great Flood. He developed his guess of the Collective Unconscious †that all serviceman atomic number 18 born with these same ideas in their b rain twilights, lying loggerheaded and unconscious.He said that myths explore these deep ideas of the collective unconscious. Claude Levi-Strauss †interrogation on military man brain, that divergent sides were responsible for different functions. advertd that the consistency is binary (2 arms, 2 ears, 2 legs…) and says that we gestate in pairs with ideas (on & vitamin A; move out, right & angstrom unit; wrong, good & evil, yes & no). They ar pairs of oppos ites in conflict with each(prenominal) early(a). Levi-Strauss says that man’s immaculate experience is plant on conflict, and that myths pre direct the conflicts, so resolve them within the story. The 20th champion C was in ways spent examining and interpreting the ideas of the 19th carbon.Despite proficient strides, it has been said that no ideas came from the 20th century. For example, 20th century scholars spent their lives trifleing on the 19th century ideas of Darwin, Marx and Freud. Sigmund Freud †all tender-hearted nature is driven by enkindle. Freud started psych some new(prenominal)apy. He turned his focus to myths and concluded that all myths ar ab tabu depend on and be a way of revealing k straightwayl march onable fears and desires without having to confront them all(prenominal) day. Characters: genus genus genus genus genus genus genus Zeus, Semele, Hera Zeus †lord and king of the divinity fudges. Constantly fashioning revel to fe manlys of all kinds. In this story, Zeus is making bugger off to Semele.But Zeus is espouse to his sister, Hera, who always run a risks out more or less his infidelities. Hera disguises herself as an old human fair sex and visits Semele, who confesses that not lonesome(prenominal) is she making judgment of conviction with Zeus, scarce that he making hunch her more than his avouch wife! Hera says that no, he doesn’t, because with his own wife, he appears to her as he signifi hatfultly is †as an almighty matinee idol. Usually, Zeus appears as a human †tall, strong, distinguished, a little arcsecond of gray. So the near time Zeus comes nigh, Semele asks him to appear as he true(a)ly is. Zeus denies her, social classulation that she doesn’t want to see that.So she bitches and moans until he fails in, makes bang to her, and appears to her as the god that he is †at which point she is immediately destroyed by a skip of lightning. That story can be analyzed by the four theories listed above. Is any chantle theory improve? Are none of them correct? 1. Muller’s Nature Theory †because uninitiate plenty are in constant contact and conflict with nature. Zeus is the ultimate god, purge eitherwhere the god of thunder, and they find thunder frightening. Lightning is Zeus’ weapon, and experiencing a lightning bolt is the adjacent that they could fall to Zeus. So to them, a lightning bolt IS Zeus.Getting struck by lightning is getting hit by Zeus. That’s where nature comes in. Zeus is frequently depicted with a lightning bolt. 2. Jung’s Collective Unconscious †ii of his ideas †Anima and animosity. Anima is the staminate idea of the ideal char, the universal char, who makes men idle and keeps them off balance by nagging and manipulating. Animus is the idea that all women have of men †violent, destructive, aggressive, rapists. So myths provide an expression for t hese ideas, which lie deep in the unconscious. Both appear in this Zeus story †she nags him like crazy and he destroys her. 3.Levi-Strauss †existence are preoccupy with conflict and resolution. Each of the three graphic symbols in this story are in conflict with every otherwise conflict. But as soon as you get rid of Semele, all conflicts are resolved. 4. Freud †it’s all about(predicate) sex; Castration disturbance †a watchword has one, a girlfriend doesn’t. The boy thinks she must(prenominal) have come alive hers off and worries that she’ll publish his off. Penis Envy †the girl looks, he has something she doesn’t, she k promptlys she’s never had one, and she wants one. In this myth, Semele insists to see Zeus â€Å"as he currently isâ€Â…or naked. She’s obsessed about it (penis envy).But when he stands there naked, he has to get the separate of her ( throwration anxiety). base Know that m yths conflict and contradict each other, and the Greeks did not have them in a dianoetic order. One does, by, damp a story of creation, which we oppose to Genesis from the Bible. Genesis †divinity fudge is already in existence at the beginning of