Wednesday, July 31, 2019
High Prevalence Of Hiv Health And Social Care Essay
Social Determinants are status whereby economic, societal and wellness position depletes for a group of people who are born, turn, populate, work and age, in their state. The economic system of their state is shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources which influence the wellness position. These people are determiners of wellness who are casualty of wellness unfairnesss. Harmonizing to World Health Organisation an unequal distribution of health-damaging experiences is non in any sense a ‘natural ‘ phenomenon but is the consequence of a toxic combination of hapless societal policies, unjust economic agreements [ where the already well-off and healthy go even richer and the hapless who are already more likely to be sick go even poorer ] , and bad political relations. HIV is one of the universe ‘s taking infective slayers, claiming more than 25 million lives over the past three decennaries. Worldwide, immature adult females aged 15-24 old ages are 1.6 times every bit likely as immature work forces to be HIV positive. Harmonizing to UNAIDS, in Sub Saharan, South Africa, has high prevalence of HIV among immature adult females are estimated to be 3,300,000, which is the universe ‘s highest. Sub Saharan contains some of the universe ‘s poorest and politically unstable parts therefore HIV preponderantly strikes immature grownups, the societal and economic instability roots it ‘s manner toA HIVA epidemic. These societal inequalities are based on historical, cultural and structural factors which impeded the striplings to driving them to wellness jeopardies and striping them from wellness benefits. The conditions which may be affect wellness degrees forcing stripling into catching HIV in Sub Saharan is as follows,MarriageIn assorted part of Sub Saharan, the common pattern of immature miss matrimony is an increasing of import factor in HIV epidemic. Marriage immature misss know less about HIV, are less able negotiate method of protection from HIV than single immature misss. Young misss are married to older hubbies where age difference is broad. Most of the hubby carries the HIV virus because they work as a migratory workers.PovertyUnemployment, underemployment and ensuing to poverty continue to account for high incidence ofA HIV inA Sub Saharan. PovertyA is the norm as rich controls the wealth in Sub Saharan.A Economic endurance overrides the life determinations among the hapless. The ti e between poorness andA HIV has been broad. Due to poverty the get bying capacities of families of a immature married adult female are affected as they are impoverished. To pull off their household, immature adult females histories for hazardous behavioursA inA new societal environments, ensuing for an addition incidence of HIV.A To run into the increasing demands, some of these immature adult females may engageA inA transactional sexual activities either on occasion or as professional commercial sex workers, thereby advancing a barbarous sequenceA inA the spread of HIV. Young Women in Sub Saharan are particularly vulnerable to cultural beliefs and patterns as holding a relationship with adult male where sex is exchanged for stuff goods and protection from an older adult male and the belief that an septic adult male can bring around himself by holding sex with younger adult females.Gender InequalityPatriarchy Dependence of WomenThe impact of immature womenA inA patriarchal societies is relatively high in the spread ofA HIV. Young adult females ‘s limited ability to negociate safe sexA is a major obstruction in commanding the rate of the HIV widespread. Young adult females are 3-4 times more likely to be infected compared to their male opposite numbers. The male-dominant societies continues to determine adult females ‘s sexual behaviourA histories for the high prevalence of HIV in immature adult females. Since bulk of the societies are male-dominant, misss are cultured from really immature ages to play low-level functions. Girls are cultivated by household on a â€Å" hand-down †conditioning of adult females to uphold household honor and image. Therefore immature adult females are matrimony at their immature age. Young Women becomes susceptible to the HIV as a consequence of their limited powerA inA sexual brushs. It was noted that bulk of theA HIV positive adult females were really infected by their partners. Young adult females ‘s dependence on work forces made them vulnerable toA HIV. InA African societies, the production of kids is decided by work forces, immature adult females may be under force per unit area from their partners non merely to reproduce, but to besides accomplish a coveted figure of lasting kids. In Sub Saharan societies, adult females are lack in the power to deny sex to their partners even when they can demo cases of matrimonial infidelityA inA their relationship. An article in UNAIDS cited that it ‘s a believed that in Africa, the partners had a right to crush their married woman. Woman ‘ are obligated to hold sex with her partner on demand even if she was non interested. Even more current surveies continue to tie in confidant spouse force and high degrees of male controlA inA a adult female ‘s relationship withA HIVA seropositivity.Forced sexWomans who are victims of sexual force are at a higher hazard of being exposed to HIV, and the deficiency of rubber usage and forced nature of colza makes immature adult females more vul nerable to HIV infection. Forced sex and attendant scratchs facilitate entry of HIV.AUnemploymentA combination of inundations, drouth, hapless distribution system, failed administration, and increasing poorness to import nutrient has implicated scarceness inA the state. Unemployment rate additions. The HIV contagious disease contributes when adolescent/ immature adult females see nutrient shortage.A HIV resultsA when there ‘s inA less income and less capacity to react unemployment rate. A barbarous rhythm exists among hungriness, poorness andA HIV. When a hubby acquired AIDS, the family load falls on married woman. A immature adult female she needs to pull off household hungriness and malnutrition hence drive them to commercial sex workersOrphaned AdolescentVictims of AIDS orphaned stripling. Most of the universe ‘s AIDS orphaned adolescent resideA inA Sub Saharan. This could perchance resultA in a big figure of dysfunctional grownups. Adolescents are left to care for th eir younger siblingsA inA the absence of their parents. The force per unit area on stripling due to high mortality in the household, deepen poorness. InA the face of increasing demands, these adult females would probably engageA inA sexual activities and advancing the spread ofA HIV.AEducationSocioeconomic position and low literacy are major factors act uponing this result. Young adult females are lack educational chances and experience less concern about the hereafter Low literacy rates tend to halter adult females ‘s cognition about bar plans, .Entree to HealthcareYoung Women more likely to detain prosecuting wellness attention either because symptoms were non considered terrible, had disappeared or for deficiency of money. Even when adult females sought attention, they were more likely than their male opposite numbers to turn to public wellness attention installations where minimum attention is the norm. Therefore adult females are less likely to seek wellness attention inA wellness attention scenes compared to work forces.Cultural BeliefsMost Africans believeA inA the power of traditional therapists to bring around sick people. Reuse of unsterilised acerate leafs and cross taint with patients ‘ organic structure fluids were patterns among African traditional healers.This coupled with usage of one unsterilised instrument on several clientsA inA their patterns is a major factorA inA the spread ofA HIV. Due to moo socioeconomics and ignorance because of small or no instruction and limited resources to follow sterile techniques continue to underlie the patterns of these traditional therapists. With limited resources, immature adult females become most vulnerable to these risky alternate redresss. Plans: In sub-Saharan Africa, experience with young person HIV bar programmes is limited, with grounds sing effectivity still emerging. Recent tests of young person HIV bar intercessions have achieved assorted consequences. Three big community tests of comprehensive attacks to youth HIV bar, affecting schools and other cardinal establishments and stakeholders, have failed to significantly cut down HIV incidence in immature people, and have shown merely modest success in increasing protective behaviors [ 8-10 ] . However, two group-based intercessions in South Africa have shown promise in cut downing reported HIV-related hazard behaviors, and in one instance, associated biological results [ 11-13 ] . Both intercessions addressed HIV-related structural factors, or the societal influences underlying HIV hazard [ 14 ] , viz. gender-based force [ 11-13 ] and adult females ‘s poorness [ 12,13 ] . Together with limited consequences of several smaller, school-based intercessions, these result s have triggered argument about ‘which intercessions work ‘ [ 15 ] . The variable ‘economic activity ‘ categorized striplings into employed, unemployed and attending school. Adolescents who were in employment were considered as economically active, whereas those unemployed were classified as economically inactive, and were compared to striplings go toing school. Plans A surveies in both developed and developing states [ 2,5,7,16-19 ] suggest an of import function for school-based intercessions in increasing immature people ‘s cognition of gender, generative wellness, and HIV bar, with a bulk taking to decreases in reported hazard behaviors [ 5 ] . Reviews of school-based intercessions specific to sub-Saharan Africa have found greater intervention impact on HIV-related cognition procedure of intercession development, including formative research ; 2 ) cultural/linguistic version ; 3 ) usage of social/behavioural theory ; 4 ) how and where the intercession was delivered ( eg. schoolroom, community, after school, excess periods ) ; 5 ) who delivered the intercession ( eg. , peer pedagogues, instructors, trained facilitators ) ; 6 ) choice and support of cardinal messages ; 7 ) engagement of participants and/or broader community ; 8 ) focal point on societal context and hazard environments, every bit good as single hazard behaviors ; and 9 ) focal point on HIV causal tracts of relevancy to South African scene.PreventionPersons can cut down the hazard of HIV infection by restricting exposure to hazard factors. Key attacks for HIV bar include:1. Condom usageCorrect and consistent usage of male and female rubbers during vaginal or anal incursion can protect against the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Evidence shows that male latex rubbers have an 85 % or greater protective consequence against the sexual transmittal of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections ( STIs ) .2. Testing and reding for HIV and STIsTesting for HIV and other STIs is strongly advised for all people exposed to any of the hazard factors so that they can larn of their ain infection position and entree necessary bar and intervention services without hold.3. Pre-exposure prophylaxis ( PrEP ) for HIV-negative spouseTests among serodiscordant twosomes have demonstrated that antiretroviral drugs taken by the HIV-negative spouse can be effectual in forestalling acquisition from the HIV-positive spouse. This is known as pre-exposure prophylaxis ( PrEP ) . WHO is urging that states implement presentation undertakings on PrEP for serodiscordant twosomes and work forces and transgender adult females who have sex with work forces.4. Post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV ( PEP )Post-exposure prophylaxis ( PEP ) is the usage of ARV drugs within 72 hours of exposure to HIV in order to forestall infection. PEP is frequently recommended for wellness attention workers following needle stick hurts in the workplace. PEP includes guidance, foremost assistance attention, HIV testing, and depending on hazard degree, administrating of a 28-day class of antiretroviral drugs with follow-up attention.5. Male CircumcisionMale Circumcision when safely provided by well-trained wellness professionals reduces the hazard of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in work forces by about 60 % . This is a cardinal intercession