
Tuesday, April 30, 2019


AMERICAN HISTORY TEXTBOOK digest AND COMPARISONS - Dissertation ExampleParticular emphasis in the course of the research study shall be base on the perspective of the Southern the Statesn dwellers and that of British perspectives regarding the black Civil Rights figurehead (19551968). These perspectives shall be taken from textbooks from these two locations namely South United States of America and Britain. The researcher is therefore interested in purpose answers to the following specific objectives at the end of the current research study 1. What were the causes of the black Civil Rights accomplishment (19551968)? 2. What are the specific events that were recorded during the African-American Civil Rights trend (19551968)? 3. Who are the major(ip) protagonists who led the African-American Civil Rights Movement (19551968)? 4. How do the British educational curriculums through its textbooks perceive the African-American Civil Rights Movement (19551968)? 5. How does the Americ an educational curriculum through its textbooks perceive the African-American Civil Rights Movement (19551968)? 6. What were the eventual results of the African-American Civil Rights Movement (19551968)? 7. ... This assertion is the general hypothesis underlying the current research, which the researcher is going to analyze and contrast ten different textbooks from America and Britain to draw a conclusion on the assertion. Most lots than not, the kind of ideas that people from these two setting fork up of the African American depends on the encounter that they have personally had with them in history. The researchers goal for the research exit therefore be urbane if at the end of the day a conclusion is drawn on whether or not Americans and British perceive the African-American Civil Rights Movement (19551968) from the same perception. Significance of the Study There are major academic and practical justifications that back the importance of the current research and why it is w orth undertaking. In the prototypal place, the successful conclusion of the present research work is going to be a major woodpecker for the establishment of historical accuracy. This said against the backdrop that different textbooks from different setting such as America and Britain seem to portray the same case from different perspectives. In some cases, such a course session tends to distort and bend some of the facts behind history. With this text analysis research, a line will be drawn between the contrasting facts to establish historical accuracy. Another importance of this research work will be to enhance personality awareness creation. This will be done from the viewpoint where the true identity operator of the African American will be understood through their history. Indeed, the history of the African-American Civil Rights Movement (19551968) establishes a lot about the identity of the African American population because it brings to bear their dreams and

Monday, April 29, 2019

Case study ( in search of second act) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

( in search of second act) - Case Study ExampleThe micturate of the observed turn of events as far as sales of the product are concerned is genteelness questions on whether the product is for fun or functionality.It is evident that consumer demands have gone beyond the basic it offers and on that point is an equal need to extend its application among the elderly and children. This calls for differentiation approach to improve the functionality of the product and offer its market size. There is a challenge to the managers of this company concerning the description of the product as either a toy or a software or robotic tool for learning through fun. It is therefore diminutive to evaluate the cost-benefit analysis of functional aspect of the product with focus on consumer and sustainable competitive emolument in the industry. It would be recommended that the product be improved in feature so that it would capture the emergent needs of the customer and the resulting rise in sales would boost the confidence of the

Sunday, April 28, 2019

CIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CIS - sample ExampleThese features ar what connect people as social beings. It is through real conversation that matchless can express their real emotions and people can be able to express their deep concern. It is a sad state that this new technologies are converting people into asocial beings. Teenagers subscribe to unlimited texts and are endlessly on the phone hitherto when having real conversation with people around them. It is not executable to trim d witness on ones phone and at the same time maintain eye shock with the person one is conversing with. This passes as a rude kind of behavior making the other person feel less appreciated and has ruined our relationship with people around us (Turkle 2013). It is thus possible to stay connected with other people through texts, tweets, FaceBook but at the same time be alienated from people around us.It follows that during conversation, no one really listens to the other causing a disconnection. What is even more scaring is t he fact that people do not even get time to be alone. We are always bombarded by emails, text or even tweets during working hours, during our free time and even at night. The exchange of information never stops. This then implies that people never really get time to job on their own life and meditate. It has become even more difficult for people to create their own identity as our actions are shaped by these electronic means of communication (Turkle 2013). It is feared that in the end, we willing have a world full of people with identical behavior and way of thinking and this blocks creativity and development in general. From this talk, it can be seen that in the near future, people will not be able to make simple personal real life conversation and this will have insufferable consequences on our social structure. Staying connected has had its advantages in ensuring immediacy of information which has promoted businesses and other operation. Life has become in truth fast. This si tuation is scaring and measures need to

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Analysis on Saudi Arabia's Fiscal Policy and the Oil Prices Assignment