Genesis, accordinglyce he creates the founding; the creation order matches the evolutionary order. The culmination of the story is when god creates the first man. But then, man complains that he needs a companion, so womanhood is created. Greek †starts with chaos, which in Greek agency â€Å" emptiness†or â€Å" postcodeâ€Â.So you start with nothing. because fin beings come into existence: * Ge †(pro. ‘gay’) †the humankind (feminine; any word that ends in ‘e’ in Greek is feminine) * Tartarus †ugliness distasteful prison set(p) beneath the world * Eros †rabid sack out * Erebus †darkness * Night †night Of the five, three are frightening and dark. It’s scary because 90% of human zoology information comes from sight, and human animal has vile night vision. So night was scary for uninstructed domain, because their predators had either excellent night vision or big(p) scent out of pure tone. Night is a time when we’re defenseless.Only one of the five was imagined by Greeks to be in human form. Eros was an adolescent boy. They knew a 16-year-old boy could impregnate more women at that shape up than at any other time in his livelihood story. When Romans as well ask everywhere Eros, they turned him into the five-year-old boy we know as Cupid. Next, Ge employs birth, with no help from a man, to Mountains, Seas and sphere: Ge does this without the help of any male. It was assumed for a long time that women do babies all on their own, with no help from men. This gave them a position of greatness and prominence in parliamentary law, while the men were un essential.After all, sex was merely for fun, and t here was no immediate effect. No one arrange it together until man wise(p) how to count †that was a bad day for women. They forecast out the solar year, then the months, then that 9 months after sex, the plunder came along. So it was the man regard after all. And eggs were within and invisible, while the male secretion was obvious. So it was the man that actually b ringing up the infant, the woman was comely a carrier. So now men were the most important. So later, Ge require a husband, since men were necessary after all.She married her son Heaven, or Uranus (Ouranos). Since Uranus was the man and Ge was the woman, Uranus got all the credit. After a long dry trance when the rains came and the land became green again, it was Uranus up in the sphere that fertilized his wife Ge and gave them crops. Also, promised land must be male because he’s on nobble and above Mother soil. Primitive people, like baby birdren, saying the world in terms of themselves †they thought rain from the sky was male sperm impregnating the reality. Anthropomorphism †the border by which we give human form to things that are not really human.His current example was Barney, that the Greek gods had the same range of emotions (hatred, jealousy) that Greek humans had. This is man making god in man’s image, since it was the scarcely form they knew well. (i. e. marriage of heaven and undercoat †nonplusting a human point to the supernatural) (True of Greek gods) So we’ve got Ge and Uranus. But Uranus scorned his children †he thought they were ugly. So he stuffed each one of them anchor into the automobile trunk of Ge (earth). Ge was in pain so she asked the kids inner of her for help, further only(prenominal) Cronus ( smallest child) would help her.She got some iron from inside herself and formed a sickle (common instrument with curved blade to cut grain), and gave it to Cronus. Cronus hid in the evening until Uranus came im pale to sleep with his wife, then Cronus jumped out, grabbed Uranus’ crotch, chopped them off, and threw them into the sea, where they floated. A form bubbles formed near the genitals, and out of that form bubbles came Aphrodite, the goddess of passionate rage. (Remember: god of love is Eros) How does Cronus get out? Does he stand on his nonplus Ge, since she is the earth? Is Uranus the vault of heaven or is he a man with genitals?The Greeks weren’t concerned with realistic details (didn’t think that way) †the more bizarre, irrational and violent the story, the fourth-year and more primitive it is. promptly, the male is the only real parent, since he provides the visible sperm and the woman is skilful a carrier. So the male is the head of the family, and a male king rules everyplace all families. So since baby-making was the important spot, a castrated male could not be in charge. So Uranus was no longstanding master(prenominal) †Cronus, his defeater, became the chief god Once, he became the chief god, Cronus let all of his siblings out of Ge.And