Monday, September 30, 2019
Educational management and lifelong learning Essay
The models of theory which have been introduced into the educational sector are many, and while they have distinct names and functions, several have the tendency of overlapping with others. Six major models are presented here, in the orders of formal, collegial, political, subjective, ambiguity and cultural (Bush, 2003). These models complex constructs that are characterized and grouped into these clusters based on their relationships to different factors within the institution in which they are identified. Classification of these models is based on their agreement in such areas as the goals of the organization, their relationship to the dynamic of structure, as well as their orientation regarding an institution’s interaction with its environment (2003). Adult or lifelong learners are proliferating within today’s educational system and the posture of an institution’s management has the capacity to influence the experience of these types of students. Lifelong learners have needs and concerns that diverge from that of traditional students and the ability of teachers, administrators and principals (or deans) to cater to these non-traditional needs depends not only on their willingness to do so, but also on the type of managerial model that is present within the educational institution. The following paper discusses the principles of each of these managerial theories of education and relates each to the experience of the lifelong learner. Formal Models The formal models of theories of educational leadership and management emphasize the elements of educational institutions that might be considered official or structural (Bush, 2003). These models are based on the hierarchical envisioning of organizations and on the idea that the objectives pursued and achieved by managers are done using rational means. The form or structure of the organizations endows the organizational or departmental heads with their authority based on the positions to which they have been assigned. The formal model comprises five basic models, all of which to some degree contain the following seven features. The first feature is the tendency toward a systemic view of organizations, with each element of the system possessing an identifiable and demonstrable link with the other. Within an educational organization, this is represented by the different departments and elements (professors, secretaries, teachers and students) that make up these departments. The prominence of a given structure within the organization is another feature that defines such formal models. The flow of this structure is usually identifiable through organized patterns, and the usual pattern within educational organizationsâ€â€that of hierarchyâ€â€defines the third feature. This hierarchy of the different departments as well as the order of authority possessed by the members within each defines this structure. Teachers are, for example, subordinate to heads of department, who are in turn subordinate to principals, and so forth (Bush, 2003). The formal models also render schools as organizations that seek out goals, and these official objectives are usually adopted by those who subscribe to the organization (Beare, Caldwell, & Millikan, 1989). The rationality of the processes that define managerial decisions within schools is also a feature adopted by the models within the locus of formal theories. Such decisions often involve the consideration of all alternatives before selecting the most feasible and profitable. Within these formal models, the authority granted to leaders and managers is considered to derive from the positions they hold. Therefore, their authority is only tenable as long as they remain within their position. Finally, formal models emphasize the role of the body that sponsors the organization (sponsoring body). This necessitates that the educational institution be accountable to this sponsoring body, which usually takes the form of governments. Formal Models and the Lifelong Learner Within the arena of lifelong learning, the normative and prescriptive nature of these theories possesses strengths and weaknesses. While the systemic and hierarchical nature of the models allow for adult learners to understand and follow the chain of command, the fact that students are often placed at the bottom of this chain proves problematic for the adult learner. A more collaborative and egalitarian setting would be more appropriate for an adult learner, as he or she is likely to possess authority in other areas of life and would be uncomfortable merely being submissive within this educational setting. Furthermore, since adult learners are more apt to take responsibility for their learning, their inclusion in the decision-making processes would be curtailed in a very rigidly structured model of education. The problems identified with the formal model address some of the issues that involve lifelong learners (Bush, 2003). The power distribution and structure denies the important role of the individual in making and influencing decisions. Adult learners are often consulted about programs that they are interested in pursuing, and often chart their own paths in the achievement of goals. Therefore, the goal-oriented nature of the formal model, while technically substantiated where lifelong learners are concerned, gives little acknowledgement to the relative autonomy of this type of student in formulating and achieving these goals. Much of the lifelong learning and continuing studies which takes place within this age does so via the internet. Within such an educational environment, the systemic and hierarchical nature of educational management is vastly altered. Classes are no longer taught by teachers in a teacher-student hierarchy. Rather, students involved in teaching themselves via materials merely uploaded by â€Å"teachers†or professors. Therefore, the idea that the power available within this organization resides at the top of the pyramid again is faulted. Also, the structure of the organization does appear to change into a more egalitarian one in order to accommodate the more responsible adult learner.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Psychology and Pets Essay
When you are tired of stress from work, pets can encourage you to go out for a walk to release stress or play with you in the garden. Pets bring you some moments of relaxation and mind refreshment, which makes you never feel lonely even when you live with no one. It is obvious that pets can create new attitudes towards life for people, particularly for the disabled and withdrawn who are always not confident in communicating or taking part in social activities. By keeping pets, they may become more sociable, open and approachable because they can interact, â€Å"communicate†and play with their pets. Due to the advantages it offers, keeping pets becomes a popular, especially in Eastern countries, for the older generation, who often live far from their children. In these situations, pets are truly their close friends, helping them remove the feeling of emptiness and loneliness. The companionship of pets may meet some basic human needs, which is not easily explained in theory but is believed by most people. Pets guard houses and save people’s lives. In many cases, people choose to keep dogs for their home security. The houses will become safer because strangers might be scared that they will be attacked by the animals inside. When you are out and you leave your house empty, you do not have to worry that burglars may break into the house and take away valuable assets even when you return home at mid night. If there is any intruder or strange persons around your house, dogs will bark loudly, making a noise to frighten the stranger and give you a warning. Pets can protect not only the assets but also save people’s lives. Dogs and sometimes cats can attack the burglars to protect the owners in case they are harmed. Many owners can stay alive due to the protection from the dogs they keep in their houses. Pets enhance nice behavior among children Researchers showed that children who usually play with pets can behave nicely and become more caring. Playing with pets and learning how to treat them with love may help uncommunicative children be agile and affable, which is important for their growth in the distant future. Kids sometimes find no interest in getting outside, but they may alter their decisions immediately if they see that they can take a cat or a dog along. Teenagers, whose parents are too busy to spend time with them, sometimes have to face with bland lives and loneliness. In these scenarios, they consider pets to be their alter ego who they can play and talk with, which can solve some kind of emotional problems that children are vulnerable to get. It is believed that teaching kids to treat kittens and puppies with care and kindness is of great importance for forming their behaviors and characteristics. To sum up, keeping pets is not merely a habit but is one way of relaxation and amusement. Moreover, keeping pets does not only guard your house but also fulfills some basic mental human needs.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Medication errors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Medication errors - Essay Example inistration requiring higher skills like the intravenous route, but occur even when medications are administered through the simpler non-intravenous route (Ghaleb et al, 2006). Tang, Sheu, Yu, Wei, and Chen, 2007, report that among physicians, pharmacists and nurses, who make up the chain of healthcare professionals involved in the use of drugs for therapeutic reasons, the contribution of nursing professionals to medication errors is high, even though they are only involved in the administration of the drugs. They fall back on a multidisciplinary committee analysis of 441 medication errors in a hospital in the United Kingdom. The report of the committee showed that nurses were responsible for twenty-two percent of these errors and that twenty-five percent of these errors were medication errors. The authors provide additional information on the background of the nursing professionals involved in medication errors. More than ninety percent of medication errors occurred after graduation from a nursing school, with more than thirty percent of the errors occurring in nursing professionals, who had graduated in the previous year. The average length of work exper ience was found to be 2.2 years with a plus or minus error of 0.7. More than half of these errors occur in large teaching hospitals or medical centers, while 36.1% of the errors occurred in regional hospitals and 12.5% in local hospitals. The more significant medication errors within a hospital were the intensive care units and the medical wards. Data on the break up of the types of errors is also provided. Wrong dose makes up the highest percentage of medication errors at 36.1%, followed by wrong drug at 26.4%. The other types of medication errors involved were wrong time at 18.1%, wrong patient at 11.1%, wrong route 8.3%. Wrong administration of antibiotics made up 38.9% of the medication errors. The medication errors regarding the administering of electrolytes were 8.4%, analgesics 6.9%, anti-diabetics 6.9%
Friday, September 27, 2019