Analysis on Saudi-Arabian-Arabian Arabias Fiscal Policy and the Oil Prices - Assignment ExamplePolicy Recommendations 6.1 Shrinking the Government 6.2 Diversifying the Economy 6.3 pushing Prise Reform 6.4 Regulation for Increased Efficiency 6.5 Adding Renewable Source of Energy 6.6 Nuclear proponent Ambition Executive Summary The monetary policy of any nation is the backbone of its prosperous future. The fiscal policies of inunct exporting countries are viewed with concern all over the world because oil color price is the ascertain factor of prosperity for all the worlds leading nations. Saudi Arabia is a prominent oil exporter of the world. Its economic policies influence the cost of oil it is exporting directly and the industrial development of many different nations indirectly. Though Saudi Arabias fiscal policy is appreciated as a balanced and go around one by reputed institutions like International Monetary Fund (IMF), there are countless much(prenominal) issues hidden under it. Oil is a highly diminishing form of natural energy. The brass is fetching many productive steps to protect this sustainable energy and thinking about alternate shipway of employment, other than oil drilling. The paper discusses the important issues on Saudi Arabias fiscal policies and gives useful recommendations to chasten them effectively. Introduction King Abdal Aziz ibn Al Saud created the Saudi Arabia kingdom by uniting several(prenominal) small Arabic nations together in 1932. This Middle East Peninsula covers over 2.23 million square kilometres, most of which are oil rich desserts (Hitti & Abed, 1974). Oil drilling became an important and thriving business in the area by 1950s. Since wherefore drilling oil has been main occupation of the nation for the past 7 decades. All the progressive measures of the government from improving understructure to transport facilities depend upon the profits generated by the oil exported to the developed countries. The counter cyclical fiscal policies of Saudi Arabia won accolades around the world by the way it handled the global economic downturn in 2008-2009. The savings of the surplus during the last 5 years enabled the government to manage the recession with poise and comfort. But, there were several hidden truths behind this. Thousands of labours or manual workers lost their job in the recession. Planes were booked in the great unwashed to transport these people back to the eastern countries where they came from. Several major construction projects related to the industrial and infrastructure needs of the country were stalled until the world economy regained itself. According to the neoclassical growth model in economy, the semipermanent growth is determined by continuous supply of productive resources and productivity. The governments expansive spending doesnt expect to give importance to the productive supplies. If the countries major plans startle, at the minor oil rate infraction delinquent to problems in the world economy, how adverse would the effects be if the sustainable oil is depleted completely. Saudi Arabia cannot think a single stand in this issue. It should consider the stand of its neighbouring countries exporting oil too. Here is a table showing the list of its oil exporting co-countries. Figure Reference (Sturm, M. Gurtner, Francois & Alegre, J, 2009, p - 8) Considering the fiscal doing of all the major oil dependant countries like Algeria, Nigeria, Russia and Saudi Arabia, the main problems faced by them are 1. The sudden sharp fall of oil price 2. The highly sustainable natural resources 3. The challenges arising out of precise domestic issues (Low cost oil

Friday, April 26, 2019

Chanel Company - Chanel Bags Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Chanel Company - Chanel Bags - Essay ExampleTherefore, the profit margin always developments with fall in the impairments of these production line bases. Another crucial factor that affects the supply of these products is the income differences. In any case, there is an increase in the income levels of a population holding other factors constant, the sales for change bags increase because the extra amount will be spent on purchasing them and an increase in profit margin is realized. Although when income spent decreases, the households will except concentrate on the most essential commodities lead to a fall in sales of channel bags, as it will be considered a luxurious need. The price at which other related goods atomic number 18 sold will affect demand in that if a bag like travelling bag with the same features is offered for a relatively low price compared to that of channel bags there will be a fall in demand for the channel bags, which results to low sales and profit. In case there is an increase in demand of the travelling, all customers will shift to channel bags hence rise in sales and profit margin. Advertisement also affects sales in such a way that whenever there is an sound awareness created on the channel bags there is a boost in sales and profits.The channel bags be in fashion is another factor that has boosted its sales. Many customers always prefer whatever product that is in fashion hence there is increased demand.The supply of channel bags can be affected by price changes. If an increase in the price of channel bags is factored in, the supply of this product will increase with an prevision of widenig the profit margin but if the prices fall the supply will be low. Low supply leads to a decrease in sales while an increase in supply leads to incresed sales. Lastly, change in technoloy employed matter a lot. Up to date technology makes production to be very effective and economical hence increased supply that enjoys from economies of s cale hence incresed profit margin. Demand curve The above chart shows that an increase in price of the bags leads to a fall in demand of the bags and decrease in price of the bags leads to an increase in demand of the bags. otherwise actors will lead to a shift of the curve. An increase in demand leads to a shift to the even off while a decrease in demand leads to a shift to the left. Supply curve The above graph show how increase in the price of a commodity leads to an increase in the supply of the commodity. In case there is a fall in price of the bags, there will be a consequent fall in supply of the bag. . Other factors will lead to a shift of the curve. An increase in supply leads to a shift to the right while a decrease in supply leads to a shift to the left. b) Market building The mixed bag of market structure for channel bags is a perfect competition kind of market. This is simply because there are no barriers for new sellers into the market there are some(prenominal) sellers and buyers. In this market, there are many other sellers. All these companies are allowed free entry into these markets where there are many buyers. c) The channel bags caller-out should move from this kind of market structure because there is maximization of profits. The most ideal market structure is the monopoly kind of market where the firm can dictate its own profits and prices. The most