in generalised epidemics with high HIV prevalence and low male Circumcision rates.6. Elimination of mother-to-child transmittal of HIV ( eMTCT )The transmittal of HIV from an HIV-positive female parent to her kid during gestation, labor, bringing or breastfeeding is called perpendicular or mother-to-child transmittal ( MTCT ) . In the absence of any intercessions transmittal rates are between 15-45 % . MTCT can be to the full prevented if both the female parent and the kid are provided with antiretroviral drugs throughout the phases when infection could happen. WHO is presently reexamining the advantages of offering all HIV-positive pregnant adult females ARVs, irrespective of their CD4 count, and maintaining them on it for life.7. ArtA new test has confirmed if an HIV-positive individual adheres to an effectual antiretroviral therapy regimen, the hazard of conveying the virus to their clean sexual spouse can be reduced by 96 % . For twosomes in which one spouse is HIV-positive and the other HIV-negative, WHO recommends ART for the HIV-positive spouse regardless of her/his immune position.8. Harm decrease for shooting drug usersPeoples who inject drugs can take safeguards against going infected with HIV by utilizing unfertile shooting equipment, including acerate leafs and panpipes, for each injection. A comprehensive bundle of HIV bar and intervention, peculiarly opioid permutation therapy for drug users includes drug dependance intervention, HIV proving and reding, HIV intervention and attention, and entree to condoms and direction of STI s, TB and viral hepatitis.WHO responseorphanage with age, wealth quintiles, self-perceived fiscal position, instruction attainment, schooling position, economic activity and topographic point of residency.A Participants identified unemployment/poverty, migratory labour, limited educational chances, limited political will, limited entree to rubbers, the low position of adult females, the slow reaction of the international community and other sociocultural correlatesA in HIV/ AIDS epidemiologyA inA that state. Uganda'sA HIVA infection rate has plummeted from 30 per centum to 5 percentA inA somewhat more than a decennary because of an effectiveA HIV/AIDS educational intercession plan. â€Å" Uganda'sA HIV-fighting mantra is referred to as ABC: Abstain, Be faithful or Use rubber. The authorities launched a monolithic run on wireless, telecasting, andA innewspapers to promote people to acquire tested and to follow the ABC ‘s †( Wax, 2003 ) . An of import lesson here is that Uganda recognized from the oncoming the socioeconomic conditions among the Ugandan people that fueled the behaviour. The Ugandan leading sought to turn to these conditions before advancing the so called â€Å" A, B, C â€Å" scheme. For illustration, immature people are more likely to abstain from sex if redirected with other socioeconomic inducements such as educational chances. Women ( particularly individual caputs of families ) are likely to be faithful if provided with socioeconomic chances that addres s their basic demands. Equally true is the committedness to utilize rubbers with increased ( free ) entree to them. Similar authorities runs againstA HIV/ AIDSA inA Thailand and Zambia are giving positive consequences. As Fassin and Schneider note, These illustrations present obliging grounds that sustained educational and other socioeconomic inducements ( instead than victim faulting ) are effectual toolsA inA the war againstHIV/ AIDSA in sub-SaharanA Africa. . Many womenA inA the part are less likely to profit from anti -HIV/ AIDS runs channeled through the print media. Men largely ain wirelesss and telecastings. WomenA inrural scenes are worse offA inA this respect ( De Bruyn, 1992 ) . Womans are more likely to detain seeking wellness attention either because symptoms were non considered terrible, had disappeared or for deficiency of money. Even when adult females sought attention, they were more likely than their male opposite numbers to turn to public wellness attention installations where fringy attention is the norm ( Voeten, 2004 ) . Equally more distressing is adult females ‘s susceptibleness to the strong belief systemA inA African societies. Most Africans believeA inA the power of traditional therapists to do people ill or good. This is manifestA inA the high backing ofsub-SaharanA Africans to traditional therapists. A survey of traditional therapists ‘ patterns and the spread of HTV/ AIDSinA southeasterly Nigeria revealed a distressing HTV transmittal hazard among these therapists. Reuse of unsterilised acerate leafs and cross taint with patients ‘ organic structure fluids were patterns among Nigerian traditional therapists of greatest public wellness concern. Sixty per centum of Nigerians patronize traditional therapists ( Peters, 2004 ) . The power of suggestion by traditional therapists to their frequenters frequently delays prompt appropriate medical intercession. This coupled with usage of one unsterilised instrument on several clientsA inA their patterns is a major factorA inA the spre ad ofA HIV/ AIDSA in sub-SaharanA Africa. Although these patterns fall within the behavioural sphere, they are predicated on low socioeconomics. Ignorance because of small or no instruction and limited resources to follow sterile techniques continue to underlie the patterns of these traditional therapists. With limited resources, adult females become most vulnerable to these risky alternate redresss. The above are yet extra illustrations of hazardous behaviours rooted inA socioeconomics. that faced with the inexorable statistics about high morbidity and mortality rates of their female couples ( from AIDS ) A inA the part and the deduction for quality of life of both genders, African males will see the demand to embarkA inA some behavior change.A InA the same vena, other traditional patterns such as female venereal mutilations, forced matrimonies, early gestations, and multiparity which compromise the quality of life for adult females and immature girlsA inA the part must be addressed. Of the several factors implicatedA inA the unequal prevalence of the disease among womenA inA Africa, economic dependency/feminization of poorness, unequal distribution of sexual power ( sexual force and coercion ) , limited educational chances and deficiency of political will, The relationship between patriarchate and economic power must be evaluatedA inA order to understand adult females ‘s increased sensitivity toA HIV/ AIDSA in sub-SaharanA Africa. InA those states where there is political will and sustained leading at the highest degree, the result has been an increaseA inA consciousness and sensitiveness to the predicament of the afflicted finally accounting for a important declineA inA the incidence of the disease.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
AGRANA †From a local supplier to a global player Essay
The home market from the European Union is one market which everyone has free movement with goods, services, capital and people. This was not always the way if we look back before the time of the EU we had a Europe which was overfilled with conflicts and wars. Because of the foundation of the EU we got a lot of opportunities in the Western Europe and in Central and Eastern Europe but also challenges because it’s not easy to bring so many different countries together with different rules, cultures, norms and ethics under one big Union. Western Europe The Western Europe refers to the countries in the west of Europe, where the distinction is different depending on the context. But the borders between Western Europe and CEE were once determined by the ratio of power between USA and UDSSR during the Cold War. Europe was then divided in half by the Iron Curtain. Opportunities: One big opportunity for Western Europe is that the firms can get cheap human capital for their own work. Even today a blue-collar worker in Germany earns a lot more than in Poland. Another point is that the firms can invest in other enterprises from the CEE. So they can grow extremely fast as we have seen this with the AGRANA Company. With the difference in culture between Western Europe and CEE the firms can enter in a new market which can be really profitable. Challenges: But the fact, that the firms can get so cheap human resources, is on the other hand also a problem. Because of the cheap human resources, the own home country workers will lose their job and the unemployment rate of the country will rise. Another challenges is, that firms from the CEE area can expand to the Western Europe area, so there is the danger, that it will get dumping prices. The other culture and norms makes the whole situation a lot harder. The firms have to consider lots of different aspects. When they don’t do that the new branches cannot rise and flourish in the CEE countries. These are a few challenges for the Western part of Europe and it is not easy to solve these problems. Central and Eastern Europe The Central and Eastern Europe countries include all the Eastern bloc countries west of the Iron Curtain, which was collapsed in 1989-90. Also included are the three Baltic States Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Opportunities: For the CEE states the integration of EU markets brought with it many opportunities to grow economically and politically. One of the big opportunities is that the CEE countries can benefit from the higher level of living from the Western Europe countries. Everybody can work easier and live in another country. So if you want to leave your home country and settle down somewhere else that is no longer a problem. We still see this phenomenon to this very day in the Western European countries. More and more people are coming to live in the country than emigrate. The firms which can make business in the CEE countries are creating new workplaces and paying taxes on the profit. So the whole country and the government have the chance to raise their level of living. Challenges: Of course there are on the other side also challenges for the CEE countries. One of them is that the countries have to pay attention to their own experts in the country. A lot of firms in the Western part of Europe want to win the elite of the country over. This can be very dangerous for the own economy. The second aspect is that because of the globalization the poverty gap is getting bigger and bigger every day. The CEE countries have to be very careful that they don’t lose the access to the industry states. Question 2: From a resource-based view, what is behind AGRANA ´s impressive growth? â€Å"AGRANA was founded in 1988 as a holding company for the Austrian sugar and Starch industry. Operations started with 3 sugar plants, a potato starch plant and a corn starch plant.†â€Å"Nowadays, AGRANA is one of the leading suppliers to the multinational brands around the world with revenues of US $ 2.6 billion and capitalization of $1.4 billion. In the last two decades, it has become a global player with 52 production plants in 26 countries with three strategic pillars: sugar, starch and fruit.†The resource-based view focuses on a firm ´s internal resources and capabilities, for instance rare knowledge in the refining and processing of agricultural raw materials like AGRANA. These specific knowledge is a big advantage for the AGRANA company and not easy to copy by other competitors. â€Å"After the reorganization of the European sugar market by the European Union, AGRANA was motivated to look for new directions to ensure future growth of the enterprise. AGRANA decided to diversify into the fruit-processing sector in the future.†This was a really well-chosen decision, because AGRANA was able to transmit their core competence of the refinement process comparatively easy to the fruit sector. With the existing knowledge â€Å"AGRANA focused on fruit preparations and the manufacturing of fruit juice concentrates to sell them globally to fruit juice and beverage bottlers and fillers.