Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Transitional Period Between Childhood And Adulthood
What is Adolescence? It is the period of life from puberty to maturity terminating legally at the age majority (Merriam-Webster, 2013). In addition to, it is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood. This is an individual’s most difficult time because they are no longer needed to be taken care of like they were in their early childhood. Huge responsibilities and real life situations have suddenly caught up to them. Their parents are slowly letting them grow up and handle conflicts on their own. Unfortunately, this all leads to adolescents’ most frustrations to grow because of the amount of independence they have. In addition to, the desire and pressure of acceptance by their peers are stronger than ever. For these reasons and numerous others, suicide is the third leading cause of death during the adolescent years (Karaman, D., Durukan, I., 2013). This leads individuals to question why are adolescents at such a young age trying to attempt suicide and who should be blamed when a child has committed suicide? Fortunately, psychologists have found preventions and signs that can help adults to figure out if their child is at risk of attempting to suicide. Research indicates most teens who happen to be depressed reveal warning signs. Numerous studies have asserted that depression is clearly associated with suicide (Hamrin Pachler 2005). Depression warning signs may be constantly crying and experiencing sudden sadness. When someone is depressed, they usually tendShow MoreRelatedAdolescence : The Transitional Period Between Childhood And Adulthood1549 Words  | 7 Pagesare transforming from children to young adults. There are many levels of adolescence that can cause hardships for the adolescence. According to Zastrow and Ashman (2013), adolescence is â€Å"the transitional period between childhood and adulthood†It can begin as early as nine years old but usually occurs between the ages of eleven and twelve. When adolescence begins, changes happen mentally and physically. Mentally, children begin to establish and maintain satisfying relationships by learning to shareRead MoreDiscuss the concept of adolescence as a social construct and its validity for different cultures1117 Words  | 5 PagesDiscuss the concept of adolescence as a social construct and its validity for different cultures. Adolescence describes the transitional stage in a teenager’s life, from childhood to adulthood, where an individual evolves physically, psychologically, emotionally, cognitively and socially. It is a defined social category that is expressed through immaturity and unpredictability and allows an individual to learn and discover their sense of self and identity. 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Adolescents will go through social, psychological, hormonal, and physical changes/ growth which allows them to reach sexual maturity early. Both males and females adolescents would experience a great amount of height and weight change through their teenage years. Rapid growth spurts and puberty change between the ages of 12 andRead MoreAdolescent Stages of Development1500 Words  | 6 PagesAdolescent Stages of Development Adolescence is probably the most difficult period in life of every individual since it is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood. In this period adolescents undergo significant changes in physiological, psychological and social aspects. Naturally, these changes produce a significant impact on their lifestyle, behaviour, psychology, etc. Traditionally, adolescence is considered to start at preteens, mostly from around 9-10 years of age till 19-20 years
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Waiting Before Waiting By Merriam Webster Essay - 1595 Words
Waiting†¦ waiting is described by Merriam-Webster as verb of to look forward expectantly. Waiting is a game that never ends, once one presented with the time or object one is waiting on, the process beings all again. Nail biting worrying waiting, waiting to see if we got the big promotion or if we passed the test that one chose to just wing. Waiting can be an enjoyable game, it can help see where life takes one but on the other hand waiting can be neve racking horrible game. We wait on the abundant aroma of the plentifully Thanksgiving meal that is received each November of juicy turkey and cloud like potato soufflà ©. Once Thanksgiving passes one beings to wait on the jolly big man all dressed in red to make a fall down the smut filled chimney. One impatiently waits on traffic jams to clear up, while the old prissy lady driving a Bentley is beeping her horn because the traffic light is making her late to yoga class, but what if one was waiting on something that they could no t live without. This object is necessary for life to go on, instead of playing the waiting game of did one pass the non- hard if one’s study test but what if the game was a game of life and death. Instead of counting days until the abundant aroma of the plentifully Thanksgiving meal, it was how many days until one dies because they are in need of an organ to sustain life and all it has to offer. This is the thought of more than 4,500 Georgians who are currently waiting for an organ transplant according toShow MoreRelatedThe Treatment Of The Jews During The Holocaust1501 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to Merriam-Webster dictionary, legal is defined as â€Å"conforming to or permitted by law or established rule†(merriam webster). It then defines moral as, â€Å"expressing or teaching a conception or right behavior†(merriam webster). Dr. King gives a touching