Thursday, April 25, 2019

AAN case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

AAN case topic - Essay ExampleMany efforts have been put in place to protect personal and mysterious data from infringement and theft for intellectual purposes or simply destruction by people considered enemies of the state. As such, many governments all over the world are in pursuit of reliable data monitoring, investigation and other intelligence driven motives electronics that will guarantee such an achievement (Barkan, et al., 2008, pp.392-429). Many countries, especially those in the Asian continent have appreciated the need for knowledge security and they are now approach a very steep learning curve as they have embarked on evaluation and sound judgment of the new technologies in lend oneself and those in the market in order to establish their viabilities, vulnerabilities threats of security and their effect in ensuring that security threats are minimized or eliminated (Faisal, et al., 2007, pp.667-699). Various strategies have been put forward to overhaul tackle securi ty problems in India and the government has seen the need to indulge international firms that could be necessitateed to give up these monitoring and investigation electronic devices. AAN Limited is a company that deals in small electrical products that do have minimal intellectual property value compared with other companies that design the same. The company has sought markets inside the Asian region in the past three years. Following this marketing campaign, AAN needs to bid for a contract that is highly ambitious able to impact the cheek in a massive scale. This contract is owned by the Indian government where the contractor will have to design a build of cutting edge electronic products that would be made use of in the secret services of India. The use of these products will be put to use in the monitoring and investigating those people who are a threat to the national security of India. The contract will be worth 144 million greatest pounds in the first two years and an add itional sum of 134 million for the next three years after the first phase bringing the total contract to a value of 278 million superlative pounds per year. This report aims to address miscellaneous issues related to security as far as the audit do on AAN case study is concerned. 2.0 Information Security and devices 2.1 Highly Secretive Organizations Highly snug establishment means being a firm that does not expose its dealings to the public. In this case, what happens within the organization is little crawl inn to people who are not selected to know. Such organizations deal with top secret or confidential information most especially that relating to the state security and other government machineries. Highly secretive organizations have been known to exist in the minds of many without necessarily having a name or cross off to identify them a factor which makes it even hard for non-involved party to discuss or even know anything about them in real life and what they do. Most o f these secretive organizations are related to the states in which they control and in their operations, they use high technology devices to track information, monitor movement of people and goods, and make various investigations with the aim of establishing more information that could be used for security purposes (Challa & Pradhan, 2007, pp.87-96). They also use cryptographic modules which do conform to high set standards that form what might be called approved security standards entailing cryptographic algorithms, discover management techniques by use of cryptography, and techniques of authentication with the objective of protecting the governments sensitive information or their own from the public and people considered threats to security (Garg & Verma,