†An analysis of the dates of the Tables 4.1a and c (AGRANA plant locations) shows, that the fruit sector is mostly responsible for the impressive growth of the AGRANA Company in the last years. In only four years (from 2002/3 to 2006/7) AGRANA ´s plant locations increased from totally 20 plant locations (15 Sugar, 5 Starch, 0 Fruit) to 53 (10 Sugar, 4 Starch, 39 Fruit). It is noticeable that during these four years the reduction of the number of sugar and starch plants was completely compensated by the new fruit plant locations. Moreover, AGRANA expanded during the growth period across the world. Especially with the fruit sector AGRANA practiced plant ´s in countries like Argentina, Brazil, China and USA for example. The key to the impressive growth of AGRANA and particular the fruit sector were firstly acquisitions and secondly â€Å"the ability to integrate those acquired into the group to realize synergistic effects†. It started with the acquisitions of Denmark ´s Vallo Saft (presence in Denmark and Poland) and Austria ´s Steirerobst (presence in Austria, Hungary, Poland Romania, Ukraine and Russia) in 2003. Furthermore, this was followed by acquisitions of France Atys Group (largest acquisition, 20 plants across every continent), Belgium ´s Dirafrost and Germany ´s Wink Group. â€Å"AGRANA ´s most recent expansion was a 50-50 joint venture with Xianyang Andre Juice Co. Ltd. in China.†The chosen consistent acquisitions policy of AGRANA ´s CEO Johann Marihart was only possible because of existing relationships and a huge amount of capital. AGRANA benefited from existing relationships to the food and beverage industry from the sugar and starch sector, whereby the diversification into a new sector was a bit more straightforward. With the existing relationships it was easier to find on the one hand acceptors for the new AGRANA products and on the other hand new business partners in the area of distribution for example. Furthermore, â€Å"Johann Marihart believes that growth is an essential requirement for the manufacturing of high-grade products at competitive prices.†For this very reason, AGRANA is prospecting for new growth opportunities in the future. Hence, AGRANA has started to diversify into the biofuel sector to ensure future growth and expansion of the company. Question 3: From an international perspective what challenges do you foresee AGRANA facing as it continues its expansion into other regions such as Asia? The impressive growth of the AGRANA Company is connected with an expanding strategy in Europe as well as in other continents like America and Asia. With this strategy AGRANA discovers new regional, cultural and language challenges for instance. AGRANDA already have a lot of experience in Asia because in 2006 they acquired a 50 % stake in concentrates manufacturer Xianyang Andre Juice Co. Ltd the company is located in the province Shaanxi China and also in 2008 AGRANA started a second joint venture for apple juice concentrate in Yongji China. But maybe they might have the problem of adapting to a different business culture. The business model that AGRANA use in Europe and the western world might not work as well in Asia. AGRANA will have to be flexible and adapt to the business characteristics of that certain country that they expand too. Many Asian countries have certain business characteristics that are deeply related to the countries tradition and these traditions will not in most cases be changed. Because of this many of AGRANA’s business standards such as work ethics and management styles may not match up well with Asian culture. In Asia a lot of administrative tasks that have been made easy in the west can be very time consuming. Many procedures that would be handled electronically in the West need a lot of paperwork which need to be filled out and stamped by hand. Cultural misunderstanding from miscommunication could be one of the biggest challenges that AGRANA will have to face. It might be very hard to make a business deal in Asia because of communication problems as there are a lot of English speakers in Asia but not many of them would have a strong enough understanding of both Chinese and western culture to help in business negotiation situation. Also Many Asian countries have high context cultures and AGRANDA would be more used to operating in low context cultures like in most of Europe. â€Å"In high context cultures communication relies upon unspoken conditions or assumptions.†This means that â€Å"yes†does not necessarily mean â€Å"yes†and this could be a major challenge for AGRANDA as they would not be used to this. Also another challenge that AGRANA might face would be that their products might not be as popular in these regions and because of this it might not be as profitable for the company to open a branch in Asia. Some of the infrastructure might not be very good in some eastern Asian countries so things like transportation of their products might not be delivered very safe or as efficient as in their European branches. Also because of climate and pollution it might cost more money to keep the products fresh. ARGANDA might have trouble with human resources because in the western world employees give a lot of responsibility and would have more flexible lines of authority whereas most of the Asian workers are more accustoms to a hierarchical structure in which each worker has their own role. All in all AGRANDA cannot guarantee success in another region but if they stay sensitive to the areas culture and local traditions for instance they can at least avoid some basic mistakes. Question 4: Compare the growth strategy of AGRANA to that of Danisco, one of its competitors in the sugar market. Which strategy do you expect to be more sustainable in the long run? To sum up the second question, AGRANA ´s impressive growth strategy is affected by acquisition associated with the diversification into the fruit sector. AGRANA acquired competitors particularly in Europe and expanded around the World and led them to be one of the biggest players. â€Å"The Danisco Company is a Danish bio-based company with activities in food production, enzymes and other bioproducts as well as a wide variety of pharmaceutical grade excipients.†â€Å"Danisco employed 6800 people in 17 countries†and â€Å"is one of the world’s leading producers of ingredients for food and other consumer products and was also one of the biggest sugar producers in Europe until the divestment of its sugar division to Nordzucker in 2009.†However, to look at the things in the right sequences: â€Å"Danisco had been created in 1989 by a merger of three companies aiming to create a strong Danish company that could compete in the EU common market after its completion†The new company reinforced the foods, food ingredients and packaging businesses, particularly in the sugar sector, â€Å"Danisco first consolidated its dominant position and Denmark, and then grew by acquisitions.†But after the reorganization of the European sugar market and also because of the intensity of competition in the sugar market, Danisco was motivated to alter and started a longtime transformation process. In 1997, the new CEO Alf Duch-Pedersen of Danisco â€Å"started focusing on becoming a global food ingredients company.†During the following years, Danisco started to acquire lots of ingredient and similar companies to initiate the transformation. The first step to become a global food ingredients company was to acquire the Finnish ingredient company Cultor in 1999 and at the same time the divestment of the De Danske Spritfabrikker Company (spirits and liqueurs) and branded foods and food packaging. In June 2004, â€Å"Danisco acquired the Rhodia Food Ingredients Company which becomes Danisco ´s dairy cultures division. The division is one of the two leading producers of dairy cultures and food safety products†. Rhodia is located in France and is an international operating company with a worldwide presence in Asia Pacific, Latin America and North America for instance. This will be followed by the acquisition of Genencor International in 2005, â€Å"which became Danisco ´s enzymes and bio-chemicals division†. Furthermore, Danisco invested in new research establishments in Shanghai, China for example. In contrast to AGRANA, Danisco divested as well, for example the flavor division to Firmenich. But the most important decision was the divestment of Danisco ´s sugar division to the German Nordzucker AG. With the divestment of the sugar division, which was one of its main divisions in the past, the transformation process was completed. During the transformation process the internationalization of sales of the company increased rapidly. It is mentioned that the sales outside of Denmark rose from â€Å"69 per cent 1995 to 88 per cent in 2004 and over 95 per cent after the sale of the sugar division†. In addition, it is impressive to see that the turnover of Danisco was â‚ ¬ 1.7 million in 2009 and that the turnover consisted mostly of all the continents, that means that Daniso has become a global player operating all over the world. â€Å"After the transformation, Danisco was positioned as a specialized supplier of food ingredients based natural raw materials. Its customers included global food giants such as Unilever, Kraft, DANONE and Nestlà ©, as well as regional and local players in all major economies.†In a final step, Danisco were acquired by the DuPont Company in 2011. â€Å"Danisco ´s attractive industrial enzymes and specialty food ingredients businesses have clear synergies with the DuPont Applied BioSciences and Nutrition and Health businesses.†This merger advances both companies ‘global efforts to provide sustainable solutions and to ensure future growth and expansion of the company. Summing up one can say that AGRANA grew by acquiring a lot around the world and by diversifying their business. Danisco grew by internationalizing their sales, transforming their business to the leading producers of ingredients for food and selling their previous businesses in order to focus on the new ones. The most important difference between these two growth strategies is that AGRANA wanted to ensure future growth by diversifying into other products with their existing knowledge. Danisco wanted to guarantee future growth by transforming themselves into a leader in a niche market. To answer the last question we want to define â€Å"Sustainability in the long run†. Sustainability or sustainable strategy at its most basic level â€Å"suggests that a company will improve its chances of survival in the future by ensuring that resources used by the business are responsibly managed and maintained.†Moreover, â€Å"in business, it is the ability of a company to develop and implement winning strategies that lead to long-term success†and the ability to decide â€Å"when to stay on course with the proven strategies or when it is time for change.†We expect the AGRANA’s strategy to be more sustainable in the long run thanks to their diversified sources of income such as their three main pillars: starch, sugar and fruit. AGRANA has more sectors to play on so AGRANA is not as dependent of a specific product sector like Danisco if business does not go as planned. The opportunities of growth are also bigger, because AGRANA has more capital and AGRANA has more companies to sell their AGRANA products to in the future because AGRANA is present worldwide and especially in emerging markets. In addition, AGRANA is part of a safe market, AGRANA ´s three pillars are always in demand also due to the fact that the earth population will grow. Moreover, AGRANA could enlarge their product line by diversifying to another sector with their existing knowledge as well as the fruit sector. All in all, AGRANA has a very good sustainable business strategy and we think that AGRANA will continue to be very successful in the future. Resources: tMakesItHappen
Understand own Role and Responsibilities in Lifelong Learning