Journal 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Journal 1 - Essay Example In the United States constitution, the term commerce clause is used to refer to Article 1, Section 8, and Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. This clause gives the Congress power to initiate regulations on the commerce between America and other nations, between states and between America and Indian tribes. This clause has for long been used in a way that the people of America and some interest groups feel that is a show of power by the Congress rather that the application of the law. The clause is used for instant in making regulations on the business that the business community in America is in, between themselves and with other nations. An application of this is the control of oil importation and prices. The statute of limitations is a type of federal or state statute or law that provides restrictions on the time within which the filing of a legal proceeding may be. The statute applies to both civil and criminal cases and is at preventing proceedings that have been shaped and spiced with fraudulent claims especially when the available evidence is not sufficient to allow the case to proceed or in case the evidence is. For example, the time allowed for a convicted criminal to appeal is usually 14 days. Beyond this time, an appeal cannot be filed. This ensures that obscure facts and defense evidence is not with to bring in a new picture of the case. A tort in legal terms refers to something that is wrong. It is an act by one person to cause harm to a different person. When this harm is unintended, then the act becomes known as unintentional tort or negligence. This means that the harm was caused through actions that resulted from negligence or unreasonable act, but the harm was intended. For example, if driving past a truck loaded with bricks and one brick fall from the truck and cause considerable damage to the car, then the person can file a lawsuit against the owner of the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Competition-MicroEconomics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Competition-MicroEconomics - Term Paper Example A large number of firms, product differentiation and easy entry and exit are the main characteristics of monopolistic competition. Competition is one of the important market forces. There are mainly two types of competition exist: price competition and non-price competition. Price competition is mainly experienced in a highly competitive market where perfect competition takes place. On the other hand, non-price competition occurs mostly in monopolistic market situations in which competing firms offer different attractive offers and special discounts with an aim of attracting and retaining customers. Competition provides an environment in which not only buyers benefit but also sellers enjoy normal profits. For the buyers, competition is a source to obtain reasonable but competitive prices for goods and services and they do not need pay additional charges for the goods and services. This mostly occurs in perfectly competitive market in which buyers have perfect information about the goods and services and homogenous products are sold. Monopoly is form of market structure in which there is only a single seller who controls the entire supply of goods or services. Monopolistic competition is a combination of both perfect competition and monopoly. In which, there are certain characteristics of both monopoly and perfect competition remain functional. In the following parts of the paper, first definition of competition has been provided and it is followed by types of competition. After defining each type of competition, a conclusion part has been included to sum up the paper. Firms observe two types of competition: price competition and non-price competition. The firms compete with each other to attract and retain customers. For this purpose, they adopt different competition strategies to entertain their business objectives. Diminishing the price of their product below the price of competitors is one way to increase
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Possible effects of ginseng on blood glucose in diabetic patients Essay
Possible effects of ginseng on blood glucose in diabetic patients - Essay Example The plant is cultivated for its man shaped roots which form an important diet supplement in Asian countries and United States. Historical records reveal the use of ginseng root for effectively treating diseases with symptoms similar to diabetes. However, researches to investigate the antidiabetic effect of Ginseng root began only in the first half of 20th century. Studies conducted by Japanese scientists on the root of Ginseng in the 1920s led to reports confirming the traditional claims of Ginseng root being effective in reducing baseline blood glucose and alleviating hyperglycemia caused as a consequence of high intake of glucose. Ever since numerous in vitro studies, animal trials, clinical trials on the root and root extracts have supported the efficiency of ginseng in controlling blood sugar levels in diabetics and hence has been used for the treatment of diabetes (Xie et al., 2005). The constituents are ginseng root are 80%-90% organic and up to 10% inorganic with multiple acti ve ingredients namely saponins or ginsenosides, many carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, phytosterols, essential oils, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, peptides and organic acids. The active ingredients reported in the extracts effective in reducing blood glucose levls have been detected with ginsenosides and polysaccharides. Ginsenosides has been identified as the principal active ingredient of the plant and its concentration is highest in the leaf, followed by berry and then roots. Besides, the profile of ginsenosides with six main ginsenosides isolated from root berry and leaf is also different. Thus it has been speculated that the relative proportions of the some of these ginsenosides determines the hypoglycemic efficiency of ginseng extracts (Xie et al., 2005). Thus hypoglycemic effect of ginseng extracts has been well documented and supported by experimental evidences. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effect of ginseng on blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. METHOD PARTICIPANTS 5 subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus with mean values of age, BMI and weight being 62, 29kg/m2 and 81Kf were selected after informing them about the procedure and probable results of the experiment and obtaining their written consent. It was ensured that the Diabetes patients were reasonably controlled and were on a treatment procedure involving the drugs sulfonylurea, and a combination of sulfonylurea and metformin; which was continued during the period of experiment. Each of the participants was provided with instruction booklet to ensure that the other conditions are maintained uniform during the course of the experiment. TREATMENT The patients were given two categories of treatments; one gelatin capsule with 3g ginseng given either 40 minutes before a glucose intake of 25g of 300ml glucose or simultaneous with same concentration of glucose; both taken orally. The control treatment involved identical administration of all ingredients as in treatment group except ginseng being replaced by a placebo capsule containing corn sugar instead of ginseng. Four treatments, two tests and two controls were given to each participant in random order. PROCEDURE Maintaining every other condition of diet, activity and medication constant, participants were administered the above doses at intervals of 1 week after 10-12 hours of fasting in the morning. Each test was preceded with regular check up and complete dose of routine
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Social Media for Small to Medium Enterprises Essay
Social Media for Small to Medium Enterprises - Essay Example There is a variety of social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, which provide significant stages for small businesses to grow their businesses through converting the connections to potential clients (Safko, 2012, p. 28). They are also very important elements that the businesses can take advantage of in the process of handling their customer care services. When the businesses engage with their clients on the social media platforms, the connections assist them in appreciating the needs of the customers better and enhancing their service delivery. Modern drivers for change have been able to assist in the development of innovative features that assist in sustaining business competitiveness in areas that include creative design, virtual enterprises, social networks as well as mobile platforms. These reactions require tools that are based on information technology elements, the escalation of information content and a team that is very creative. Any small or medium enterprise wishing to enhance its accomplishment in the information industry should possess a critical understanding and an approach for addressing this relatively new environment. The internet has been able to come up with new functionalities that encompass real time business dynamics and relations, which are very important for the enterprises. If there is no regular improvement of the process that is used in managing this, it would rapid develop a paralysis since building the software systems that specifically address this can be a very intricate task. The software will need many people who are professionals and consultants simply to manage it generating the necessity of the small and medium enterprises to come up with a way to help them organize their data. The organization of these data by the small or medium enterprises should be in a smaller scale and cheaper to avoid having to hire expensive consultants or having to pay for consulting contracts. Businesses and companies
Monday, September 23, 2019
Marketing Mix of Coca-Cola Company Research Paper
Marketing Mix of Coca-Cola Company - Research Paper Example A brief description of each of the elements of marketing is as follows:  1. Product – The product is defined as the decision made about the attributes of service or product that will be marketed by the company such as safety, brand name, quality, features, durability, style, design, functionality and etc.  2. Price – Price is the cost that a buyer will pay for purchasing the product or service of the company. The pricing decision comprises of elements such as seasonal pricing, full pricing, bundle pricing, discounts for cash payments, Retail price, Pricing strategy and etc.  3. Place – The place is described as the decision about the distribution of the products or services that is where the customer will access the company’s offerings. The key areas to consider are distribution channels, warehousing, transportation, logistics and etc.  4. Promotion – Promotion is the way by which a company conveys the desired message to the customers and it comprises of various marketing activities such as Advertising on Television, Public Relations, Internet advertising, posters, billboards, personal selling and etc. Â
Sunday, September 22, 2019
International Students challenges in the US Essay
International Students challenges in the US - Essay Example Most of the students especially those from Middle East can rarely spell even an English single sentence without faltering, becoming very difficult to communicate and relate with other students in class. They therefore ends forming the groups according to the language they understands promoting the negative art of discrimination. It even becomes more difficult for them to ask or even answer a question in class for fear of misunderstanding from their fellow students. â€Å"Jumping into these conversations is a challenge for some international students. They might be uncomfortable speaking English†(Lipson 31).Most of them got very funny accent such that whenever they say something the class busts into a laughter making them feel inferior in anything they do. Language barrier also creates a wall between those students and the Professor who they also fear speaking with considering he or she is the master. These students are forced to learn English as an additional unit so as to en hance their communication skills, and therefore ending up wasting time. This is the only solution in order to write and express their view points in term papers, class work and research. Others who have studied English before are always in a better position although some have to master English in order to learn the academic rules understood in USA (Lisbon 36). Getting used to the culture and beliefs in the new environment an issue affecting them. Religious and cultural beliefs differ from one country to another and an international student in US may encounter difficulties in the process of accepting the change. Take for example a Libyan male student who believes that women are tools of house chores forced to accept that the ratio of professionals’ jobs from men to women is 53:47.There are even other cultures which do not believe friendship between male and females yet in US it their culture. International student must couple with this new style so as to be on the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pest Analysis Essay Example for Free
Pest Analysis Essay Knowledge Representation question and answers 1. Consider the following statements a) Reema is a super star. b) All super stars are rich. c) All rich people have fast cars. d) All fast cars consume a lot of petrol. Use predicate logic and inference rules to draw the conclusion â€Å"Reema’s car consumed a lot of petrol†. a. List any two knowledge representation techniques. b. Write Modus Ponens rule. c. Define disjunctive normal form with suitable example. 2. Consider given sentences: It is crime to steal Ram stole in exam Is Ram criminal? Write above sentences in First Order Predicate calculus and use resolution algorithm to answer Is Ram Criminal? 1. Why are propositional logic statements converted into conjunctive normal form (CNF)? Convert given clause to CNF. d. Define logical consequence. e. Why is propositional logic used? 3. Consider given sentences: Ram is a boy. Gita is a girl. Ram is husband of Gita If girl has husband then she is married. Write above sentences in First Order Predicate calculus and resolution algorithm to show Gita is married. . Represent the following paragraph using predicate logic and convert each sentence into clausual form. â€Å"The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America, has some missiles, and all of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West, who is American. †a. In propositional logic what is meant by contradict statement? b. What is meant by conjunctive normal form? Show the relation between universal quantifier and existential quantifier a. Define conjunctive normal form and disjunctive normal form. b. Why is predicate logic better than propositional logic? Parse the sentence â€Å"Ram is a good boy†using bottom up parsing 1. Represent the following sentence using propositional logic:- â€Å"If the unicorn is mythical, then it is immortal, but if it is not mythical, then it is a mortal mammal. If the unicorn is either immortal or a mammal, then it is horned. The unicorn is magical if it is horned. †Also prove using resolution that unicorn is magical and unicorn is horned.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Different Learning Theories Of Human Resource Development