look at the difference between legality and morality with the example of events that took place with G ermany under the leadership of Hitler. He explains that in Nazi Germany, it was â€Å"legal†to abuse and humiliate Jews. He then statesRead MoreMy Divorced Parents: Very Special People963 Words  | 4 Pagesin different ways. When my parents got a divorce they broke their vows to each other. They were the complete opposite of what they are to me and my family, loyal. Loyalty means â€Å"showing a feeling of strong support for someone or something†(Merriam-Webster). My dad is a very loyal man to me and my family. He shows me continuous support in everything I do. For example, when I decided I will be attending West Kentucky Community Technical College next fall and getting a degree in Applied Science, heRead MoreRhetoric Of A World War II Political Cartoon Essay1551 Words  | 7 Pagesmanipulate and change the publics point of view. Most of us pay little attention to them so we believe ads have little to no effect on how we think or how we make our decisions. However, they do affect us, good or bad. Just like this cartoon drawing â€Å"Waiting for The Signal From Home†drawn by Theodor Seuss Geisel knew now as Dr. Seuss, famous for writing children’s books. This 1942 World War II cartoon depicts Japanese Americans living on the West Coast as guilty for having helped convict the treacherousRead MoreHistory of Computers: 3D Printing1079 Words  | 5 Pagesof computers are one thing that is hard to depict because of the multiple definitions of a computer. Before 1935, a â€Å"computer†referred to a person who performed arithmetic calculations, so â€Å"computers†have been around for ages, to be technical. For the purposes of this paper it will be referring to the modern definition of a computer. The modern definition of a computer according to Merriam Webster is â€Å"an electronic machine that can store and work with large amounts of information†, But even withRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay1100 Words  | 5 Pagesimagery, and the one I will be discussing, superstition ( SparkNotes Editors). Superstition is a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation (â€Å"Merriam-Webster†). Superstition was a very popular theme in Huckleberry Finn that you saw throughout the story. Huck was somewhat superstitious, but Jim speaks a wide range of superstition and folk tales. In the story it makes Jim seem as if he is unintelligentRead MoreCase Study : Sales Experience1368 Words  | 6 Pagessimilar products, and having the ability to compare products. Purchasing Confirming the order, identifying the user, choosing a payment option and doing the paying. Waiting Providing delivery details, building excitement by telling facts about the product, and suggesting other products. Sales Experience Cycle Receiving Experiencing Waiting Dreaming Purchasing Researching Graphic adjusted from Google’s – The Online Customer Journey 22 STARTUPS BAIDU, MICROSOFT, AND AMAZON HEAVILYRead MoreRhetoric Of A World War II Essay2316 Words  | 10 Pagesand change the public’s point of view. Most of us pay little attention to advertisements believing they have little to no effect on how we think or how we make our decisions. However, they do affect us, good or bad. Just like the cartoon drawing â€Å"Waiting for The Signal From Home†drawn by Theodor Seuss Geisel who devoted his full time to cartooning after coming back to America where he later he later was asked to illustrate his first children s book as where now he is known as Dr. Seuss famous forRead MoreAbortion Should Not Be Legal1274 Words  | 6 Pagesto be a difficult process. If abortion were to be legalized there would be an increase in growth of abandoned infants causing the expansion of orphanages and foster homes. That access to legal abortion in the early 1970s, particularly before Roe v. Wade, had a large negative effect on adoption rates is in contrast to findings on the effects of post-Roe abortion restrictions ( Due to the effects of abortion legalization it has caused economic troubles to the abandoned infantsRead MoreA Research Study On The Optical Shop1159 Words  | 5 Pagesexperimental case study assignment, I observed an employee with a major optical shop located in a major department store at a very busy mall. I was able to sit in the waiting area to monitor this employee without her knowledge. However, at one point she thought I was a customer needing assistance, but I was able to convince her that I was waiting on someone. Retail selling involves selling goods and services to end-user consumers for their own personal use (Johnson and Marshall, p. 41). The optical shopRead MoreBiblical Principles For Righteous Living872 Words  | 4 Pagescorrect meaning of theology, Merriam-Webster states it is, â€Å"Learning about faith, and the practice principles and the experiences associated with values.†Another explanation she states is, â€Å"It is how God interacts with the world.†Biblical principles are instructions to living in compliance to what honors God. Integrity for God is putting Him first above all things. The principles such as honesty and upright living are the best examples of decency for God. Meanwhile, before learning about God concerning
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Clothing, Handbags and Jewelry Industries in the Us free essay sample