There are many legislation requirements within the Further Education Sector. As a summary of the legislation requirements, some of those that are essential are Every Child Matters, The Equality Act 2010 and Safe Guarding Vulnerable Groups.Every Child Matters is a legislation requirement which was introduced in 2003 in response to the death of Victoria Climbie, who was murdered by her carers. An inquiry was launched by Lord Lamming to improve child protection issues and there are now five outcomes of which education establishments must ensure are achieved. They are that pupils are being healthy, staying Safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving social and economic well being.The Equality Act 2010 is an act which legally protects people from discrimination. It sets out ways in which it is unlawful to discriminate others. It has replaced previous discrimination laws by including them all in one act, making them easier to understand. Safe Guarding Vulnera ble Groups Act 2006 is an act which relates to the protection of children and vulnerable adults. The Act was brought about after an inquiry was made chaired by Sir Michael Bichard, relating to the Soham murders. Listed in the table below are a few other legislation requirements of which staff within the FE Sector should work towards:An overall summary of why codes of practice and legislation requirements are important within my role in the further education sector is that they help prevent any harm to people and secure a safe learning environment. L0 – 1.3 – EVALUATING RESPONSIBILITIES WITHIN THE FE SECTOR Whilst working in my role within the further education sector as a Music Tutor, there are many responsibilities that need to be maintained to ensure a safe and sufficient learning environment. They are as follows:INCLUSION: Inclusion is essential and it is important that I take individual students’ needs into account. For example some of my students are disabl ed so I have to plan lessons accordingly so that they are inclusive of everyone, whilst working towards the required criteria/curriculum. PROMOTE EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY: It is important that within my role I give every student a chance of success. In order to do this it is my responsibility to ensure everyone is treated equally and fairly. There are students from many different backgrounds in my teaching establishment so I must take this into account by adapting various things where necessary to suit the needs of their religion/beliefs or other requirements.SAFEGUARDING: It is my responsibility as a Music Tutor in the Further Education Sector to ensure students are safe within the learning environment by abiding by codes of practice and legislation requirements such as Every Child Matters. If I felt a student was at risk it would be my responsibility to take necessary action such as reporting it to relevant people. Exceptions would also be made regarding confidentiality if I felt th e student or others were at risk. PREPARATION: Lessons should be planned accordingly to suit the requirements of every student whilst ensuring any objectives and learning outcomes are met. In my role in particular there are students with many different requirements. Some are visually impaired and have various disabilities so it is my responsibility to ensure that lessons are tailored in order for them to achieve what is required.LO – 1.3 – EVALUATING ROLES WITHIN THE FURTHER EDUCATION SECTOR With regards to roles within the Further Education Sector, I have recently learnt that there are many roles required of an FE Tutor/Lecturer. For example my current teaching placement involves roles other than teaching, such as: ASSESSING: Assessing is an important part of my role as it ensures that lessons are planned accordingly to the needs of others. It also lets me know where students are with regards to achieving learning outcomes. AMINISTRATIVE ROLES: Administrative duties a re an important contribution to my role as organised records of information have to be maintained. Administrative duties also help with the preparation of lessons, such as creating slides or presentations.PERSONAL TUTOR: As well as teaching within a group setting, my current teaching placement also requires me to engage in one to one tutoring. These tutorials are important as they give students a chance to address any questions or difficulties they may be having and also helps me assess where students need to improve and how they develop musically. Listed below are a few more roles required of an FE Lecturer:To conclude my evaluation of roles and responsibilities within the Further Education Sector, my opinion is that there are a broad number of roles entailed in teaching and it is important that teachers are aware of the skills required to ensure students receive a good education. I believe teachers’ responsibilities of procedures such as legislation requirements and code s of practice are essential to ensuring students are safe and learn in a positive environment.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Risk Management - Essay Example 1. Strategic CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is significant in forming economic sustainability for all companies. 2. Applying the impact of CSR and MO (Marketing Orientation) in commercial and noncommercial settings. 3. The successful incorporation of the irrelevant facilitating impact of CSR on the association between MO and company performance. 4. The results of content analyses of 242 Malaysian publicly traded firms for financial years 2006, 2007, and 2008. 5. The evidence is dedicated and region limited, thereby making it debatable in companies in foreign economies and markets. 6. Companies in a setting defined by focused ownership arrangements where the firms might be less market-oriented also find CSR substantial. 7. The evidence does support the deductions made. 8. No clear assumptions are made in the passage. Cosset, J & Suret, J 1995, ‘Political risk and the benefits of international portfolio diversification,’ Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 301.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Performance and Interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Performance and Interpretation - Essay Example An art master great Rokem's Introduction cautiously delimits the range of his question to productions concerning the Shoah and the French Revolution two main turning points in history that Rokem declare "have formed our modern consciousness, in exacting our intelligence of the historical past as a series of disastrous failures of basic human values". Working from this underlying assumption, Rokem endeavors to explore "the restorative potentials of the theatre in trying to counteract the destructive forces of history", to examine how these two "failures of history" have been represented on stage, and to address "the ways in which these performances have communicated in different national and ideological contexts"(Theater Journal, 323-347). Great Rokem's exploration of these issues proceeds primarily through his detailed, insightful analyses of live or recorded performances, but also makes productive use of published production reviews, programs, interviews, artists' memoirs, and production-related archival documents. Performance Production And Reception The Introduction establishes the centrality of the actor in works that perform history, arguing that an actor performing a historical figure on stage "in a sense becomes a witness of the historical event". The actor is, in Rokem's conception, a "hyper-historian" who serves "as a connecting link between the historical past and the 'fictional' performed here and now of the theatrical event". Rather than attempting to elide the differences in time between the historical event and its theatrical performance as happens in many traditional historical and documentary dramas Rokem's "notion of performing history is based on strengthening or reinforcing the dialectics between" those times(K. K. Seet, 2000. 305). The first three chapters of Performing History provide theatrical case studies allowing Rokem to articulate the concepts of performing history and the actor/witness as "hyper-historian" in greater, more concrete detail. This section devotes less attention to the national or ideological context of performances as it considers productions acting, performance and interception which examined in this research relate to the French Revolution, the plays form a less unified grouping than found in history of the plays deal with the Marquis de Sade, the other does not; two are considered experimental works of collaborative creation, the other is not; two feature metatheatrical elements, the other does not; two depict "public events from the French Revolution which had very obviously distinct effects on the public sphere", the other does not. As a result, it is difficult to draw broader typological conclusions regarding these works; one of the plays generally stands as an exception to the principle under investigation. The consistency
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Organizational Change and Strategic Thinking Research Paper
Organizational Change and Strategic Thinking - Research Paper Example In general, the organizations have to carry on delivering value and face the current challenges, while reorganizing and getting ready for the future challenges. In order to accomplish effective organizational change, whilst performing the difficult task of balancing the present business activities and the preparation for the future, there needs to be reasonable strategies in place. The existence of managers who employ strategic thinking for the planning of organizational development can ensure that the measures for organizational change do not lead to inadvertent consequences. With the rapid changes in the business environment, the managers need decisive thinking skills to shift from the traditional reactive decision-making process to the proactive foresight method, so as to enable the organization to be equipped to face the upcoming challenges (Bonn, â€Å"Developing Strategic Thinking as a Core Competency†).In the middle of the turmoil and intricacy of the modern business wo rld, the successful organizations are those which are aware that, even as it is not viable to observe the future, they can acquire a perspective for the future that would offer them certain indications as to what might be in-store in future. Such organizations then plan accordingly to be prepared for the upcoming events as per their future perspective. For this type of approach, the management of an organization needs to accept an innovative planning pattern that consists of observing the organization in the perspective of an open system atmosphere. Such observation will make the organization better positioned to recognize and respond to upcoming events (Bonn, â€Å"Developing Strategic Thinking as a Core Competency†). This would also enable the organization to bring about the changes necessary in those surroundings and also influence the probable changes effecting the organization. The sustainability and performance of an organization in today’s dynamic economi c environment, thus depends on the application of strategic thinking to accomplish required organizational changes. This raises few apparent questions. What is strategic thinking? How can it be employed in accomplishing organizational change? What is the link between organizational culture and strategic thinking? Strategic Thinking – The Why-What-How Approach Richard Hughes and Katherine Beatty have described strategic thinking as â€Å"the collection, interpretation, generation, and evaluation of information and ideas that shape an organization’s sustainable competitive advantage†, in their book ‘Becoming a Strategic Leader’ (Switzer, â€Å"Strategic Thinking in Fast Growing Organizations†). Strategic thinking is a top-down overall observation of the whole organization on the basis of complete understanding of the business of the organization. Thus, strategic thinking consists of observing emerging trends, recognizing if the trends signify o pportunities or intimidation to the business organization. Strategic thinking also involves developing a response of the organization to earn benefit from the prospective opportunity or to alleviate the potential threat
Friday, July 26, 2019