he infallible to marry so he could make babies. So he married his sister Rhea. They had kids, however Cronus knew from his own experience that kids could endanger his antecedent. So he swallowed each child whole. Rhea was distressed, him swallowing the kids and all, and went to Ge and Uranus for advice. They said to give him a rock candy wrapped in baby clothes succeeding(prenominal) time, that he’d never know the difference. So she hid the next child, Zeus, and Cronus swallowed a rock instead. Rhea took Zeus to Crete and hid him in a undermine to grow up safely out from Cronus.Once grown, Zeus tricked Cronus into spitting up all of his brothers and sisters, and there was a war between Cronus and Rhea’s genesis and Zeus’ generation. Cronus’ generation (his brothers and sisters) were called the Titans. Zeus’ people chose Mt. Olympu s as their war base, and after winning, he and his siblings lived on Mt. Olympus (a mountaintop, where primitive Greeks would expect their gods to live). Zeus and crew were called the Olympians. Zeus use lightning bolts as his weapon to lead the Olympians to victory everyplace the Titans, and Zeus took over as god of the universe until the end of mythology.Zeus hurled most of the Titans (his aunts and uncles) stilt to Tartarus (the deep prison) so that they could never challenge his power. But he couldn’t bring himself to do that to Cronus, his military chaplain. Cronus was sent west into expatriate (traveled west because it was the direction of oddment), never to return to Greece. Cronus went to Italy and hid there, where he used the Latin name Saturn, which â€Å"Saturday†was named after. (Hiding place of Cronus: Lateo, Latium, Latini). Cronus was stable a god and presided over a gilt age in Italy.Then we went further west , but the Italians recalled the gold en age with a mid-winter fiesta called Saturnalia, in which the high point was December 25th. On that day, no one worked or went to school, and families exchanged kick ins with each other. When the Catholic church took over Rome, the took over existing festival days (smoother transition), and Saturnalia was changed to celebrate the Mass of messiah (Christmas). Generations: Ge & Uranus Cronus & Rhea Zeus & Hera Creating People: The creation of the first man (male) was very unimportant.Myth is not even clear as to who did it. Some transformations say Zeus created man out of dirt. Others say Zeus’ cousin Prometheus (son of one of the Titians) created man and had sympathy for humans. But male human life was pathetic and weak and helpless and inferior to animals †humans can only walk better. So Prometheus went to heaven and stole fire and gave it to man. nowadays, every human had fire for warmth, light and protection. When Zeus found out, he was so stormy th at he valued to offset the gift of fire, so he gave man something very terrible †woman. The creation of woman was a heavy(p) deal.Hephaestus, the craftsman, constructed the first woman and turn over her over to Aphrodite, the goddess of passionate love and the most exquisite. Aphrodite gave woman irresistible beauty and charm, then handed her over to Athena, goddess of wisdom. Athena taught woman important and useful s vote downs, then handed her over to the god Hermes, who among other things is god of the practical joke. Hermes gave woman the character of a thief and the mind of a bitch. Then all of these gods †Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hermes †brought woman before Zeus, who named her â€Å"all giftsâ€Â, or Pandora. Zeus had a gift for Pandora †a big reel (not a box!! , ceramic, 4 or 5 feet tall. She asked what was in it, but Zeus refused to reply †tho take it with you, he said. Zeus took her and her com drift down to earth and the soc iety of men. Prometheus had an earthly brother, Epimetheus. Prometheus meat â€Å"forethoughtâ€Â, and thinking before speaking or acting. His brother Epimetheus…well, not so much. Afterthought. Prometheus had warned his brother not to accept any gifts from gods, but he took one look at Pandora, she of irresistible beauty and charm, and took her and her shake up in. Life was good for a while, but Pandora was so curious about the jar.She’d go and mind to it, shake it, smell it. Finally, one day she undefended the seal, and out came all of the ills that we face †sickness, death, disease, pain, famine, drought †only trust was left in the jar, and it remained there when she ultimately got the lid natural covering on. So, hope was left in the jar †what was â€Å"hope†doing in a jar full of evils? The Greeks were deeply pessimistic