Different Learning Theories Of Human Resource Development Knowing a persons learning style enables learning to be orientated according to the preferred method. That said, everyone responds to and needs the motivation of all types of learning styles to one extent or another its a matter of using importance that fits best with the given situation and a persons learning style preferences. Kolbs learning theory sets out four different learning styles, which are based on a four stage learning cycle. In this respect Kolbs model is particularly elegant, since it offers both a way to understand individual peoples different learning styles, and also an explanation of a cycle of experiential learning that applies to us all. Diverging (feeling and watching CE/RO) Assimilating (watching and thinking AC/RO) Converging (doing and thinking AC/AE) Accommodating (doing and feeling CE/AE) Diverging people are able to look at things from different perspectives. They are sensitive. They prefer to watch rather than do, tending to gather information and use imagination to solve problems. They are best at viewing concrete situations several different viewpoints. Kolb called this style Diverging because these people perform better in situations that require ideas-generation, for example, brainstorming. People with a Diverging learning style have broad cultural interests and like to collect information. They are interested in people, be likely to be creative and emotional, and tend to be strong in the arts. People with the Diverging style prefer to work in groups, to listen with an open mind and to receive personal feedback. The Assimilating learning preference is for a summarizing, logical approach. Ideas and concepts are more important than people. These people require good clear explanation rather than practical opportunity. They do extremely well at understanding wide ranging information and organizing it a clear logical format. People with an Assimilating learning style are less focused on people and more interested in ideas and abstract concepts. People with this style are more attracted to logically sound theories than approaches based on practical value. These learning style people are important for effectiveness in information and science careers. In formal learning situations, people with this style prefer readings, lectures, exploring analytical models, and having time to think things through. For an example people who prefer the Assimilating learning style will not be comfortable being thrown in at the deep end without notes and instructions. Converging people with a Converging learning style can solve problems and will use their learning to find solutions to useful issues. They prefer technical tasks, and are less concerned with people and interpersonal aspects. People with a Converging learning style are best at finding practical uses for ideas and theories. They can solve problems and make decisions by finding solutions to questions and problems. People with a Converging learning style are more attracted to technical tasks and problems than social or interpersonal issues. A Converging learning style enables high-quality and technology abilities. People with a Converging style like to test with new ideas, to simulate, and to work with practical applications. The Accommodating learning style is hands-on, and relies on perception rather than logic. These people use other peoples analysis, and prefer to take a practical, experiential approach. They are attracted to new challenges and experiences, and to carrying out plans. They usually act on gut instinct rather than logical analysis. People with an Accommodating learning style will tend to rely on others for information than carry out their own analysis. This learning style is common and useful in roles requiring action and initiative. People with an Accommodating learning style prefer to work in teams to complete tasks. They set targets and actively work in the field trying different ways to achieve an objective. People who like prefer to use an Accommodating learning style are likely to become frustrated if they are forced to read lots of instructions and rules, and are unable to get hands on experience as soon as possible. However most people clearly display clear strong preferences for a given learning style. The ability to use or switch between different styles is not one that we should assume comes easily or naturally to many people. Basically, people who have a clear learning style preference, for whatever reason, will tend to learn more effectively if learning is orientated according to their preference. Honey and Mumford learning styles Honey and Mumford (1982) have built a typology of Learning Styles around this cycle, identifying individual preferences for each stage (Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist respectively); Kolb also has a test instrument (the Learning Style Inventory) but has carried it further by relating the process also to forms of knowledge. Anonymous, (2010) There are four characteristics of learning styles, Activist Theorist Pragmatist Reflector Activists involve themselves totally and without unfairness in new experiences. They enjoy the here and now, and are happy to be dominated by immediate experiences. They are open-minded, not disbelieving, and this tends to make them excited about anything new. Their philosophy is: Ill try anything once. They tend to act first and consider the consequences afterwards. Their days are filled with activity. They tackle problems by brainstorming. As soon as the stimulation from one activity has died down they are busy looking for the next. They tend to increase on the challenge of new experiences but are bored with implementation and longer term consolidation. They are gregarious people constantly involving themselves with others but, in doing so; they seek to centre all activities on themselves. For an example, those people who learn by doing. Activists need to get their hands dirty, to dive in with both feet first. Have an open-minded approach to learning, involving themselves fully and without bias in new experiences. Brainstorming problem solving, group discussion, competitions and role play, these are the activities of Activists. Theorists adapt and combine observations into complex but logically sound theories. They think problems through in a vertical, step-by-step logical way. They learn disparate facts into logical theories. They tend to be perfectionists who wont rest easy until things are tidy and fit into a normal proposal. They like to analyse and combine. They are keen on basic assumptions, principles, theories models and systems thinking. Their philosophy prizes rationality and logic. If its logical its good. Questions they frequently ask are: Does it make sense? How does this fit with that? What are the basic assumptions? They tend to be detached, analytical and dedicated to rational objectivity rather than anything subjective or ambiguous. Their approach to problems is consistently logical. This is their mental set and they rigidly reject anything that doesnt fit with it. They prefer to maximize certainty and feel uncomfortable with subjective judgments, lateral thinking and anything flippant. For an example, learners like to understand the theory behind the actions. They need models, concepts and facts in order to engage in the learning process. Prefer to analyse and synthesize, drawing new information into a systematic and logical theory. Pragmatists are keen on trying out ideas, theories and techniques to see if they work in practice. They positively search out new ideas and take the first opportunity to research with applications. They are the sort of people who return from courses full with new ideas that they want to try out in practice. They like to get on with things and act quickly and confidently on ideas that attract them. They tend to be impatient with ruminating and open-ended discussions. They are essentially practical, down to earth people who like making practical decisions and solving problems. They respond to problems and opportunities as a challenge. Their philosophy is There is always a better way and If it works its good. For an example, people need to be able to see how to put the learning into practice in the real world. Abstract concepts and games are of limited use unless they can see a way to put the ideas into action in their lives. Experimenters, trying out new ideas, theories and techniques to see if they work Reflector like to stand back to ponder experiences and observe them from many different perspectives. They collect data, both first hand and from others, and prefer to think about it carefully before coming to a conclusion. The thorough collection and analysis of data about experiences and events is what counts so they tend to reschedule reaching definitive conclusions for as long as possible. Their philosophy is to be careful. They are thoughtful people who like to consider all possible angles and implications before making a move. They prefer to take a back seat in meetings and discussions. They enjoy observing other people in action. They listen to others and get the drift of the discussion before making their own points. They tend to adopt a low profile and have a slightly distant, tolerant relaxed air about them. When they act it is part of a wide picture which includes the past as well as the present and others observations as well as their own. For an example, people learn by observing and thinking about what happened. They may avoid leaping in and prefer to watch from the sidelines. Prefer to stand back and view experiences from a number of different perspectives, collecting data and taking the time to work towards an appropriate conclusion. Learning Theories The Behaviorist Approach Some of our learning comes about as a response to a stimulus. We are learning from our sensors. We react to something outside ourselves. If the result is good for us, we learn to react in similar fashion in a similar situation, while if the result is bad, we learn not to do that again. This is the basic idea of the Behaviorist Approach which can be traced back to the work of Pavlov (1927) who taught dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. Behaviorist concentrates on modifying behavior by reinforcement. Behavior that is seen as positive or good is reinforced by rewards. For an example car insurance is reduced if you do not make a claim. Most people have experienced both positive and negative reinforcement. We can see that behaviorist learning theories have their strengths. However, this approach to learning has been critized as mechanistic and tending to focus only on certain behavior. There is evidence to suggest that reinforcement may need constant topping-up to remain effective. Anonymous, (2010) The Cognitive Approach If some of our learning is reactive, some learning can also be described as positive. That is we seek out information and try to make sense of it in order to understand better our world and our place in it. This is the basis of cognitive theories of learning, which make use of the work of researchers such as Kohler (1925) and Piaget (1950). Kohler worked with apes and Piaget concentrated on child development, but their results have been applied more widely. For the cognitive, the key feature of human beings for learning is that we are intelligent seekers. According to cognitive approaches, we constantly find that our experience of the world does not quite fit the way we see the world, and we try to do something about the misfit. We seek new information, we adjust our view of the world, and we may create a new way of seeing the world. There are clear connections here with some of the elements we noted earlier in the different stages of the learning process. The Social Learning Approach The social learning theory proposed by Albert Bandura has become perhaps the most important theory of learning and development. While ingrained in many of the basic concepts of traditional learning theory, Bandura believed that direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning. His theory added a social element, arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people. Known as observational learning (or modeling), this type of learning can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors. Psychology, (2010) Basic Social Learning Concepts 1. People can learn through observation. Observational Learning In his famous Bobo doll studies, Bandura established that children learn and reproduce behaviors they have observed in other people. The children in Banduras studies observed an adult acting aggressively toward a Bobo doll. When the children were later allowed to play in a room with the Bobo doll, they began to reproduce the aggressive actions they had previously observed. Bandura identified three basic models of observational learning: A live model, which involves an actual individual representative or acting out a behavior. A verbal instructional model, which involves descriptions and explanations of a behavior. A symbolic model, which involves real or fictional characters displaying behaviors in books, films, television programs, or online media. 