Hannibal and the Second Punic War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Hannibal and the Second Punic War - Essay Example This history of the Punic Wars is grim and intricate. The reason behind the Second Punic war is simple: the defeat of the Carthaginians in the First Punic War. It became necessary for the losing power to develop and maintain a sentiment of hatred and anger against those who had led them to defeat. The best way to regain Carthage's lost prestige was to conquer and replace large tracts of land to their empire. For the Carthaginians, Spain became an area of ample interest. This idea was further encouraged by Hamilcar Barca. As the premier Phoenician General he had been greatly dishonored and incensed over the defeat and the peace terms set out by Rome. This was coupled with the capture of Sardinia during Carthage's own mercenary war. Spain was then seen as the launching point for future action against Rome: a battle that would help resume the reputation that had been lost by Carthage. The events that befell Cartage before the Second Punic War are important because it was Barca's son who continued with his invasion plans: turning the Second Punic War into a battle which would be remembered for years to come. It began with Barca's designs to construct a strategy that would allow Carthage to retake, establish and maintain its identity. According to the treaty signed between the two countries, Barca had the freedom to expand his conquests in all directions that were meant to be west of the River lberus. This river would flow southeast into the Mediterranean Sea. Its name, Iberus, was later changed, to Ebro. Following the treaty with the Romans meant that the Carthaginians were not to cross the lberus (Arnold 1886). This was coupled with another important aspect to the treaty. The Carthaginians were also bound by the treaty not to interfere with the people of Saguntum. This was a crucial city because it laid between the lberus and the Carthaginian dominions. The Romans knew of its immense significance. They chose this area especially in an effort to control the ever growing Carthaginian forces. They saw the danger of leaving Saguntum to itself and thus enforced another clause in their treat y with Carthage. It was thus that because of Sagnutum's role in alliance with the Romans it was also placed under their protection. Hannibal was Barca's son and developed the same anger and loss of pride that ran deep in his father's veins. He soon transformed into an ardent General: one whose tactics and style would be revered for generations. It was during Barca's time that Carthage had begun to assume a control over Spain. Rome was concerned by these moves of the Carthaginian army and sought a treaty with Carthage which forbade limited them to expand South of the town of Ebro. It was then that an alliance with Saguntum was signed by Rome. This decision was responsible for giving the Romans a small but significant stronghold in the heart of Carthaginian lands. Thus, the Second Punic War was created by the dispute over the hegemony of Saguntum. When Hannibal came into power the Romans and Carthaginians were not at a state of war. Both rested in the comforts of the peace deals that had
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus - Coursework Example The RN also needs to inform the patient that he or she will take some time to adjust to the new lifestyle and that it will not be easy. However, words of encouragement will motivate the patient to live positively. Some of the factors that the RN needs to consider include the patient’s knowledge, attitude and skills. The main steps of the teaching-learning process include assessing learning needs, diagnosing the learning needs, developing a teaching plan and finally executing the plan (Hood, 2013). The RN was likely to have missed the second step. The RN did not identify the patient’s lack of knowledge regarding diabetes and poor attitude towards the disease, which were likely to obstruct the patients self-promotion of health (Hood, 2013). Some of the things that might be done differently include enlisting the patient to a support group of other patients with type 1 diabetes. In the group, the patients can share their day-to-day experiences of living with diabetes, the challenges they face and ways of overcoming these obstacles. Through the self-help group, the patient will be able to meet other people who are living healthy, productive lives with type 1 diabetes. Consequently, the patient will accept that diabetes is not the end of life and that insulin injections and blood glucose monitoring are the major ways of dealing with the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
International Development Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
International Development Study - Essay Example Whereas some individuals may frown upon the fact that a college student does not declare a major, I believe that my lack of a major up until this point has enabled me to clearly engage with the course material that I have had the opportunity to learn as well as form an informed decision regarding what specific areas of interest capture both my overall interest and imagination. Accordingly, from the aforementioned reasons as well as a desire to analyze key situations that continue to define and divide our current world system, it is my wish to pursue a major within the IDS program. It should be further noted that during the course of my studies, I have maintained high marks and exceptional participation within each and every one of the courses that are tangentially related to the issues that would be covered within the international development studies program. Additionally, as my transcripts will show, I maintained a high level of scholastic achievement in all other associated coursework as well. As such, it is my request and hope that I will be considered for an opportunity to declare my major as an International Development
IN6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
IN6 - Essay Example Inspirations appear from the region of controlling configurations of ground or in-flight vehicles with purposes in air travel organize, satellite grouping, mechanical highways, movable robotics and movable sensor networks. One of the major aims is to attain a synchronized purpose while employing merely confined information. Due to their recurrent expression in multi-agent schemes, active networks have previously established considerable attention. In a determination of local connectedness of a network is brought in that below positive conditions is enough for global connectedness (Alben et al, 2002). This main focus of this paper is to see this technique in organizational management prospective. In an era when "always accessible, forever connected" has turn out to be the standard anticipation in business, benevolent employees the aptitude to access appliance and real-time data and information could be serious for a companys continued existence. Though a number of industries applications are inexorably client based, a lot of of the center business procedure applications, like that CRM, sales strength automation, and electronic mail, are network based facilities and utilities. In addition, in business situations where teamwork and information distribution are serious, it commonly creates the most intelligence to influence the corporate network as an electronic warehouse of information and possessions. In both of these statements, offering Distributed connectivity and real-time access to the mainly current information be able to be serious to member of employees effectiveness and, normally, to the fulfillment of the enterprises clientele (Deshmukh et al, 1993). This section elaborates why we need this technique for the original management? Here it is described that how this technique can provide effective project management approach and facilitate the project manager. While end-to-end direct connectivity was a necessity
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
THE VICTORIAN ERA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
THE VICTORIAN ERA - Essay Example Childhood during the Victorian era was initially not associated with innocence and primitivism but as having inbred sin. The child was hence encouraged at all time to endeavour to overcome sinful Adam and warned against living in his ways (Mitchell, 1996). Children were also expected to help others with an aim of improving themselves and philanthropy was encouraged. As a result of the industrial revolution, women had the opportunity to tenderly care for their children as their husbands went about making money. The mother's religious role at this time was to teach the child his/her patriotic duty of nation building. The woman had the duty of binding together her family with love under the guidance of the written word. A good number of treatises specifically and practically guided the woman on all aspects of nursery life; child education, dressing and healthcare (Mitchell, 1996). Miniature quilts were made for children that were much similar to those of adults. The child was taught about morality with the bible acting as guide together with books such as the pilgrim's progress. In the 20th century the society became more children centred. Juvenile themes were used on quilts which included embroidery or appliqu. CURRENT PERCEPTION OF CHILDREN The modern world recognizes the child as a very important member of society and asserts their rights to be free from any kind of discrimination irrespective of its own or its parents' colour, race, sex, political opinion, religion, ethnic, national or social origin, birth status, origin, disability or property. The girl child being a common target is given even greater attention to avoid practices like female genital mutilation, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, son preference, parental sex selection,... The Victorian era may seem like a different world from the one we live in today. The era also has several features that are familiar with those of the modern day. One main difference between these two periods is the role and perception of children and women in the society.The place of women during the Victorian era has been clearly highlighted by Tennyson describing men as wielding swords while women stayed by the hearth holding needles. Queen Victoria became a model of domestic virtue and marital stability during her time.Her marriage represented what marital harmony meant and was often referred to as the nation's mother. She also was an icon of domesticity and middle-class femininity. The period between 1837 and 1901 is specially known as the Victorian Era as it coincides with the reign of the great Queen Victoria of England (Harrison & Ford, 1983). The Victorian era was one that was filled with prosperity in Britain as the country made profits from its empires overseas and realised industrial improvements within England. This era saw the development of a large middle class that was adequately educated. The period is sometimes extended to include 1830 as a result of different sensibilities and political concerns associated with the people of this era.Today, women may not truly be aware of the benefits of living in a society that does not have a rigid class system. In the Victorian era, the woman’s role was rigidly defined offering very little (if any) alternatives for change. The modern woman of today is free and may choose an occupation of their choice without much restraint.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Benjamin Franklin by Edmund Morgan Essay Example for Free
Benjamin Franklin by Edmund Morgan Essay One of the most famous biographies ever written is said to be made by Edmund Morgan, when he accounted that of Benjamin Franklin’s life. He did so by presenting a very special style in analyzing Franklins existence. He made it possible by not narrating an everyday account with the use of dates, but instead accounted for the overall legacy of Franklin’s life. After reading the book, it can be said that the book establishes a broad view of Franklin’s existence. Franklin has been discussed as universally well-known for three things: his discovery of electricity, his writings, and his participation in the American Revolution. In this way, Morgan was able to present how Franklin has influenced the American, the government and the society as a whole. Born on January 17, 1706, young Franklin was presented by the author as a vigorous and curios one. It was also mentioned that his favorite past time was playing chess and singing songs. A further reading of the article shows that he also has his own belief in religion, which is Sin is not harmful because it is forbidden, but it is forbidden because it is harmful. Nor is a duty beneficial because it is commanded, but it is commanded because it is beneficial. As an individual, though he believes that God is the creator, he does attend mass and does not read bible. Nevertheless, it was at this stage of his life where he started writing about the virtues he believed in. A decade later, Franklin’s curiosity was instigated, when his English friend sent him Leyden jars for static electricity storage. Immediately, he started his own experiments with electricity. Subsequently, he discovered that a metal rod with a sharp end can ignite a spark from a greater distance than that of a rounded one. Based on the said findings, he proceeded on and proposed to conduct an experiment with a kite and a key to confirm that lightning is indeed electricity. His efforts proved him right, and his successful experiment discovering electricity made him famous. Among the study Franklin has made, includes that of the effect which ocean current has on travel and the pre germ theory. Morgan also touched the