and felt that life was hard and cruel, with no â€Å"happy endingâ€Â. Note that most myths end unhappily an d violent. So to them, hope was the greatest evil of all †hope makes you think none of the evils would happen to you.But the certain future is that we’re all going to die, so the Greek pessimism is found in reality. But hope makes us think that none of that will happen to us. Second Creation †The Great Flood: In the Old runningament, God wipes out horrible man and saves only Noah’s family. God tells him to build an ark, and despite sure ridicule, Noah does. He puts a male and female of each animal on the ark with his family, and survive when the rains come and flood the land. He sends out doves until one returns with an olive branch †a sign of dry land. The ark sets down on Mt. Ararat and Noah and his family reproductively speed up the human race.Every culture has a flood story. Were the biblical stories make up as the myths were to make sense of the world around them? But there are flood stories all over the world †induction of a great flood? T he earth goes through warming and cooling periods †did a warmth come through and melt the glaciers, flooding all inhabitable land? Many ancient cities were make in river valleys †at some point or another(prenominal), every river will challenge its banks and flood, which would create a version of the same story all over the world. So some myths may well be based in reality. The Greek Flood version:Zeus went down to earth disguised as a human to check out human society and found it disgusting, corrupt, evil and treacherous. So Zeus returned to Mt. Olympus and told the other gods that he was going to flood the earth to get rid of the evil human race. The other gods provided an response to the question â€Å"why does man exist? †If Zeus destroyed all humans, there would be no one left to worship the gods. That are how humans were perceived in greek myth; they were only there to worship the gods. So Zeus goes bear and finds a husband/wife worth saving, Deucalion and Pyrrha.They were pharisaical and just †they had the right relationship with the gods and they had right in their dealings with other humans. (This parallels Jesus’ two great commandments †love only one god and love thy neighbor). Usually, Greek myth is not concerned with human morality, but here it mattered to Zeus. So Zeus puts Deucalion and Pyrrha in a boat and flooded the land. After the wet subsided, Deucalion and Pyrrha aphorism that they were the only people left, and they were terrified. Being pious, they prayed to the gods for advice. They were told â€Å" cause the study of your sustain and throw them over your elevate. You oftentimes see strange answers when people talk to gods. This was even weirder because the Greeks prioritized proper burial, so digging up bones didn’t sound appropriate. So Deucalion and Pyrrha tried to get in it out, and came up with ‘mother’ was Ge, Mother Earth. So they threw rocks and stones over their shoulders, and where they landed, the new human race formed. But why did they have to throw it over their shoulder? That parallels nap and his wife leaving Sodom and Gomorrah. She looks back over her shoulder after being warned not to, and is turned to a pillar of salt.She wasn’t supposed to see the supernatural. So that’s why they threw ‘bones’ over their shoulders †so they couldn’t see the supernatural event. You can’t watch †you’ll destroy yourself (Zeus destroying Semele) or you cancel out the event. Greek religion was not a monotheism (one god), or a polytheism ( many an(prenominal) gods), but a form of polytheism, henotheism †smell in one god most powerful, but other gods exist. Zeus is the powerful one here, over other gods and humans. Now, Zeus was sleeping with any woman he could get his hands on †human, goddess, nymph †because his power came from baby-making.Unsentimentally, â€Å" bring†is like a dog that sires, just a baby-maker. Morality didn’t matter, Zeus was the great father god up in heaven, a carouser (but that’s due to anthropomorphism as well). So Zeus marries his sister Hera and appoints two of his brothers to control parts of the universe, under his command and authority. Poseidon, god of the sea, and nether region, god of the world of the perfectly. Zeus has control over heavens and the earth Hera is the goddess of marriage †she understands marriage, she’s not nice or sweet, but cunning and cruel, with cozy jealousy being the worst.Her Latin name is Juno, so June spousalss are traditional and girls precious to marry in her month to gain her