Clothing Accessories * The global clothing accessories industry is worth close to $16. 5 billion, according to research from Packaged Facts. During the economic recession, many consumers opted to buy accessories instead of more expensive items of clothing(Accessories can be sold even in recession). Spending patterns concerning accessories are slightly different than clothing purchases as accessories are often bought on impulse or as add-on purchases. The world clothing accessories market is expected to exceed $20 billion by 2012. The global clothing accessories market is expected to see growth resume in the post recession period. Consumer confidence is recovering from the lows of the economic recession, with shoppers more willing to splash out on luxury and non-essential items. As consumers become increasingly conscious about the environment, demand for environmentally friendly luggage will rise(focus more on environmental friendly products, could also be used as a marketing strategy). Handbags This U. S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing womens handbags and purses of any material (except precious metal). This 6-digit NAICS industry (316992) is under the hierarchy of Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Industry (31699), Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Subsector (316), and the Manufacturing Sector (31-33). Revenue, Profitability amp; Foreign Trade Preview The industrys revenue for the year 2010 was approximately $351. 1 million USD, with an estimated gross profit of 51. 29%. Import was valued at $2. 3 billion USD from 111 countries. The industry also exported $256. 2 million USD worth of merchandise to 117 countries. Adding import value to and subtracting export value from the industrys shipment value, the total domestic demand for the industry in 2010 was $2. 4 billion USD. (This could be the biggest market for sale) Jewelry 1) Costume jewelry is considered a discrete category of fashion accessory, and displays many characteristics of a self-contained industry. Costume jewelry manufacturers are located throughout the world, with a particular concentration in parts of China and India, where entire city-wide and region-wide economies are dominated by the trade of these goods. There has been considerable controversy in the United States and elsewhere about the lack of regulations in the manufacture of such jewelryâ€â€these range from human rights issues surrounding the treatment of labor, to the use of manufacturing processes in which small, but potentially harmful, amounts of toxic metals are added during production. (lot of cadmium found) As part of the supply chain, wholesalers in the United States and other nations purchase costume jewelry from manufacturers and typically import or export it to wholesale distributors and suppliers who deal directly with retailers. Wholesale costume jewelry merchants would traditionally seek out new suppliers at trade shows. As the Internet has become increasingly important in global trade, the trade-show model has changed. Retailers can now select from a large number of wholesalers with sites on the World Wide Web. Some of these sites also market directly to consumers, who can purchase costume jewelry at greatly reduced prices. Some of these sites include fashion jewelry as a separate category, while some use this term in favor of costume jewelry. The trend of jewelry-making at home by hobbyists for personal enjoyment or for sale on sites like Etsy has resulted in the common practice of buying wholesale costume jewelry in bulk and using it for parts. 2) World costume jewelry market stands enthused by the increasing emphasis laid down by consumers on fashion and style(most important for the attraction of the customers). Demand for costume jewelry and fashion accessories, such as, rings, earrings, bracelets, bangles, lockets, and brooches, is waxing at a healthy pace, driven largely by consumer preference for affordable, yet fashionable jewelry. Costume jewelry has tailored looks and styles borrowed from fine jewelry. However, updated impressions of these are needed to supplement and accessorize the latest apparel from couture houses and the fashion industry. Fashions in costume jewelry are generally reflected in the ready-to-wear apparel and accessories industry. Given the relative inexpensiveness and affordability of costume jewelry, purchases are predominantly impulsive especially for the younger generation(could be one of the main target markets). Designing of costume jewelry is closely in line with the apparel market. Strong economic development in developing countries, rise in GDP, standards of living, and disposable incomes, are all factors fuelling the markets growth. Growing sophistication of consumer tastes(what exactly does the customer wants? ) in the developed markets is fingered as a key reason for sales gain in these markets. Design innovations from manufacturers and fashion designers are helping attract fashion-savvy consumers. Unique designs, durability, and high quality are all variables for product success in the marketplace. General idea about the market for jewelry Costume jewelry market worldwide is dominated by the United States with an estimated 32. 49% share in the year 2007, as stated by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. Asia-Pacific represents the fastest growing market, mirroring a projected CAGR of 6. 93% over the period 2000 to 2010. In the Necklaces, bracelets amp; chains market, sales are forecast to rise by US$3,853 million between the period 2007 to 2015. Global sales of Brooches, Pendants amp; Pins are projected to reach US$2. 0 billion by the year 2015. Ear Rings market in Asia-Pacific is forecast to grow at a robust CAGR of 9. 52% over the 2011 to 2015 period. Leading players operating in the global costume jewelry market include Avon Products Inc, Adrian Buckley Jewellery, DCK Concessions Ltd, H. Stern Com. amp; Ind. S. A, Kamp;M Associates, The Colibri Group, Roman Research Inc. , and Swank Inc. (we could implement their strategies)