life of Franklin being a writer. According to Morgan, Franklin, though he left the field of printing earlier, he never left it totally. This was possible because he continuously carried out his work secretly as a printer in the field of philosophy, alongside with the renowned Poor Richard’s Almanack. He also succeeded in circulating numerous satirical hoax discourses. One of the popular speeches he made talks about a woman who had five illegitimate children and ironically claims to be following God’s word to increase and multiply. Franklin’s prominent pieces of writing talks about the qualities which he said would lead one to moral perfection, which includes Temperance, Chastity, Cleanliness, and Humility. It bears stressing that Franklin wrote these articles based from his own insights of good deeds against faith and not from religious dogma and sermons. The core of Franklin’s writings on religion imparts that a human being can be moral and god-fearing even without dogmatic presence of the church. As for Franklin’s participation in American Revolution, it can be gleaned from Morgan’s statement that the transition of America into an independent nation may not have been as easy were it not for Franklin’s efforts. His international relations with the British government and the French before, during, and after the hostilities proved very useful to America in instituting and re-instituting alliances. In the book, Franklin was presented to be one who is so influential in defending a pre-Revolution Philadelphia from French privateers, evenly allowing the British to preserve their influence in America and the colonies to resist division. This was due to Franklin’s belief that the British government was unyielding, but necessitates several modifications. All the complexities which were faced by Franklin in his life were discussed in the later part of the book. This occurred after he was sent to England in 1764 as a colonial agent, where he realized how complicated for someone from America to tackle these corrections, principally that of the colonists’ aspiration to elect their officials and to enjoy rights. On an ending note, Morgan went further when he made statement that depicted Adams as the most contentious colleague of Franklin during that time, and the reason for making living miserable for Franklin. BOOK REVIEW A reading of the book reveals that it was written in a narrative form, which trails more chronological events in Franklin’s life. Morgan made this possible by utilizing several quotations and pictures from Franklin’s works in telling his account. These help the person who reads in appreciating the events and thoughts from Franklin’s viewpoint. In some way, it can be said that the book is the best speech ever written, which comprises of an all-encompassing prologue, followed by a comprehensive series of events that is supplemented with optimistic tales and motivating truth imparted by Franklin. At this point of view, readers can say that Morgan’s writing technique is interwoven efficiently and wittily. Furthermore, he vividly sketches the outlines of Franklins growing outlook while unremarkably helping his readers grapple the details of his life in politics and the surfacing international condition during the American Revolution. From time to time, he even personally directed statements to the reader and alludes to what he himself is trying to understand about Franklin. On a different note, it could also be said that the story is of an adventure type that take hold of readers with the anecdotes of Franklin’s participation in the political events of 18th-century America. Nevertheless, the author did not lose sight of the significance of the other facet of the mans qualities and the opinion and actions of others toward him. This was the reason for the biographys success since it engages readers attention in the grand live stage show of this intriguing mans life. One of the topics which were concentrated by Morgan in Franklin’s life, is his being diplomat. It was presented by the detailed account of Franklins vital role in the lengthy progression of calculations and miscalculations that pressed the loyal and dutiful British colonies into revolution and forged them into the United States of America. As written, Franklin, can be seen in every event, frequently behind the picture, but always exceptionally influential, a compelling catalyst for change, which has left an impact in the life of Americans and British government and society. Importantly, in this book we can learn that Franklin is the sole man whose signature maybe found on all four of the important founding documents of the American republic which are the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Treaty of Paris, and the Constitution. As for the impact Franklin’s life and this book may have in the society and public policy, it is important to mention that even if he did not believe in bible writings and the of the existence of God, he seems to have lived in an otherwise moral existence and have not lost sight of the need for people to be living with such religious morality. The most essential aspect of Franklins personality was his unselfish way of sharing to others and his belief that what is right is that which is beneficial. Thus, it can be inferred that one of the lessons in Franklin’s life which is being taught is that, being useful means providing the needs of other inhabitants, not only for one’s self, and that a man with an intelligence concerning him comes only to those individual who possesses a great heart. As for the economy, this book made us learn that Franklin, after experiencing his first achievement, had launched several successful commercial partnerships which lead to the development of the law of partnerships in America. This is said to be one of the many contributions Franklin has made in the history. Aside from the foregoing influences of Franklin has given to the society, it is of everyone’s knowledge that his greatest contribution was his discovery of electricity. This discovery was the product of his scientific curiosity which has originally established his fame in the world. In sum, it can be said that Morgan’s biography of Franklin imparts a representation of the renowned man with the kite that one might not anticipate in an intellectual biography. It is manifest from the opening that Morgan wishes the person who reads to see beyond the characterization of Franklin that we often read in books and articles. In this work, we came to learn, as stated at the outset, that Benjamin Franklin is famously known for three things: his experiments with electricity, his writings, and his involvement in the American Revolution. However, it is important to note that the behavior that Morgan actually wishes for the reader to be aware of is that to successful in this world, one should posse’s inquisitiveness and enthrallment with the world around him, coupled with a serene obsession for the intellectual strength of persons, and a benevolent social servitude. Reference: www. class. uidaho. edu/Engl440/NYRB/NRYB_Edmund_Morgan. htm, Retrieved April 09, 2007. http://www. brothersjudd. com/index. cfm/fuseaction/reviews. detail/book_id/1183/Benjamin%20Fra. htm Retrieved April 09, 2007
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Effective Communication in Midwifery
Effective Communication in Midwifery A discussion on how the midwife demonstrates her professional accountability through effective communication, including an awareness of factors, which may contribute to poor communication. Introduction The Nursing Midwifery Council (2004a, p. 17) in addressing the responsibilities and sphere of practice for midwives under Rule number 6 of their â€Å"Midwives rules and standards†brings forth the importance of communication by stating that midwives â€Å"Should work in partnership with the woman and her family†and â€Å"Should enable the woman to make decisions about her care based upon her individual needs, by discussing matters fully with her†. Rule number 6 adds that the midwife also â€Å"Should respect the woman’s right to refuse any advice given†(Nursing Midwifery Council, 2004a, p. 17). In furthering the roll of effective communication, Rule 7 under â€Å"Administration of medicines†as put forth by the Nursing Midwifery Council (2004a, p. 19) advises that â€Å"A midwife must respect the right of individuals to self-administer substances of their choice†. The preceding specifications have been brought forth as they help to set the foundational context for this examination, that seek to explore how the midwife demonstrates her professional accountability through effective communication, including an awareness of factors, which may contribute to poor communication. The Nursing Midwifery Council (2008a) under a document titled â€Å"The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives†begins its document by stating that â€Å"The people in your care must be able to trust you with their health and well-being†, and that in order for nurses and midwives â€Å"To justify that thrust †¦Ã¢â‚¬ they need to be able to conduct effective communication in a broad sphere of activities and actions. In elaborating upon the foregoing â€Å"The Code†adds that midwives need to â€Å"be open and honest†along with acting with integrity (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008a). The preceding means that they must and are accountable for their actions, means that accordingly that they must â€Å"†¦ treat people as individuals †¦Ã¢â‚¬ respecting their dignity, as well as acting â€Å"†¦ as an advocate for those in †¦Ã¢â‚¬ their care, aiding and assisting them in accessing â€Å"â⠂¬ ¦ relevant health and social care, information and support†(Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008a). The importance of effective communication is further underscored in the dictates of â€Å"The Code†that states midwives must â€Å"Respect people’s confidentiality†, mandating that midwifes need to respect their patient’s â€Å"†¦ right to confidentiality†, informing them as to the â€Å"†¦ how and why information is shared †¦Ã¢â‚¬ among those providing for their care, and importantly, that midwifes â€Å"†¦ must disclose information †¦ (if they) †¦ believe someone may be at risk of harm †¦Ã¢â‚¬ in accordance with the law (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008a). The foregoing represents rules of ethics as well as conduct that provide the foundational understandings for the conduct of midwives. Importantly, the underpinning of the relationship between midwives and patients reside in collaboration. That communication means listening to their patients, along with responding â€Å"†¦ to their concerns and preferences†, and the support of their patients â€Å"†¦ in caring for themselves to improve and maintain their health†(Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008a). The critical facet of effective and ongoing communication and trust resides in the trust between patients and midwives, as this is the foundation of care. That foundation includes the respect as well as recognition of â€Å"†¦ the contribution that people make to their own care and well-being†, and sharing information, conversation and professional advice in a manner their patients can understand (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008a). The preceding means the meeting of language as well as communication needs, along with gaining consent before beginning any treatment or care programs to ensure patients are absolutely clear on what such entails (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008a). The preceding means that the patient’s right to either accept or decline care and or treatment is inherent in their rights, along with their being fully informed as well as involved in decisions as such relate to their care and treatment (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008a). Standards Effective communication and accountability in the conduct of duties as a midwife includes their relationship with their supervisors as well as doctors, hospitals and other staff, organisations. The foregoing was detailed in another document from the Nursing Midwifery Council (2007) titled â€Å"Standards for the supervised practice of midwives†whereby the important of communication and professional practice means that midwives need to maintain a communicative relationship with their supervisors and the aforementioned support staff to further their own development. In addition, midwifes need to be able to honestly evaluate