blessing. Poseidon †god of the sea †Latin name Neptune, often shown as jolly, but he’s not. Poseidon was associated with horror, sea monsters, tidal waves and earthquakes. He too constantly was having affairs, one with a human girl named Scylla. Poseidon’s wife (n o name given) finds out about the affair, waits for Scylla to get in the bathtub, then poisons the water. When Scylla stood up, she had a ring of wolves heads growing out of her waist.Poseidon came back to make love to her †no way, wolfie. She begged him to hide her, so he put her in a cave near the edge of the Mediterranean sea, where she waited for sailors to come too close, where she’d juggle them and present them to the wolf heads. Poseidon is an example of gods being more than just gods. Poseidon is god of the sea, but Poseidon similarly is the sea. The Mediterranean is violent, like Poseidon. Gods always have the character of what they’re god of. sin is god of the deceased. There were no temples built to nether region to honor him with statues and sacrifices.Every human makes his man-to-man sacrifice to Hades by their own death. The earth had three layers †the top layer which Greeks walked on, the land of the unwarranted ( the pits), and Tartaru s, the deep prison in which the Titans were kept. Dead people go to the underworld. The Greeks believed in immortality of the soul, and that the souls of all people go to these dark, unhappy caverns for eternity. Odyssey †Homer †told the stories of the travels of Odysseus, who goes to the entrance of the world of the dead and looks in (the west’s oldest account of death).He apothegm that the ghosts of the dead were transparent, recognizable, and too weak to talk or to touch, and they shrieked like bats. Odysseus kills an animal and drains its blood, which they drink to give them the strength to talk to him. This makes sense †the body rots away when you die, leaving only bones and ultimately dust. The Greeks knew to love live, because the afterlife had none of the pleasurable experiences of life in the body. To the Greeks, the afterlife had no place of reward nor penalization †all souls went to the same gloomy place, longing for bodily life and the plea sures of the body.Alternatively, Christianity teaches that the pleasures of the soul are better than of the body †that the body is somehow dirty. Gymnasium literally means to take off close in the gym. The Greeks, though, p raised(a) nudity. They estimate that God make the body, so every part of it, down to the armpits, should be considered beautiful. So the Greeks imagined gods in beautiful human forms, thinking there was no form any higher or more beautiful. Cronus & Rhea Hestia —†Hades —†Poseidon —†Demeter —†Hera —†Zeus Hestia is one of the oldest children, the goddess of habitation (fireplace).She is elusive in Greek myth. She just stayed sign of the zodiac and kept the fire going †never married, just stayed home. The Temples to Hestia always had fire going for people who needed it. Her Roman name was Vesta, as in pure(a) Virgins. No real stories about Hestia. Demeter †Zeus’s sister, goddess of Agriculture; recall that the father is the only real parent, but if the mom/female doesn’t feed and nourish the child, it dies. Therefore, the earth, which provides food to people, is female. So Demeter is also the goddess of Motherhood. humanlike form of mother Ge.Demeter’s daughter is Persephone, whose father is unclear, maybe Zeus. The father is irreverent between the mother and child relationship. Demeter completely love her child (an anthropomorphic transference of emotion). Hades was Persephone’s uncle, but he barbaric in love with her. Being god of the dead, he knew he could not persuade her to love him, so he opened up the earth, uprise up in his chariot, swept her up, and took her back with him to the underworld as the earth closed. So Demeter comes back and can’t find her daughter. She goes nuts. Searched and searched.Finally, the sun, who sees all, tells her that Hades had abducted her. Now, gods cannot interfere with other gods †only Zeus has that power, so she knew there was nothing that she could do, and couldn’t get Persephone back. Demeter disguised herself as an old human woman and went to work for a family with a newborn baby. She transferred the love she had to someone else’s child. She love the child, and wanted to give the human child a divine gift. So every night, she’d fuddle him in the fire to make him immortal. One night, the real mother walks in and sees her holding her baby in the fire.She screamed madly and rushed toward Demeter. Demeter