Monday, December 2, 2019
Miss Havisham first impression Essay Example
Miss Havisham first impression Paper One of the main characters of Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations is Miss Havisham. Throughout the course of the novel, we discover lots about her and her life, especially in the first part of chapter 8 in the story. The main thing we discover about Miss Havisham, is that 20 years ago she was unfortunately jilted at the alter, and this has greatly affected her ever since. In this essay, I am going to discuss and explain the ways in which Dickens clever shapes the readers opinion of Miss Havisham, and the views we have on her because of this. The main way I believe that Dickens shapes the readers first impression of Miss Havisham, is by writing about her description through the eyes of Pip. Pip is the main character in the novel, and we learn from earlier that he is from an extremely poor background, and as he is naive and from an age where he is easily influenced by what is around him, especially because of his dream to be a gentleman. Being from such a poor family, as Pip enters Miss Havishams house everything appears even more elegant and expensive that is really is, as he has never seen objects like this before. We will write a custom essay sample on Miss Havisham first impression specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Miss Havisham first impression specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Miss Havisham first impression specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When Pip explains the room Miss Havisham lives in, we get the impression that Miss Havisham has become a hermit since she was left by her husband to be. She appears to have absolutely no life as nothing appears to have changed in the room since that day, for example, she is still wearing her white wedding dress, which has turned to a rotten yellow due to the length of time she has been wearing it. Because of this, we get the impression she has turned crazy, as she has not changed her clothes for 20 years. We can tell from the way Pip behaves towards Miss Havisham, and her adopted daughter Estella, that Pip believes the way he and Miss Havisham get along could result in his family getting a sum of money from Miss Havisham, and this is extremely important to his sister, who is his guardian. There is proof of this in the novel when Miss Havisham asks Pip if he is afraid of her, and instead of saying yes, he replies that I am afraid of not pleasing you. However, we get the impression that later on he becomes afraid rather than nervous, as he starts to realise that there is something not quite right about her and the way she talks to him. We can tell he feels scared from the way Pip interacts with her and the way he responds to her questions, with lots of pauses, and using broken dialogue, as thought he is terrified to say the wrong thing. The way Pip describes the different objects in the room gives us an impression of what Miss Havishams life is like. The room is filled with rich and expensive objects such as dressing tables and looking glasses lit with candles. He talks about these objects as though he has never heard of or even seen anything like them before. He talks about a draped table with a gilded looking glass, giving the impression he thinks of these thing as elegant and special, and yet Miss Havisham appears to take little care of the things in the room. He describes what she is wearing as rich materials satins, lace, and silks all of white. This gives us the impression she is glamorous and clean looking, whereas we later learn her white clothes have turned yellow from not being washed in 20 years, as Pip says I learn that everything in my view ought to be white, and was white long ago. The room is filled with dirt and everything surrounding her is old and no longer elegant and rich looking as Pip first made out. We then get the impression Miss Havisham is unhealthy, unfed and unclean, from Pips description of how she looks. We understand that she is withered like her dress, this use of simile shows that she has shrunk to skin and bone, and has bright, however sunken eyes. The author then compares Miss Havisham to a ghastly waxwork, and even worse a skeleton. Dickens then goes on to describe Pips fear by stating that I should have cried out, if I could. There is a strong contrast in the novel between white and yellow, it is often mentioned that everything surrounding Miss Havisham used to be white and fresh, but is dirty and yellow. This appears to be comparing colours to Miss Havishams life, where she used to be young and youthful before she was jilted, but has now grown old and ill looking, The fact that Dickens has chosen to describe Miss Havishams surroundings prove to us how important it is to Dickens that we can understand Miss Havishams distress and depression. Dickens uses repetition throughout the novel to show the repetition in Miss Havishams life and how everything is always the same. In conclusion, I believe that seeing as marriage was so important to women in the early 1900s due to the fact they felt as though they needed a man in their lives for financial and emotional security, this is the reason Miss Havisham is like this and Pip, being young and naive did not at all understand why she had turned so crazy and into a hermit, which is the reason Dickens chose to describe Miss Havisham through Pips eyes. Altogether, I believe the way that Dickens has written the novel gives us a view on the rich (Miss Havisham) and the poor (Pip) as he sees them. Money can turn you mad, and is definitely not everything.
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