2. Mental states are important to learning. Intrinsic Reinforcement Bandura noted that external, environmental reinforcement was not the only factor to influence learning and behavior. He described essential reinforcement as a form of internal reward, such as pride, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment. This emphasis on internal thoughts and cognitions helps connect learning theories to cognitive developmental theories. While many textbooks place social learning theory with behavioral theories, Bandura himself describes his approach as a social cognitive theory. 3. Learning does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior. While behaviorists believed that learning led to a permanent change in behavior, observational learning demonstrates that people can learn new information without demonstrating new behaviors. The Modeling Process Not all observed behaviors are effectively learned. Factors involving both the model and the learner can play a role in whether social learning is successful. Certain requirements and steps must also be followed. The following steps are involved in the observational learning and modeling process: Attention: In order to learn, you need to be paying attention. Anything that detracts your attention is going to have a negative effect on observational learning. If the model interesting or there is a novel aspect to the situation, you are far more likely to dedicate your full attention to learning. Retention: The ability to store information is also an important part of the learning process. Retention can be affected by a number of factors, but the ability to pull up information later and act on it is vital to observational learning. Reproduction: Once you have paid attention to the model and retained the information, it is time to actually perform the behavior you observed. Further practice of the learned behavior leads to improvement and skill advancement. Motivation: Finally, in order for observational learning to be successful, you have to be motivated to imitate the behavior that has been modeled. Reinforcement and punishment play an important role in motivation. While experiencing these motivators can be highly effective, so can observing other experience some type of reinforcement or punishment. For example, if you see another student rewarded with extra credit for being to class on time, you might start to show up a few minutes early each day. Psychology, (2010) Learning Curve A learning curve is a graphical representation of the changing rate of learning (in the average person) for a given activity or tool. Usually, the increase in retention of information is sharpest after the primary attempts, and then regularly evens out, meaning that less and less new information is retained after each duplication. The learning curve can also represent at a glance the initial difficulty of learning something and, to an extent, how much there is to learn after early knowledge. For example, the Windows program Notepad is extremely simple to learn, but offers little after this. On the other extreme is the UNIX terminal editor VI, which is difficult to learn, but offers a wide array of features to master after the user has figured out how to work it. It is possible for something to be easy to learn, but difficult to master or hard to learn with little beyond this. Wikipedia, (2010)
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Prejudice Defined :: Definition Essays
Prejudice Defined Each citizen within the American society has his own definition of the word prejudice. A person's translation of the word dictates his response to other people's prejudices. One interpretation of it could be a feeling of partiality resulting from a prejudgment that influences a person's thoughts, mindset, and behavior. Today's society usually associates negative connotations with the word prejudice. This is why the average American cringes or switches to self-defense mode when he hears the word uttered. However, prejudices do not have to be negative. For example, a prejudice, or prejudgment, can be made on a particular activity or location to determine whether or not a person places himself/herself there. A person's prejudice could help to keep them out of a harmful or even dangerous situation. The fact that a person has preconceived ideas, or prejudices, toward a particular setting or environment does not make the ideas negative. Therefore, those with a positive view need to reclaim the word from those with negative mindsets. Unfortunately, the most common association of the word prejudice is the feelings of hatred between whites and blacks. Prejudices have driven individual people groups to look down upon and mistreat other people groups because they are different. This interpretation of the word is wrong. Not only are individuals hurt, but society as a whole experiences a wave of disunity and ill feelings among the citizens. This demonstrates how prejudices can impact people's behavior and interaction with one another. Clearly, prejudices, or biases, need to become associated with positive, or harmless, feelings and emotions. Society needs to see that the word prejudice in and of itself is not negative; it is Prejudice Defined :: Definition Essays Prejudice Defined Each citizen within the American society has his own definition of the word prejudice. A person's translation of the word dictates his response to other people's prejudices. One interpretation of it could be a feeling of partiality resulting from a prejudgment that influences a person's thoughts, mindset, and behavior. Today's society usually associates negative connotations with the word prejudice. This is why the average American cringes or switches to self-defense mode when he hears the word uttered. However, prejudices do not have to be negative. For example, a prejudice, or prejudgment, can be made on a particular activity or location to determine whether or not a person places himself/herself there. A person's prejudice could help to keep them out of a harmful or even dangerous situation. The fact that a person has preconceived ideas, or prejudices, toward a particular setting or environment does not make the ideas negative. Therefore, those with a positive view need to reclaim the word from those with negative mindsets. Unfortunately, the most common association of the word prejudice is the feelings of hatred between whites and blacks. Prejudices have driven individual people groups to look down upon and mistreat other people groups because they are different. This interpretation of the word is wrong. Not only are individuals hurt, but society as a whole experiences a wave of disunity and ill feelings among the citizens. This demonstrates how prejudices can impact people's behavior and interaction with one another. Clearly, prejudices, or biases, need to become associated with positive, or harmless, feelings and emotions. Society needs to see that the word prejudice in and of itself is not negative; it is
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Challenge in Public High Schools :: Education Educational Curriculum Essays
Challenge in Public High Schools Current public high school curriculum are simply too easy. Students are able to take too many easy classes that do not challenge them. This is the first point that needs to be focused on when trying to fix this problem. Within this one cause, there are many different solutions. However, I do not have the time here to name them all. I am going to focus on one particular recommendation that I believe would help the most. What could possibly be wrong with current public high school curriculum. Students attend 4 years of high school and receive a well-rounded education. This education allows the students to function as a valuable member of society without necessarily continuing their education beyond high school. What could possibly be wrong with all this? Well, what about the students who do choose to continue their education after high school? Does high school prepare students well? According to the statistics, the answer is no. ACT, a non-profit organization that gathers statistics and researches the education field, states that "31% of students seeking a BA/BS degree at a public college drop out by the end of their second semester Currently, many public high schools allow students to select their own classes and in turn, some students enroll in classes far below their intellectual ability. Major problems are down the road should students decide to go on to post-secondary schools. Students should be assessed when entering the 9th grade. Standardized tests should be given to help determine what course of study would be best for a particular student to pursue during their four year high school career. There should be a minimum of three different "tracks" that students will be classified in. For example, a school could choose to have an advanced track, an intermediate track, and a remedial track. Some might say that this will limit the students too much in their choice of classes but this is not the case. It will simply give students a certain pool of classes to choose from. For instance, students in the advanced track of study will still have all the different choices they had before; they will just be geared towards more intelligent students. The same will apply for those in the remedial track of study, however the purpose of these classes will be to catch students up to where they should be.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Island Of The Blue Dolphins :: essays research papers
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell In the Pacific there is an island shaped like a big fish sunning itself in the sea. Around it, blue dolphins swim, otters play, and sea elephant and birds abound. A young Indian girl lives and waits for her people to return for her, from the land to the east. Karana with her long black hair and her dark skin, held her own on an island after her people had left for a new place. She was sure they would come back the next spring, but after two springs she learned to live on her own. I really admire her strength and her will power. She faces so many different adventures that you can relate to your life in a different fashion. Living on your own brings in many new ideas and adventures. Karana has many hard decisions to make, when she has to decided to go with childhood teaching or fending for herself. " I wonder what would happen to me if I went against the law of our tribe which forbade the making of weapons by women†¦ would the four winds blow in from the four directions of the world and smother me as I made the weapons? Or would the earth tremble, as many said, and bury me beneath its falling rocks?" The choice to build weapons saves her life and brings her a wonderful friend. "He stood facing me, his front legs spread as if he was ready to spring. The arrow struck him in the chest." This dog had been her enemy he killed her brother and she had vowed revenge on him she had gotten what she wanted, yet she had not killed the dog just wounded him. "Why I did not send the arrow I cannot say. I stood on the rock with the bow pulled back and my hand would not let it go. The big dog lay there and did not move and this may be the reason. If he would have gotten up I would have killed him. I stood there for a long time looking down at him and then I climbed off the rocks and picked him up." This dog became her friend and he salvation. It must have been lonely and she made many friends, otters, she had birds anything to keep her busy. Each spring she hoped that her people would return and take her to the far off land which they had left for.