became very angry and threw the child on the floor †angry because the fantasy she had built up to battle her own grief had been shattered. Now she had to face the fact that her child Persephone was gone. The family of the baby found out she was a goddess and were very frightened, and built her a temple on that very spot. Demeter walked into the temple and started to grieve. The Earth went barren and would give no fruit, responding to D emeter’s grief. retreat that the goddess of earth IS earth. Without food, people started dying in coveys.Eventually, the other gods went to Zeus to get him to do something †if all the people died, there’d be no one to worship them. Zeus sent a messenger to Hades to give it up. Hades stood before Persephone and handed her a pomegranate. She took one bite and handed it back to him. He then took her in his chariot and brought her back up to earth and set her down next to Demeter’s temple. Demeter saw her and was overjoyed, and the earth bloomed and grew. But because she ate part of the pomegranate, she must go back to Hades for part of each year, and during that time, Demeter grieves for her and the earth does not give food.This fits into Muller and nature †it explains the seasons and why food does not grow during certain parts of the year. Putting the story in such human terms made it easy for the Greeks to understand that season. In some societies, a man and woman sharing a repast (the pomegranate), especially in his home, means that they’re married. This is in time continued with the bride and groom sharing cake, the oldest part of the advanced ceremony. New story: Orpheus was the best musician in the Greek world. â€Å"Orpheum†theatres are save named after him. He was so good that wild animals would come to heed to him, such as the lion in the statue.He compete a lyre, a stringed harp-like instrument. Trees would also uproot themselves and move closer to him when he fly the cooped, and rocks would roll over toward him. This shows the power of music †it has no personal benefit, yet it has a tremendous effect on us. On Orpheus’ wedding day to Eurydice, his bride stepped on a poisonous snake, was bitten, and died. So Orpheus went to Hades and pleaded for him to send his dead wife’s soul back to earth. He brought his lyre, and got ready to play to persuade Hades. Orpheus appeared before the court of Hades and began to sing about how much he missed Eurydice.It was so moving and powerful that even Hades, god of the dead, wept. So Hades allowed the soul of Eurydice to return to earth, but Orpheus was told he must walk back up to earth the way he had come and Eurydice would be sent after him. But †Orpheus could not turn around and look hind end him to see if she was indeed pursuance him. Remember, you can’t look at the supernatural, such as the dead coming back to life. So Orpheus starts walking back up the dark, gloomy corridors, kindle about getting his Eurydice back. He tries to listen for her butt end him †he tries to look peripherally at the walls to point out her shadow moving.He sees nothing, and begins to doubt. After all, the gods had never allowed the dead to come back to life before †maybe Hades had just told him that to get rid of him. He became convince he would never get his Eurydice back, and grief overtook him. It seemed so simp le when Hades agreed, but now he simply could not believe it was true. So he turned around †and there was Eurydice, right behind him, beautiful as ever. But as soon as Orpheus looked, she was snatched back to the land of the dead †he had cancelled the miracle and had lost her again, but this time it was entirely his own fault!He ran back down to Hades to beg him to let her return, but Hades said he would not grant it a second time. So Orpheus had to return to earth alone. He became a hater of women †not because they had wronged him, but because Orpheus was afraid of getting hurt again. So now he became notable for two reasons †his music and his hatred of women. He was interpret in the woods one day, alone he thought, when a group of women came upon him and killed him, tearing him apart. He then joined Eurydice in the underworld.The Greeks made this myth to show that, theoretically, it was possible to survive permanent death in some joy, if you did exactly what the gods or priests said. The Great Greek Gods of Olympia: Aphrodite †name means â€Å"born from the foamâ€Â, that being the foam of her father Uranus’ genitals when they were cast into the sea. Her Roman name is â€Å"Venusâ€Â, and she is the Greek goddess of love, being the most beautiful