their own performance to shore up areas that they are either weak or not proficient in (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2007). Communication goes to the heart of delivering effective care, as the patient needs to develop an ongoing rapport, and advise the midwife of all facets connected with their care ‘Prep’ stands for ‘post-registration education and practice’ that represents standards as well as guidance in the providing of care and practice that maintains high levels (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008b). Under the preceding, nurses and midwives are required to record continuing professional development, in compliance with standards and practice (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008b). One provision under this requirement is that midwives, as well as nurses, are required to be able to demonstrate their â€Å"†¦ ability to use appropriate communications, teaching and learning skills†. The importance of the preceding is that effective communication is stressed in every Nursing Midwifery Council (2008) document. The significance of the preceding is detailed in the Nursing Midwifery Council’s (2004b) document â€Å"Complaints about unfitness to practise: A guide for members of the public†that deals with allegations concerning care pr actice by midwives. This guide for patients indicates that issues concerning complaints encompasses â€Å"†¦ verbal abuse †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"†¦ failure to provide adequate care †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"†¦ concealing unsafe practice †¦Ã¢â‚¬ as key areas, all of which can potentially have their roots in poor communication between midwives and patients. Such instances can be avoided through proper and ongoing communication with patients in a professional manner that emanates from the beginning of the relationship, on through every meeting and or communication exchange. The scope of the preceding, communication, as an important facet in the professionalism and accountability of a midwife is contained in the Nursing Midwifery Council’s (2004c) â€Å"Reporting lack of competence: A guide for employers and managers†that states that one of the characteristics the indicates and or demonstrates a lack of competence includes a â€Å"†¦ difficulty in communicating with colleagues, patients or clients†, the â€Å"†¦ inability to work as apart of a team †¦Ã¢â‚¬ , and â€Å"†¦ poor judgement †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2004c). In looking at the foregoing, one can see that communication is either at the heart of, or a symptom. Further importance, as well as administrative recognition of communication as a core foundational aspect in the practice of midwifery is contained in the Nursing Midwifery Council’s (2004d) â€Å"Reporting unfitness to practise: A guide for employers and managers†that states that fitness to practise might be impaired by a â€Å" persistent lack of ability in properly identifying care needs and accordingly planning and delivering appropriate care†. Accountability and Communication The critical nature of health care delivery entails listening and communicating with patients as an active and ongoing dialogue. The critical nature of effective communication as well as accountability and the ramifications of poor communication skills can be a result of the creation of a non-harmonious rapport with the patient that results in misunderstood communication concerning the methods of care and or options open to them, as well as a host of associated factors. In a document as prepared by the Nursing Midwifery Council’s (2008c), listening to patient concerns regarding their care is the first of a list of areas that includes the creation of an â€Å"†¦ environment that facilitates effective communication †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The emphasis on communication is paramount in the health care profession (Ellingson, 2002). In a study conducted Catherine McCabe (2004, pp. 41-49) she starts her report advising â€Å"Patient centred communication is a basic component †¦ and facilitates the development of a positive nurse-patient relationship †¦ (that) †¦ results in the delivery of quality †¦ care†. Her study uncovered that a lack of communication, along with empathy were two of the most cited reasons by patients in complaints about their health care delivery. The diversity that exists in the UK makes the subject of effective communication even more compelling. Language, educational, believe systems, unsureness and or suspicions regarding the role and or competence of midwifes, tales involving others negative experiences with midwives, as well as a host of other factors represent impediments to the profession that a midwife needs to be aware and cognizant of in establishing contact with a patient, and developing an atmosphere of trust and confidence (Devries et al, 2001). Conclusion In an article published by Medical News Today (2007), it stated that the NMC Code â€Å"†¦ requires each nurse and midwife to act at all times in a such a manner as to justify public trust and confidence†. The article went on to add that â€Å"Nurses and midwifes are personally accountable for their practice †¦Ã¢â‚¬ stating that their professional accountability requires them to â€Å"†¦ work in an open and co-operative manner with patients and their families †¦Ã¢â‚¬ recognising patient input and involvement in their care and health planning (Medical News Today, 2007). While the bulk of this study has focuses on the midwives communication with their patients, which is the core of their responsibilities in their profession, as members of a team, midwives also must exercise and exhibit effective communication with their peers and administrative bodies as well. Supervisors are an important part of this process in that they are there to assist and help midwives stay abreast of new developments, evaluate and aid them in enhancing their care delivery as well as being working partners in the midwife / patient relationship (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008d). The supervisory practice aids midwifes in their accountability, as well as assisting them in their potential or real communication issues with patients, and stand as an aid in the process. Their role in the effective monitoring of midwifes is in the interests of the public as well as the midwife, through their ongoing monitoring of midwives (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008d). Jones and Symon (2000, p. 27) point to the preceding as being one of the strengths of the profession in the UK, â€Å"†¦the statutory supervision of midwives†. They state that the system’s priorities are the assisting of midwives in the assessment of their own needs, as well as those of their patients, maintaining the adherence to the Code as their guide (Jones and Symon, 2000, p. 27). The preceding is referred to as ethics that represents the role of midwives, their supervisors and the entire structure of health care that is in the public trust. The aforementioned layer of accountability has been established to oversee midwives as well as provide them with a framework to foster communications with patients, and also provide patients with a structure as well. Good communication, as stated throughout this study, wards off potential issues and problems, and is the cornerstone in establishing effective care for the midwife and patient. Its importance cannot be over emphasised, as miscommunication in health care can have consequences that are life threatening. Bibliography Devries, R., Wrede, S., Teijlingen, E., Benoit, C. (2001) Birth by Design: Pregnancy, Maternity Care, and Midwifery in North America and Europe. Routledge. London, United Kingdom Ellingson, L. (2002) Communication, Collaboration, and Teamwork among Health Care Professionals. Vol. 21, No. 3. Communication Research Trends Jones, S., Symon, A. (2000) Ethics in Midwifery. Mosby Publishers. Edinbergh McCabe. C. (2004) Nurse-patient communication: an exploration of patient’s experiences. Vol. 13, No. 1. Journal of Clinical Nursing Medical news Today (2007) Resuscitation of Patients, UK. 1 November 2007. Medical News Today Nursing Midwifery Council (2004b) Complaints about unfitness to practise: A guide for members of the public. Nursing Midwifery Council. London, United Kingdom Nursing Midwifery Council (2004a) Midwives rules and standards. Nursing Midwifery Council. London, United Kingdom Nursing Midwifery Council (2008d) Modern supervision in action: a practical guide for midwives. Nursing Midwifery Council. London, United Kingdom Nursing Midwifery Council (2004c) Reporting lack of competence: A guide for employers and managers. London, United Kingdom Nursing Midwifery Council (2004d) Reporting unfitness to practise: A guide for employers and managers. Nursing Midwifery Council. London, United Kingdom Nursing Midwifery Council’s (2008c) Support for parents: How supervision and Supervisors of Midwives can help you. Nursing Midwifery Council. London, United Kingdom The Nursing Midwifery Council (2008a) The Code Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwifes. The Nursing Midwifery Council. London, United Kingdom Nursing Midwifery Council (2008b) The Prep handbook. Nursing Midwifery Council. London, United Kingdom
Social Media And Gender
Social Media And Gender As the social media and the related activities are rapidly developing, the number of involved women users are more than the number of men now. Due to this fact, there are many possible changes that could be experienced within the future media. Advertising and media Companies have been said to use the same and outdate forms of ideology to understand their audiences. However, it becomes more and more challenging to keep using these outdate patterns. Due to the increasing trend of social media usage by women, social media such as newspapers, movies, magazines, social networking sites, would have a huge impact on the shaping of social patterns.(Thompson 2011) It is necessary to analyze some of the quotes that are related to the social media and the aspect of gender when viewing the issue of social media and how the gender influences media. It is also necessary to analyze the aspect of women taking charge of the media, the increasing popularity of social media, and the relationship between age, gender, and the social media. (Thompson 2011) In order to complete analyzing the influences between social media activities and the aspect of gender, it is helpful to not only consider the number of the social media users and the length of the time they spent on social media but also compare the modern social media with the previous media. As mentioned before, social media communication patterns has been shaping the ideology of audiences and also been shaped by the gender of users. Many media communication methods have very deep connection to the aspect of gender in different cultures. (Donald A. MacKenzie 1985) A reliable research study which is completed by Claude S. Fisher indicates that the telephone has for long had some gendered forms of connections, people widely held belief that females talk more as compared to men. Therefore, most of people believe the employers of telephone industry would prefer to choose women as their operators in this industry. What is more, the research study also indicates that young women were closely related to the trivial and extensive phone usage for pure social purposes. The research further indicates that, the usage of women and influence on computer development has actually been trivialized while there some of computers are designed to be masculine. (Fisher 1994) However, this res earch study does not explain for the large number of women who use the social networking sites through these masculine computers. In our previous review for these relates research studies, we believe the research studies which evaluate the aspect of gender group that dominated the social media and we also analyzed the factors behind that domination. There is another research study by the TIME group which evaluates the factors behind the fact that Pinterest belongs to women and Google belongs to men. This research study indicates that around 83% of the users of Pinterest were actually women, and approximate two-thirds of Google+ users are men.