Being Successful on a Job Interview
Being successful on a Job interview A Job Is always important for a graduate or a post-graduate. Because being In a Job Is all you can ask for after completing your Institutional education. Who doesn't want to learn something from the real life? You would try your best to succeed in a job interview, because a Job will let u experience the real life deal. But being successful in a Job interview is not easy. There are few steps you can follow for succeeding on a job interview. First, you must wear nice clothes on your interview.A man must wear a aroma shirt, pant, tie and shoe. A white shirt with black pant, tie and shoe looks really good. Hence, a suit Is the most preferable for a man. A woman can wear a Scare (on Bangladesh perspective), but It shouldn't be very colorful. A light colored scare (ex. Sky blue, light green, light pink etc) makes a woman look really admirable on a job interview. A suit is the most preferable for women also. You have to keep these in mind. Second, you sho uld come a bit early on your interview day. This will let u relax your mind and get freshen up.You can also prepare well if u come early and be ready when your name Is called. On the other hand, you have to look at others and think about something that they don't have. When the interview begins, go to the Interview room slowly and greet the Jury. It'll make them think that you have no hurry and you are relaxed, which meaner you are a confident person. Third, be polite, clear, precise and confident. Being polite makes the Jury think that you are from a good family and society. This obviously makes a good impression on them.You should also be clear and precise about what you are saying. If they don't understand your words, they will definitely not like whatever you say or how precise you are. Confidence has a great Influence on success. So you have to be confident on yourself and answer every single question confidently. No matter what strategy you maintain, don't forget to be yoursel f, because it is the key to every success. Without being true to yourself, you cannot be true to others. So, always say the truth on your Job interview. That's the ultimate key.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Examining The African Union And Economies Economics Essay
Harmonizing to Stephanie ( 2009 ) was enlighten about AU and AU was abbreviated as an AFRICAN UNION. Initially formed as an â€Å" ORGANISATION OF AFRICAN UNITY †( OAU ) and it was established in 1963. Harmonizing to Manelisi, Francis and Stephen ( 2000 ) was cited about OAU and briefing the personal businesss of an Continental degree and looking into independent organic structure as a forming of a African Union. They are taking into consideration of speed uping public presentation of OAU. They have certain rules and majorly concentrating in two countries. First one was sovereignty and secondly known as non-interference. Leaderships of a African states lack behind in leading qualities and emphasized to organize an African brotherhood. MR. Muammar el-Qaddafi and he was from Libya state and their chief aspiration to establish an AU. 53 states Members are actively indulge to back up a African brotherhood excepting the Morocco state.African brotherhood and their Main aimsHarmoniz ing to Stephanie ( 2009 ) was AU is endeavoring to better the development in the African states and to cut down the poorness and the graft and to stop the legion differences in the Africa. Harmonizing to Ryan Africa have its ain aims, that African brotherhood is a political brotherhood. African brotherhood chief aim is to develop the different type of undertakings in broad scope of administrations in this African brotherhood. This African brotherhood ever taking that to develop and societal and economic development in Africa. By the manner, they have got success in release for African provinces by utilizing their power of colonial. Chiefly African brotherhood have their ain aims are To accomplish integrity in between African provinces and in peoples integrity besides. To accomplish peace in between provinces of Africa by giving security to the continent of Africa. To better the velocity in political countries and to unite the socio-economic facets in the continents of Africa. By giving the encouragement to research in all the Fieldss the growing of the continents are travel frontward, particularly in the Fieldss like scientific discipline and the engineering. Promote the minimal criterions of the people populating in Africa, by promoting the support in human activity in all the Fieldss. Required conditions are set up which allow the African state to take portion to execute its right function in the international conferences and the planetary market. Encourage to keep the ecological balanced betterment at all degrees like societal and economical and cultural facets over and above African economic systems integrating. African brotherhood is taking the aid of the international spouses and they are giving accent for obliteration of chief causes of diseases. Whole continent want to advance the hygienic conditions for good wellness of African people. African brotherhood concentrating on cardinal issues like democratic rules. African brotherhood concentrating on their establishments. African brotherhood want to keep good administration and active indulgenceGlobal crisis:Harmonizing to Anup ( 2009 ) planetary crisis was foremost started in united provinces and it shown its consequence on all other states and once more it started In the year2007 the planetary economic crisis was started and had a immense consequence in fiscal position of different states of the universe and it continued to 2008.due to the planetary crisis there is a immense diminution in the stock market worldwide. Fiscal establishment in different parts of the universe has been collapsed and even the authorities in the strongest states has to some forward to raise the fiscal position of the other states. Harmonizing to Patrick ( 2008 ) worldwide figure of states put into the recession due to the fiscal planetary crisis. It is on-going processReasons for planetary crisis:Harmonizing to Mak ( 2008 ) is the chief ground for the recent planetary economic crisis is â€Å" sub-priming lodging market â € . It was chiefly started in United States. Harmonizing to Anup ( 2009 ) was due to the sudden autumn of the sub-prime market which is based in the US and the unfortunate reverse in the lodging roar shows its ripple consequence on the other industries throughout the universe. Because of the place mortgages fiscal merchandises was adversely affected and have major deductions for the planetary crisis. Taking all above facet in to considerations and eventually it reach to neglect. Harmonizing to rakesh ( 2009 ) was the addition of the fiscal planetary crisis was started in 2008 and shows it effects on the present economic system and the fiscal environments. The economic failure it made the universe economic system really hard at this clip due to crisis. Global crisis shows its immense consequence on cardinal Bankss. The effects of fiscal crisis are leads to epoch alteration in the cardinal Bankss. Because of the autumn of the cardinal Bankss the fiscal system was affected. At the initial degree of the crisis, it ascribed that the crisis leads to the planetary instabilities but the result of these instabilities remains for longer. Global imbalances show its shortage in the histories of the America. It shows its excess in developing states Asia like China and the states like Russia and Middle East which are exporting the oil besides affected due to the crisis. Macroeconomic instabilities like salvaging investing and immense flows in the cross-border fiscal is put its emphasis on the procedure of the intermediation. These instabilities are cooperated to bring fort h some of the characteristics for the current crisis. Harmonizing to Ivan was the chief job that raised due to the crisis was unemployment. Harmonizing to economic adviser ( 2009 ) This can be solved by cut downing the unemployment easy than the other crisis and the other ground for the crisis is most of the economic systems are depending on the frail policies. These policies are prostrations and these consequences to the planetary crisis. Crisis shows the impact on the international concern. Companies need to acknowledge the its operations to get the better of the recission.otherwise 1000000s of workers are quit from the occupations. Globally concerns are adequately hit by the crisis and due to this companies seek the aid from the authorities. To last companies need the aid of the authorities. Most of the little graduated table industries are in danger and others are confronting the jobs like insolvents.Impact of planetary crisis on African economic system:Chapter 2CHALLENGES POSED BY THE CURRENT GLOBAL CRISIS ON AFRICAN ECONOMIESMAIN CHALLENGESHarmonizing to AFM ( 2009 ) was enlighten in their committe about African economic systems confronting with several jobs and their economic system severely affected by the crisis. The commission be aftering to concentrate on cardinal countries and placing jobs to purl tinkle and they want to take necessary stairss to get the better of the crisis state of affairs in AU economic systems. These are the chief challenges to get the better of jobs during crisis stage.AU have to analysed challenges and actively indulge in their several Fieldss and speed up plants process to make a good economic system for whole African people. Eradication of poorness Keeping sustainability of a growing Inflows of a capital Lack of support from private sectors Worsening of a financial grosss Lack of promotional activities on wellness attention systems Lack of substructure installations regional every bit good as national degree. Worsening of a exportsEradication of poorness:African economic systems confronting many hurdlings during the crisis. The first and most of import measure is disputing undertaking for African economic systems is looking farther obliteration of poorness in their several states. Poverty plays a critical function for the economical development of the county. African economic systems have to take particular steps to eliminate poorness and it is really indispensable measure for development of the states. Recently an African economic system was severely affected by crisis and poorness has become one large major job for their states. All African states come to together and take remedial steps for poorness and Lashkar-e-Taiba ‘s make African states pride at planetary degree.Keeping sustainability of a growing:The 2nd of import measure is disputing undertaking of a sustainability growing for economic systems. They are majorly concentrating on investings and use the resources in a proper mode. Availability of investing and they are majorly giving accent for substructure installations and do sustainability growing of African economic systems. Due to crisis and their economic system was fallen down and short autumn of investing. Before the crisis African economic systems was kept high outlooks about their investing. They kept marks to make their places, during 2009 about 50 billion dollars and 2010 it can be reached to fifty six one million millions dollars harmonizing to USD. African economic systems have to do their economic system more stable and need to take particular steps to get the better of the planetary crisis.Inflow of a capital:Harmonizing to concern directory was cited in their web site about capital influx stands acquiring beginnings externally like foreign states and they can be cheaper comparing with domestic market. Harmonizing to Michele ( 2008 ) was cited in his article about capital influx for African economic systems and other states like South Af rica [ SA ] adversely effected due to economical crisis and certain countries like about an agribusiness sector, about an excavation sector and fabrication sector. before the crisis SA states and other African states holding a good capital influxs for a period of 2007. These states are majorly depending on foreign states and looking into economical development of the African states. When foreign Countries was severely by planetary recession and it straight reflects to an African Economies [ AE ] .Lack of support from private sectorsPrivate sector plays a critical function for economic development of the state. Due to crisis many African states was faced with shortage of their payments. This is an of import challenging undertaking for African states and these states are wholly rely on private sectors. Many of the African