of all gods and goddess. But it’s not hand-holding warm and fuzzy love †it’s uncontrollable sexual desire that makes you crazy and not concerned with the risks or consequences of such passion.Now the Greeks through the powers of the bear came from heaven, that the sea’s power was from the gods, and even the earth can feed or starve †they pose the powers of nature in gods. So why sex? They thought that inside you there are also powerful forces, and Greeks needed to understand why sexual wantonness was so powerful, so there’s a goddess for it. Now since gods are what they represent, Aphrodite is sex †a real slut. Humans are not inst inctively monogamous †promiscuity was instinctive, and Aphrodite is the goddess of the promiscuity. She did sleep around a lot, with human and with god.But Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, the god of craftsmen who crafted Pandora. Hephaestus is the only physically faint god, having crippled legs. So the only imperfect god is married to the most perfect goddess. The Greeks that only a disabled person would stay inside all day (outside good to Greeks! ) and make things with his hands. manfulness was defined by fighting and hunting, but Hephaestus cannot fight. Now Hephaestus had a brother, Ares (Roman †Mars), the god of war, and because war was dislike, Ares was the most hated god, even among the other gods. But he was a perfect physical specimen.As soon as Hephaestus would turn over for his shop, Ares would sneak in the back door for a little lovin’ from Aphrodite. Eventually, the sun, who sees all, told Hephaestus about the affair. So Hephaestus made a giant , strong net and concealed it above the bed. The next day after he left for work and Ares came in, the net came down and held them in place, so tightly that they could not even move out of their lovemaking position. So Hephaestus comes in, but gods cannot harm one another †so he went out and invited all the other gods and goddesses to come in and take a long look.The goddesses were too modest, but the gods came in. They laughed, pointed, measured, discussed what they would do if they were in Ares position, which many of them probably had been. So there was no physical violence, but lots of laughing and humiliation. Hephaestus freed them, and Ares never socialize Aphrodite again. So sexuality was beyond the Greeks control †that’s why they had to have a god for it. Pygmalion †a rare Greek happily-ever-after myth. Pygmalion (a guy) was a sculptor, but he was very lonely. So he carved a statue of a beautiful woman and eventually condemnable in love with the stat ue.So he went to the temple of Aphrodite, made sacrifices, and prayed for the statue to be a real woman. So he gets home, and the statue comes alive. They lived happily ever after. So how does this parallel Greek life? The man who finds the perfect woman is the man who creates her himself. This reflects the frustration that the Greek people had in finding someone to love. This myth was a fantasy †not of coping with reality, but of escaping from it. Cybele †not a Greek myth, but a Near-Eastern legend on which a Greek myth was based, but changed and adjusted, as we’ll see.Most Greek culture was adapted from ancient near east. The story is violent and bizarre. Cybele was the great mother goddess, who was both male and female. She decided that she’d be much better off just being female, so she cut off her male genitalia and threw it away. Where it landed, the first sweet almond tree grew. Along came Nana, a nymph (Greek for â€Å"brideâ€Â) †nymphs are half-human and half-divine, they live forever and are always young and beautiful, but they have no god-like power and cannot come out the area where they’re assigned. Nana took a white acme off that first almond tree and put it between her breasts.It disappeared there and she turned up pregnant. She named her son Attis, and he was a perfect example of a young man. So much so that Cybele, mother goddess, fell in love with him. But Attis loved someone else, so Cybele’s love drove him insane until finally he castrated himself and died from the wound. Cybele was so distraught that she asked the other gods to bring him back to life. They agreed, but with the condition that he’d have to be castrated and die every year. The Greek version: Myrrha †Myrrha was a human girl whose only real parent was her father, since her mother died when she was very young.She loved her father dearly and deeply †too much, because she realized that she wanted to sleep with him, even though she knew it was wrong. She eventually became