(Wagstaff 2012) This research study raises a question on whether this fact means the female users dominated the social media and male users have less impact on the media. (Dines 2002) According to the results of the this research study, the reason behind this surprising fact is that google+ has less female friendly form of content than Pinterest, and its functions are more focus on academic using purpose instead of social networking. Consider another research study conducted in the year 2006. The research study indicated that, there was a historic and also a contemporary form of evidence, which indicated current fears on online safety of the young girls, had historical antecedents, such as media tools that included phones. The research also indicated that, in many cases, the historic reactions eventually resulted into some form of restrictions for the usage of technology towards protection of girls from harm and the threat that could harm their innocence. The research study, however, did not indicate the level into which the same media platform was used to protect the vulnerable boy child from effects of threats, harm, predators, criminals, and molestation over the social media or any other technological platform. Men and women usually use the social networking services in different ways, purposes, and with different frequencies. Many of research studies have indicated that, a specific gender group tends to use the social networks more than others with different purpose. Therefore, it is advisable to understand the target users better and make the development of efforts toward the diversity group of gender users with various purposes. As been mentioned in the article The Social Media Gender Gap, been compared with male users most of female users usually make more purchasing decisions and spend longer time on the on-line shopping. Women seem to be more likely to tell their friends about their purchases. (Hoffman 2008) Due to this fact the female users is the major group where the advertisers could get more benefits from. A majority of these researchers still indicate that although both users group of gender use social media frequently, women still the ones that hold down the fort. (Hoffman 2008 ) A majority of experts indicate that the internet is certainly going to look pink in the future. This means that, the entire future of the social media and its relative activities are going to be all about gender-based. In the other words, the future social media will be women oriented. Some of these experts in the web development field encouraged the upcoming web developers to take women as their main target if these web developer have the desire to get more benefits from their upcoming business. It is very interesting to notice that different gender members always act differently when they are using online services to do their activities in their daily life, which are part of the social media tools such as on-line shopping, blogging, posting and sharing pictures etc. According to this fact, the Website could be considered as an extremely important and essential form of social medium. Hence, a successful Website design is actually all about how to succeeds to be fit into the diversity social groups and dynamic social ideology. Although men were traditionally viewed as the earlier main target of the technological development, women have became the group which stands at the forefront of the social media related activities. Another study thirteen million people and were trying to find out the actual way in which a majority of them were using the social media. As the results indicates that members of both gender were participants in the field of social media, it was very clear that women have the larger number of members than the male gender so far. As a result of the same, the next wave of innovative ideas that are linked to the social media is likely to target a greater number of women than that of men (Hoffman 2008). This will widen the gender gap of social media. The research study also indicates that young women are more likely to be active on the social sites such as My Space, Twitter, Facebook, and Flixster which are very significant forms to connect to and interact with these social media sites, which is more than young men. It is very obvious that men who are above age thirty years old and men who are married usually do not have time for social media, and most of those men who are under age thir ty show they are not willing to do so after they attain that age. With the exception of the LinkedIn users who have to friend everyone on the social sites for business and job hunting purpose, these men are never willing to hang out the social networking sites. However, in contrast to the same age and married women, joining the social networks one after another. In fact, the fastest growing division, is identified as the age groups between thirty five and fifty, especially the users on My Space. (Hoffman 2008) The future researchers could evaluate the new form of gender difference that exist, and the reasons of why these forms of difference exist. According to the Rapleaf study, it is very clear that young men usually spend more of their time on computers and have plenty of free time. However, there are many competitions for drawing attentions from them, especially from the online games like Legend and first person action games. It is evident that, a majority of these men who like playing such online or computer games, usually tend to play other casual games like gambling. Although most of gambling games are banned by these social networks, the majority men would tend to seek for substitution game which allow them to play and bet at same time. This is a factor that makes young men keep off the interaction with the social media. In contrast to the same age group, women group are actually a big supporters of the casual games, as well as the social media networks. Another fact is that, a majo rity of these young women actually spend massive times when they making efforts towards decorating their profiles on the social network sitesà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ pages. This study points out that although young men have the desire to participant in these games, they naturally tend to prohibit themselves to spend too much time on the games and feel they have the responsibility to going out and have social life in the real life. These nautically self-discipline come from their social ideology which has the potential to shape their lifestyle and behaviors. It is also worth noting that, whenever these men get married, they attach significantly less value to these social networking sites, while women still continue using these sites as a part of their daily life where they could share their moment of life with others. It can be concluded as men actually tend to view things in a more transactional manner as compared to women. (Hoffman 2008) That is the reason why a majority of married men dominated some of sites like linkeldln and google+ which are two of transactional forms of social media network sites. Men usually can only be attracted to media sites that assist them in either gathering more intelligence, making introductions, or do some gambling. It is expected that men want to keep on gravitating to the transactional sites including those that enable them gain the interaction with the world of sports, news, as well; as financial information. However, their disadvantage are some of those that are not attracting much efforts of expertise from the website developers, hence they are declining in terms of content, and then keeping men away from the media sites. As the result, the gap which is based on the transactional aspect tends to be wider gradually. Meanwhile, this would make female gender users to be in the forefront of using, and managing the social sites. Womenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s behavior within the media suites is less transactional while it is more of relationship driven. Relationship building over the media network has been linked to certain a given category of the gender parity. Married women spend so much time over the media making new friends, sharing pictures with friends and relatives, communicating to their former friends, as well as treating their social network profiles as the home page for their entire families. We might experience massive jobs and hire of women to the social media world. Considering the significant importance that women serve to the social media industry, then it is absolutely amazing to see how a few female executives who exist in the companies and the different venture capital firms tend to dominate in term of performance. Since the social media have been identified to be too much into tune with the women, a majority of the male audiences will have to be increasingly seen as significantly less valuable as compared to the female ones. It is widely known that women normally spend more and also make more of purchasing decisions as compared to men. Women are also likely to tell their friends about the purchases, hence advertisers will always get some double benefits form the female consumers. The media, as well as a wide range of the adverting forms that are part of the social media, are becoming increasingly motivated to hire women to be in charge of the management processes in these firms due to their potential influence. Due to the various research studies that indicate that women are the most vibrant members in the usage of tools of mass media, there is a possibility that the very next wave of innovation is likely to target more women as compared to men. This should be done because of the fact that the gender gap that already exist on the social network and increasingly within all the social media is continuously widening. It is, however, advisable to have it in mind that male adoption is also growing as well. It wonà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t keep pace with expanding engagement amongst the female users. It is notable that since a majority of women use the media network in socializing, a single dollar spent marketing towards acquiring any female user happens to go a lot further as compared on a male user.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Database :: essays research papers
The Database      Databases are becoming as common in the workplace as the stapler. Businesses use databases to keep track of payroll, vacations, inventory, and a multitude of other taske of which are to vast to mention here. Basically businesses use databases anytime a large amount of data must be stored in such a manor that it can easily be searched, categorized and recalled in different means that can be easily read and understood by the end user. Databases are used extensively where I work. In fact, since Hyperion Solutions is a database and financial intelligence software developing company we produce one. To keep the material within scope I shall narrow the use of databases down to what we use just in the Orlando office of Hyperion Solutions alone.      In the Orlando office we have three main databases. We have a Microsoft Access Database, a Visual Source Safe database, and a Microsoft SQL server database with a custom web client front end. The Microsoft Access database is fairly simple. We use this data base to keep track of the computer hardware and software configurations that are used when doing quality assurance testing and problem replication and troubleshooting of the software product. For any one product we can have up to twenty or thirty different configurations. Initially keeping track of the configurations along with the machine name and IP address was done on paper with a grid like matrix. After a short period of time, this became extremely time consuming and impractical. A simple database was set up in Access and then the database was shared to allow each user to be able to find out what configuration each computer was in for that day or that week so that the proper tests and or bug reporting could be conducted. The database allows the users to search by software version, platform type, operating system, machine name, IP address, memory size, and several other items that are not as significant. Before the database was created the engineer would have to leave their desk find the chart and to a cross reference using the matrix that was drawn up, and hopefully that matrix was kept up to date. Now as the technicians update or change the machine configurations they can enter that information immediately into the database and it will automatically provide a matrix view or a tabular view for any engineer who needs it.
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