states people lost their occupations in different sectors because of planetary crisis. African authoritiess was failed raising financess from fiscal markets of a int ernational markets. Many of the undertakings has been cancelled due to miss of support from private sectors for African economic systems. Harmonizing to Afrol about their intelligence was cited in their website African authorities has to promote the FDI from the developed states and it leads to economic development of the state. African states taking that private sector can salvage from planetary recession. Taking support of private sector, African states can supply ample of occupation chances for their state people. Many of the foreign investors are looking for ample of resources and that at the same clip seeking support from African states.Worsening of a financial grosssHarmonizing to ADB ( 2009 ) was enlighten in his article about financial grosss in African economic systems. African states are adversely set uping during planetary crisis minute. African states were confronting with financial grosss jobs because they do n't hold ample of financess for development of African Union. Fiscal grosss are eventually reached to worsen phase and advancement of a African economic systems coming down and growing of GDP was reached up to 0 % . Harmonizing to AFM ( 2009 ) was cited about financial grosss reached to worsen phase due to planetary crisis. Producing of a oil states of African states confronting many hurdlings, authorities does n't hold any financess, deficiency buttocks at development of substructure installations was taking some jobs because of financial grosss. Other sectors known to be about building field, about fabricating field and other several Fieldss of service degrees and others sectors are considers as a non-oil. These sectors are wholly rely on public sectors and slowly it reached to worsen phase. African economic systems forecasted grosss of a authorities can be reached upto twenty four per centum during the period of 2009. African states need to analyze approximately financial gross and this can be taking to an of import challenging undertaking for economic development of African states.Lack of promotional activities on wellness attention systemsHarmonizing to Nana and Alan ( 2004 ) was cited in his book about HIV/AIDS and their programmes. African states confronting many jobs on wellness attention systems. African states people are infected by HIV diseases and about 50 to eighty per centum affected by an urban population. African economic systems was severely affected by planetary crisis and they are holding another of import challenging undertaking was wellness attention system. Because of recession and their states economic system goes down. Their states confronting many jobs with wellness attention system and they concentrate on cardinal factors to advance a good wellness attention system in African states. Some African states like Zambia and other state Zimbabwe are extremely affected HIV Patients. Harmonizing to Hanlin ( 2007 ) was cited in his journal African states want to advance advanced wellness systems to awfu l diseases like HIV and AIDS. African states need to accommodate advanced constructs to command and supervise the HIV/AIDS programmes. They are implemented PPS and PPS stands for â€Å" Public-Private Partnership †as an advanced construct and authorities invested plenty of financess during 2005. At present scenario African states adversely affected by planetary crisis and take challenging undertaking and implemented efficaciously to protect awful diseases for African state peoples.Lack of substructure installations regional every bit good as national degreeAFM commission ( 2009 ) was enlightened that African Economies was adversely affected deficiency of substructure installations due to planetary crisis. Initially African states have to concentrate at basic degree. Every Country economical development depends on substructure installations and it plays a vital for economical development of the state. Infrastructure is an of import facet and anchor for African states. African states have infrastructural spread between regional every bit good as national degree. Harmonizing to Zuma and Jacob ( 2009 ) was cited in his article says that substructure is an of import facet and they has dressed ore certain countries like about rail webs, about coevals of a power, about a telecommunications and proper public conveyance installations. South African state in their history it was the first clip gone in recession and GDP came at diminution phase and many African economic systems are emphasize and they are seeking stable their a economic system in a stipulated period of clip. Many of the investors is non coming frontward to put in African states because of planetary crisis. Now it was become ambitious undertaking for African states to heighten substructure installations for development of African states. African Government has to promote private participants and they have provide some particular privileges to private participants and taking support of these partici pants they can extenuate hazard from planetary crisis.Worsening of a exportsHarmonizing to AFM commission ( 2009 ) was stated that African states major exports are Oil bring forthing, wood merchandises and valuable diamonds and other sectors like fabrication. Producing of an oil was severely affected by crisis. An export was fallen down during the period of 2009 and 2010. Before crisis expected up to two 50 one billion dollars of 2009 and two 70 seven dollars of U.S. planetary crisis hit severely for African states and the exports are reached phase of diminution at two 100 one million millions of dollars in 2009 and two 20 billion of dollars in 2010 of U.S.Chapter 3Schemes implemented by African economic systemsChapter N0:4ANALYSIS REPORT FOR AFRICAN ECONOMIESGlobal recovery of an African states comparing with other states.Harmonizing to Andre ( 2010 ) was cited in their web site on Jan 28th about planetary recession and hurdlings faced by states and concentrating on economical grow ing calculating for following approaching old ages. African economic system is emerging economic system in recent old ages. Most of the African economic systems came to worsen phase and their economic systems are adversely affected by planetary crisis during the period of 2009. From figure 1 Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 27/04/2010 ) From Figure 1 provinces that African economic systems economical growing was 1.3 % during the period of 2009. UN enlighten in their studies about Many of the African states adversely by planetary crisis and growing of African economic systems was slow down. They forecasting that African economic system growing can be reached to 4.3 % by 2010 comparing to 2009. They want to heighten public presentation and growing of an African economic system at least 3 times and they are taking into consideration and comparing with 2009 and 2010. African can be consider as a 2nd fastest of a turning economic system in planetary parts and they holding an trust on them and anticipating to make growing of a economic system by 2010. While we taking in to consideration of Asiatic states economical growing during the period 2009 and following approaching twelvemonth of 2010. About south Asiatic states and east states parts and these states are see as emerging economic systems and these states are affect b y planetary crisis during 2009. The economic system growing was 4.3 % in 2009 and they kept immense outlooks for their economic growing and these states are seeking really hard and they kept mark to make to 6.4 % growing of a economic system by the terminal of 2010. Lets we take other portion of the part known as Western Asia from Asiatic states. Western Asia of a economic system growing 0.4 per centum in 2009 and these part has to work hard develop their economic system and they are be aftering to make 3.6 growing of a economic system by 2010. While we taking into consideration about Latin American and Caribbean states and other parts of a developed economic systems. They are adversely affected by planetary crisis and confronting many hurdlings during 2009. The growing of a economic system was reached to 0.4 per centum in 2009. about African states and southeast states at least they are in a normal places comparing to developed economic systems. Developed economic systems economic system growing drastically fallen down due to planetary crisis in 2009. These states are seeking their best and develop the economic system growing and looking farther to their mark 1.3 % of a economic system growing by the terminal of 2010. African states are concentrating on cardinal sectors like an oil and other related mineral merchandises. African states is rich natural resources and their merchandises have an immense demand and they exports their merchandises to developed states. FDI plays an critical function for African economic systems and if they want to get the better of from planetary crisis, FDI is an of import factor development of African Economy and it has some privileges for African states. African states promoting FDI and at the same clip they giving accent for private participants. By taking support of FDI and participants of a private sectors and they can get the better of the planetary crisis job by the terminal 2010. African states make their economic system su stainable and advancement of an African economic system.The domestic nest eggs and their several rates from 2005-2008 and following period from 2009 -2010Harmonizing to AFDB ( 2010 ) was enlighten that domestic nest eggs of African states comparing with about developed economic systems and about developing economic systems. They are explained in context degree of diagrammatical chart which is listed below.i.e Figure 2. Figure 2 about Domestic Savingss of a part side Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 27/04/2010 ) From figure2 stated that about developing states of Asiatic states demoing sustainable growing rate of economic system and heightening salvaging rates from 2005-2008 and during crisis minute of 2009-2010 their economic system turning at an mean 35 % . About advanced economic systems during 2005-2008 was steadily bettering and it reaches up to 20 % nest eggs. During planetary crisis minute economic systems salvaging rates fallen down drastically 2009-2010 and it was 18 % . About Middle East states, approximately Latin American states and Carribeans during 2005-2008 salvaging rates growing was bettering 42 % and 22 % severally and during 2009- 2010 their economy rates fallen during planetary crisis minute 38 % and 29 % severally. African economic system was dining before the crisis during 2005-2008 and salvaging rates was high and they reached upto 25 % severally comparing with other states like Asiatic states, about in-between east states their redemptive really high, but relatively A frican states growing was mean, but all of a sudden African states salvaging fallen down i.e. 18 % . During 2009-2010. It is clip taking procedure for African states over come from planetary crisis. It is really difficult for African states during planetary crisis and they have to plan suited schemes and concentrate on cardinal sectors where they are lack behind. FDI scheme is suited scheme for African economic systems because there was reached to worsen phase. Due to planetary crisis African states lack in resources like about substructure installations, Human capital and non-suitable for concern environment. An African states faces many hurdlings to develop their economic system and they have merely one major ground behind i.e. Fundss. Any state want to develop that should hold ample of financess to develop their economic system. African state besides confronting same job.i.e FUNDS. Before crisis African economic system was dining in the universe. African faces international degre e every bit good as domestic degree and it shows immense impacts growing of their economic system. An African states faces unemployment jobs and they are unable to supply ample of occupation chances for African states specially youth. The stock markets and their major resources of their exports reached to worsen phases and these are major impacts for African economic systems.The Real GDP and their growing ( % ) of African states and the several sub-regions in 2009.The African states were slow down their GDP and it is adversely affected by African economic system due to planetary crisis. Figure 3 Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 27/04/2010 ) The