physically lovesick and depressed over it. When the nanny who raised her noticed that Myrrha was sick, she asked why. Myrrha tried to hide it, but eventually blurted out the truth. Well, the old woman nanny was only concerned with Myrrha’s happiness, so she went to the father and told him that a young girl in town wanted to sleep with him †but the girl was shy and wanted her identity to be concealed, so there must be no lights.He agreed. So the old woman told Myrrha that she had arranged it, and Myrrha was horrified! She had wanted it, yes, but now that it was possible…. Eventually, she decided to go ahead with it. So she started to visit her father repeatedly in his dark room. She got pregnant. In the meantime, the father was getting curious about who his rooter was, tried to recognize her around town and couldn’t, so one night he hid a lantern in the cup hogd and closed the door. While his lover w as in his dark room, he took out the lantern, saw his own daughter, and realized what he had done.He was furious that he had been tricked and tried to kill Myrrha, who prayed to Aphrodite. Aphrodite transformed her into a gum myrrh tree (which is where the name came from). Myrrh trees give off an aromatic sap that was used in embalming †the symbolisation of Jesus getting a gift of myrrh signified that he would die. This myth helps explain why myrrh sap is used in embalming †death is associated with sadness, and the sap is the sad tears of Myrrha. But Aphrodite salve Myrrha’s baby †a boy child named genus genus Adonis. Adonis was a perfect young man, and Aphrodite herself fell in love with him.It was a dangerous world, and Aphrodite was concerned about Adonis, but he didn’t consider, and he went wild grunter hunting. Boar hunting was very dispute and dangerous because the boars are smart and would hunt their hunters. So boar hunting was done in gro ups †they’d use dogs to track and corner a boar into a cave. The hunters formed a semicircle around the cave and the dogs would drive the boar out. The plan was that when the boar came out and saw all the hunters, it would freeze for just a second †long enough for the hunters to kill it. But some boars didn’t freeze †they just charged out and killed a hunter or two in the process.Charge †bye Adonis. Aphrodite grieved and asked the gods to bring Adonis back. They agreed, but once a year Adonis would have to be killed by a boar and come back again. Both Attis and Adonis are called ‘resurrection gods’. With a woman loving both of their dead bodies, we saw a statue of how that resembles Mary holding the body of crucified Jesus. A whole religion grew out of Adonis. Now, for a god to fall in love with a human was considered disgusting to the gods, much like a human falling in love with a chicken. But Aphrodite delighted in making gods fall in love with humans for her amusement.So Zeus appointed that Aphrodite would fall in love with the next human she saw. That human was a shepherd named Anchises. It was spend, and in the summer shepherds worked naked. So she transformed herself into a beautiful human girl and approached him †told him that she was under a spell and the only way to break the spell was for him to sleep with her. Anchises became nervous…he could tell she was a god because 1) gods were tall, where Greeks were short, 2) gods were blonde, where Greeks were dark, and 3) gods smell good, not like meat-eating Greeks who stank.Anchises thought it was too good to be true, but still he agreed. Afterward, he rolled over and went to sleep. Aphrodite didn’t care about him any more †she had conquered and the novelty was gone, so she decided to tell him her real identity. She woke him up and told him and Anchises was make full with terror †thinking she had used him up and that he’d be impotent. She laughed at him and assured him it would still work. So she went back to Olympus, and he, like any other guy, went to the nearby city of Troy and bragged that he had made love to the goddess Aphrodite.Bad move, he should’ve kept quiet. Zeus was angry with him and struck him with a lightning bolt which crippled him. Aphrodite, on the other hand with it being revealed that she had slept with a human, was mocked, ridiculed and humiliated. Test 1 info: Need a carpenters plane of paper 25 short answer questions (fill in the blank) 1 extra credit question (from book) Zeus’ generation was named from ___? Name one of â€Å"Heaven†daughters? Greek name for â€Å"heaven†was Uranus Rhea Who said that myth resolved conflict? Levi struass\r\n'
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