growing of African states was before the crisis is bettering and they are seeking to run into the demands of Global economic system. But planetary crisis make the African economic system slowed down and its automatically reflects on GDP of a African states. From fig3 provinces about GDP of African provinces and how it reaches diminutions phases between 2008 to 2009. The existent gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) and their growing was calculated in per centums during 2009. About Eastern African existent GDP of their 4.3 % during 2009 and their growing reached a diminution phase 2 % between the old ages of 2008 and in 2009. About Central Africa Real GDP of their 2.1 % during 2009 and their growing reached a diminution phase between the old ages of 2008 and in 2009. Decline phase is somewhat more relatively of existent GDP of a cardinal Africa. About Western African existent GDP of 3.5 % during 2009 and their growing reached a diminution phase 2 % between the old ages of 2008 and in 2009. About South African was severely affected by the planetary crisis and their existent GDP was demoing in negative i.e. ( -1.3 % ) . South African plays a critical function for economic development of African states. The major portion come from south African because they are holding ample resources and it is cardinal location and it major suited all concern environment for domestic every bit good as international degree. South African is major affected by planetary crisis and growing came to worsen 6.5 % . Many African of the states are wholly rely on exports and they want to develop African economic system and at the same clip concentrating on growing of GDP of a African states. African states keep the mark to crush planetary crisis and do the African economic system as a sustainable economic system by the terminal of 2010. About oil and their trade good exports of African states Harmonizing to Urbanomics ( 2009 ) was cited in web site about exports of African states. Figure4 Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: ( Accessed on 28/04/2010 ) African states are majorly concentrating on exporting trade good merchandises and they are bring forthing ample of sum
Sunday, September 15, 2019
CCOT Essay Europe America Africa Essay
The Renaissance in Western Europe marked the end of the Middle Ages and the start of Europe’s rise as a global power. The various States in Western Europe became more centralized, and monarchs exercised more control over their subjects. Christopher Columbus’s voyage to America and his return truly began the new age of exploration for Europe. This New World discovery greatly altered the lives of Native Americans, forcing them to live with colonists and people they had never been in contact with. Meanwhile, Prince Henry’s expeditions opened up new opportunities for trade in Africa. Through the period of 1492-1750, many things changed but parts of life stayed the same such as the European domination and the presence of trade in Africa. New contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas, however, led to interaction that has evolved greatly over the span of time. The new contacts and increased trade directly cause the rise in power in the Middle-Class in Europe. Throughout the feudal period, the control of the power and wealth was in the hands of the Nobles. As trade with Africa and the Americas increased, however, a new merchant class rose. As the new class became wealthier, they began to agitate for political power, sparking large battle like the 1789 French Revolution. The social changes in the Americas were unprecedented. The diseases brought over that the Europeans were so used to like measles and smallpox decimated the Native Americans because they had no previous contact with those illnesses. One example of this is when disease infested blankets were gifted to the Aztecs by Hernan Cortez during his quest to conquer them. These tactics were then later used to take down the Incas. Native Americans were suppressed into being slaves and or servants to the Europeans. A similar trend occurred in North America. Unlike the Aztecs or Incas, North American natives were decentralized, and loosely organized by tribes. Columbus’s initial subjugation of the Haitians, forcing them to mine gold, set a precedent for future domination. Africa was greatly affected by the slave trade. Large, constant amounts of labor were needed on the Spanish and Portuguese sugarcane plantations, and Native American populations were often unable or unwilling to work as slaves. Especially after Bartolome de las Casas’s campaign against the enslavement of Native Americans, the Europeans were desperate another source of cheap labor. Because of this, the Atlantic slave trade began, beginning a long and cruel period of time where as many as 12 million slaves for transported from Africa to the Americas. This mass slave trade had both positive and negative effects on African society. Although slavery was cruel and abusive, the money some empires acquired from working with the Europeans enabled them to create stronger relations and improve overall. Despite the massive change taking place, there were various aspects of life that stayed the same. In Western Europe, the large gap between the rich and the poor was still present; even though a stronger and more powerful middle class had developed, the power was still in the hands of an elite tier of people. Literally every West Europe country was controlled by a monarchy, with barely any representation. In Britain for example, only 2% of the population could vote due to restrictions and laws. In the Americas, many tribes were still able to keep their traditional way of life. Usually, tribes unsettled by the British settlers in North America migrated westward, and since the French had yet to take control of the Louisiana Territory, they were free to continue with their traditional methods. Africa was still almost completely free. It wasn’t until the 1880’s that Africa started to become majorly colonized. Though they were less powerful than the Western Europeans, the African nations remained independent and were directly reliant on trade In conclusion; the interaction between Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas resulted in both change and continuity. A major trend that is irreversible was the newfound connection between regions. Columbus joined the New World with Europe, creating a strong relationship that still stands today. Therefore, interaction between 1492 and 1750 set a precedent for future actions.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Racial and Ethnic Groups Essay
There are three sociological perspectives of race and ethnicity which are functionalist, conflict, and labeling perspectives. The first one I will discuss is the functionalist perspective. The functionalist perspective emphasizes how the parts of society are structured to maintain its stability. As also described in the reading the functionalist approach is an approach, if an aspect of social life does not contribute to a society’s stability or survival, it will not be passed on from one generation to the next. The functionalist perspective thinks that racial hostility is hard to be admired but the functionalist would point out that it serves some positive functions from the perspective group of the racists as described. In the dominant group there are five functions that racial beliefs have for the dominant group. As described they are the following: 1. A society that practices discrimination fails to use the resources of all individuals. Discrimination limits the search for talent and leadership to the dominant group. 2. Discrimination aggravates social problems such as poverty, delinquency, and crime and places the financial burden of alleviating these problems on the dominant group. 3. Society must invest a good deal of time and money to defend the barriers that prevent the full participation of all members. 4. Racial prejudice and discrimination undercut goodwill and friendly diplomatic relations between nations. They also negatively affect efforts to increase global trade. 5. Social change is inhibited because change may assist a subordinate group. 6. Discrimination promotes disrespect for law enforcement and for the peaceful settlement of disputes. The second perspective is the conflict perspective which is the perspective assumes that the social structure is best understood in terms of conflict or tension between competing groups. As described in the reading society is a struggle between the privileged (the dominant group) and the exploited (the subordinate group). There is competition that takes groups between groups with unequal amounts of political and economic powers. A difference is that functionalists are not necessarily in favor of inequality; their approach is helps to understand why such systems persist as described. The subordinate group is criticized for its low status. The dominant group is responsible for subordination which is often ignored. The third approach is the labeling approach. The labeling theory which is described in the reading is a concept introduced by sociologist Howard Becker, is an attempt to explain why certain people are viewed as deviant and other engaging in the same behavior are not. As said in the reading a crucial aspect of the relationship between dominant and subordinate groups is the prerogative of the dominant group to define society’s values. Minorities are believed to have the lack of ability to perform in important positions where subordinate group are locked into society’s inferior jobs. I feel that I can agree with the labeling perspective the most. The reason for this is that it still exists in today’s society. Companies are required to provide equal opportunity employment and cannot discriminate against religion, race, or age. We know that this is still not true. You see that most police officers and firefighters are still mostly men. You still see large amounts of families have stay at home mothers. Another example would believe that if a child is bad in school that it has to be his or her parents that make them that way. I believe that it truly is still an issue among individuals. Part II I choose African Americans and the creation of migration and the consequence of segregation. Migration is defined as a general term that describes any transfer of population. Segregation is described the physical separation of two groups, often imposed on a subordinate group by the dominant group. According to Wikipedia I choose The Great Migration. As described it was the movement of 2 million African American out of the Southern United States to the Midwest, Northeast, and West from 1910 to 1930. They migrated to escape racism and seek employment opportunities in industrial cities. When the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863 less than eight percent of the African American population lived in the northeastern or Midwestern U. S. As described, â€Å"Between 1910 and 1930, the African American population grew by about 40% in Northern states, mostly in the major cities. Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, New York, and Cleveland had some of the biggest increases in the early part of the century. Because changes were concentrated in cities, urban tensions rose as African Americans and new or recent European immigrants, both groups chiefly from rural societies, competed for jobs and housing with the white ethnic working class. Tensions were often most severe between ethnic Irish, defending their positions, and recent immigrants and blacks. †â€Å"African Americans moved as individuals or small family groups. There was no government assistance, but often northern industries, such as the railroads, meatpacking and stockyards, recruited people. The primary factor for migration was the racial climate and widespread violence of lynching in the South. In the North, they could find better schools and adult men could vote (joined by women after 1920). Burgeoning industries meant there were job opportunities. †(Wikipedia, 2010) This in turn caused African Americans to feel segregated and felt they had to be among other African Americans do to how they are treated. There were many fights and riots among different cultural groups due to segregation. Such as the example of African Americans who could not sit in the front of the bus because of their race. In today’s society this is ethnically not acceptable. References: Wikipedia. (2010, October 15). Wikipedia. org. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Great_Migration_(African_American).
Friday, September 13, 2019
The Times & Music of Johann Adolf Hasse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Times & Music of Johann Adolf Hasse - Essay Example Hasse was fortunate to have achieved considerable fame in his own lifetime- a fate reserved for very few composers in classical music (Millner, 1974 & 1979). Johann Adolf Hasse (1699-1783) was born in Bergdorf, one of the largest boroughs in Germany. He came from a family of church singers, organists and musicians. It was natural that he was to follow in their footsteps. Hasse’s father belonged to a musical family, and his great-grandfather Peter Hasse had been employed as an organist in Lubeck where had gained some fame as a composer in his heyday (Degrada, 1975). Hasse’s father and brothers subsequently were given the position of organists at the local church. His father was the head of a local charity organization which facilitated Hasse study in Hamburg. Hasse began displaying great musical talent at the age of fifteen. In fact during the very next year, in 1721 Hasse was hired by the Hamburg Opera Company as a tenor on the recommendation of Johann Ulrich Konig, who was the private secretary and poet to the Saxon Court at Dresden. Konig subsequently recommended Hasse for a position in the opera of the Duke of Brunswick. Hasse sang the operas of Caldara, Conti and Schumann. In 1721 Hasse’s creative talents came to the fore when he composed and sang his very own first opera role, Antioco. In fact, it was Hasse who gave life to the title role while Schumann sang the part of Seleuco. At the time, Italy was a burgeoning point for singing and operatic talent. After travelling through Venice, Bologna, Florence and Rome, Hasse eventually decided to settle down in Naples for some time (Grove, 1992). While in Naples, he met both Nicolo Pompora and Alessandro Scarlatti and he studied under both of them by 1725.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Sec & terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Sec & terrorism - Essay Example Historically, the U.S. identity has always been a benchmark by which threats to security are perceived. As Campbell (1998) informs, U.S. foreign policy has demonstrated that where the existence of alternative identities challenges the belief that the U.S. identity could be the ideal identity, this is often construed as a threat to security. In other words, security risks are interpreted as a means of establishing the U.S. identity (Campbell, 1998). Campbell’s conceptualization of the close relationship between U.S. identity and security is consistent with the constructivist account of international relations. For example, Wendt (1999) argues that state actors establish identities within an international social structure. How the state views its identity and how other states view the state’s identity shape and direct international politics and relations (Wendt, 1992). Using the constructivist account of international relations, this paper will argue and demonstrate the c lose connection between identity and security in U.S. foreign policy during the period of the Cold War is clearly established. However, during the detente phase of the Cold War, it appears as though U.S. security is less connected to identity but rather more closely connected to materialism. This paper is divided into two main parts. The first part of this paper provides an overview of the theory of constructivism in international relations. The second part of this paper will analyse the close connection between identity and security in U.S. foreign policy during the period of the Cold War and the fragility of that connection during the period of detente. The Theory of Constructivism in International Relations Constructivists, like neoliberal and neorealist theorists attempt to understand the drivers of state behaviour. However, constructivists are distinguished from neorealism and neoliberalism in that constructivists do not â€Å"ignore†the â€Å"content and sources of st ate interests and the social fabric of world politics†(Checkel, 1998, p. 324). Essentially, neoliberalism, neorealism and realism are juxtaposed against constructivism in a paradigm articulated as materialism vs idealism (Barkim, 2003). In this regard, constructivists reject the realist/traditional view that state behaviour is driven and explained by material power (Barkim, 2003). For the constructivists, state behaviour and international politics are both socially constructed (Alder, 1997). State behaviour is explained by a number of underlying factors that subjectively form the basis of ideas that steer state behaviour through the acquisition of state identities and interests (Copeland, 2000). Where states share the same ideas and interests, this can constrain and modify the behaviour of a state. Thus in interacting with one another, states may reconstruct their identities and interests through what is referred to as a â€Å"socialising process†(Copeland, 2000, p. 1 90). It is via the socialising process that states identify, defend and protect their identities which in turn inform their objectives and roles within the international political order (Copeland, 2000). Constructivism offers a novel and expansive method for understanding how states perceive security dilemmas as it offers tools for conceptualizing â€Å"human consciousness, national identity†and state interests (Tsai, 2009, p. 19). When constructivism is used to understand how states interpret security
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Personal Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Essays - Essay Example A community draws strength from its environment. I am passionate about the environment, and its contribution to the betterment of my community. I have served as a volunteer with the Central Oregon Trail Alliance, the Friends of the Deschutes River, and the Smith Rock Parks, getting down to the basics: cleaning, picking up and digging! With Girls On The Run, I have passed on my love for running, as the path to empowerment and self-confidence, to other girls. Living in harmony with nature, and testing the limits of one’s physical and mental endurance, is my way to an inclusive, caring community. My love for traveling, which has taken me to twenty-two countries, has made me appreciate diverse cultures and the underlying goodness of people all over the world. I have studied Spanish for five years, and have spent a summer in beautiful Mexico: it was a learning experience beyond compare. I threw myself into everything, from salsa to mole sauce. My seventy-year-old hostess, who lived, shopped and cooked independently, was also a devout Catholic and doting mother, and a revelation to me! I have come to acknowledge that there is no one, cast-iron, way to do the right thing. My travels in the Middle East, particularly in Egypt, brought home to me the sad fact that the gender bias, which is so alien to us Americans, is very much a part of the life of women in many parts of the world. As a woman of no religious affiliation, with uncovered head and independent attitude, I was dismayed and even intimidated, by the hostility I sometimes encountered.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Media production Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Media production - Essay Example The settings of this film can be illustrated through the luxury portrayed by the Italian director Luca Guadagnino through choice of settings, thereby making the movies a form of European art film. For instance, the film utilizes lavish costumes, sets, elaborate pacing, and nuanced mise-en-scene; in fact, this form of visual poetry and opulent imagery is not common in European movies. The film is set during Christmas through an aperture sequence to reveal Milan during the winter. Furthermore, the film is made in spectacular mansion of the affluent Recchi family, thereby developing a scene, which evokes Visconti’s â€Å"The Leopard.†For example, this mise-sn-scene is portrayed during a gathering by the family for a birthday dinner in honour of patriarch Edoardo Recchi (Swinton), who is a stylish and reserved head of the family. Another scene through which elegance, luxury and beauty is portrayed in the film is when, a young man names Antonio joins the family at the house to deliver a cake to Edo and he is introduced to Emma. At this point, the Luca Guadagnino's I Am Love offers complete digression into the privileged world attributed to impossible of luxury and sophistication, which numerous Hollywood’s Golden Age film tries to achieve (Noh, 2010, 1). On the other hand, Yorick Le Saux’s photography skills presented magnificent designs of these scenes by focusing in the aspect of timelessly archetypal attires by Fendi. For instance, Swinton appearance portrayed Raf Simons to be a fashion genius in making his film debut. A new scene in this film is developed through a rigorous editing in order to establish a context of natural environ. In this case, there are master shots created through progression of speedy cuts of shots in order to offer a representation of the entire scene. Apparently, this new scene is strident in terms of its presentation; though there is difficulty in understanding the way these new surroundings are introduced. B esides, the movies do not present the transition from one scene to another in interesting ways to viewers’ consciousness. Instead, presentation of new scenes is focused on reforming viewers’ understanding of the new scene to fit into the narrative. The film presents another mise-sn-scene in a restaurant where Emma is dinning with her mother-in-law and prospect daughter-in-law. Apparently, Emma is stirred up by the prawn prepared by Antonio; in fact, this is a scene that depicts a transition from 2D to 3D and smell-o-vision. On the other hand, performance by Swinton in this mise-en-scene precisely depicts Emma's arousal by the food. In fact, this forms a brilliant scene in the film while viewers watch as Emma lose control of her senses while her inhibitors take control of her for the rest of the movie. In addition, the movie has a temperate pace, through it gas speedy cutting for sense alteration, and so does the Recchi family. Nonetheless, there are few things that occ ur in the film, though they are enough to make it captivating. Therefore, mise-en-scene of the film is attributable to powerful visual cues, which narrates the story and catalyze the narrative’s transition from plot to plot. Camera Work Camera works make the film splendid, whereby Guadagnino uses different angles by positioning the camera in unusual spots. In fact, this makes the film has few
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