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Systems Analysis and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Systems Analysis and Design - Essay casefulAt this stage, the systems organize is required to design the user interface and identify all necessary outputs, inputs and processes (Shelly, Cashman and Rosenblatt, 2008, p. 22). In this report, the major breeding systems techniques and tools will be discussed with fussy reference to the managerial implications of different CBIS components, techniques and tools. There is special focus on addressing melody needs as per the perspective of information systems. Discussion Business learning System Components The main components of an information system are people, data, processes, hardware, software and communications. This holds true for a business information system (BIS) too. People are the fragment of a CBIS who design, install, communicate, execute processes, and manage the databases. Data can be defined as the information part of CBIS. It is essential for running the software and understanding various organisational issues and scen arios. The element of processes is the set of definitions, descriptions, rules and instructions, which guides the people in implementing and operating the CBIS. Further, hardware consists of the computers and their peripherals which are a part of the CBIS. It also includes the networking devices much(prenominal) as switches and routers. Software applications play a functional role in the CBIS. Software is necessary exploitation and running the system design and running the CBIS. Finally, communication is the component that helps in staffs and departments coordination inside a business house (Stair and Reynolds, 2011) So dividing the BIS (that is, a corporate level CBIS) among the components of people, data, processes, hardware, software and communications is advantageous for a systems engineer to ensampleise the system design and compare with available paradigms and benchmark. For example, dividing a given information system into standard components helps a systems engineer to or ganise the different programming techniques using advanced programming languages like coffee and UML (Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden, 2012). Dynamic Diagrams and Rich Pictures Dynamic diagrams are based on isometric projectionsthat help in role web sites, developing software programs like MAPA, and publishing certain advanced blogging systems (Kahn, Lenk and Kaczmarek, 2001). Rich Pictures, on the former(a) hand, are a category of diagrams that can help to relate ones own experiences and observations to a certain problem situation presented before him/her. This further involves organisation of the development of different business think concepts visibly (Avison, Golder and Shah, 1992). The most important advantage of dynamic diagram is that it helps the user to navigate through the systems. Moreover, it helps the systems creator to detect would-be navigation issues. For example, pictorial representation of the sitemap of a corporate website is helpful for both the customers and syste ms engineers of the company. wages of using rich pictures is that it helps to establish relationships between situations and technologies. For example, user experience with a technology can be described through visible illustrations with the help of rich pictures. Krishnamurti (2011) has used rich pictures to successfully illustrate that how 3D graphics can be applied to enhance construction site management and technology (see suppose

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Operations Management - Essay ExampleEven Government deprtments cn drw hevily upon opertionl inititives nd strtegies when they tlk bout supply chin mngement, len supply, just in time nd totl qulity mngement.This pper ims to offer the reder n insight into the importnce of opertions mngement nd gives firm pltform for the field of operation of opertions strtegy. The contribution of n opertions strtegy is lso outlined s prt of hierrchy of strtegies tht we might find in ech firm. It gives n insight into wht is exctly n opertions strtegy nd wht re its components, how esy is it to implement such strtegy nd wht cn n orgnistion expect from it. B setlly, the pper discusses the question of diversity of tsks tht opertions mngement incorportes nd tht these tsks should be combined to rech the potentil of opertions executed.Opertions mngement hs its origins in the study of production or mnufcturing mngement. (Pine, Boynton, 2003) These terms still in truth much pply to mnufcturing orgnistions t ht will hve distinct opertionl ctivities tht convert sy, bens nd rich tomto suce into cns of bked bens to be sold by retiler. Thus, we cn initilly think of opertions mngement s being prt of distinct function producing product nd service combintion, just s we hve mrketing nd ccounting functions in mny orgnistions. The first definition of opertions mngement is therefore each orgnistion tht offers goods or services hs n opertions ctivity. s fr s the orgnistion structure is concerned, some firms will hve discrete opertions function. This might be clled mnufcturing deprtment, n opertions system, or hve no identifible nme t ll. However,

Monday, April 22, 2019

Accounting Standard AASB138 Intangible Assets Essay

Accounting Standard AASB138 Intangible Assets - Essay ExampleThis means that as very much as possible, no pieces and bits of expenses atomic number 18 to be left out. The collection of every amount that went into spending is mantic to be captured as part of the expenditure development (Deegan, 2012). This also entails a mandate whereby bill for enquiry and development expenses entrust not be done in isolation. Rather, it is expected that the expenses making up for the twain will be integrated as one so as to have a broad(a) aggregate of the expenditure. What is more, the AASB138 requires specific items that cover cost of all internally generated intangible summations to be accounted for (66). These would include cost of materials and services, cost of employee benefits, fees to register a legal right and amortisation of patents and licenses (66, a, b, c). There however exist several(prenominal) freebies as far as items to be covered are concerned as in that location are ent ities that are encouraged but not necessarily required. These include amortised intangible assets that are still in use and intangible assets that did not match up the recognition criteria in the Standard (128). 2 inform the rationale behind the different accounting treatments for research and development expenditures. A critical review of the AASB138 shows that there are different accounting treatments given to alter research and development expenditures. Such differences exist for varying reasons.... Secondly, the tangible impact that different research and development expenditure creates is always different and subject to valued grading (Accounting Scholar, 2012). For this reason, there exists different accounting treatment for research and development expenditures so that accountants would have the opportunity of undertaking their own assessments of the impacts of expenses so as to undertake effective vicenary grading. In the opinion of Deegan (2012), having the selfsame(p renominal) accounting treatments for all research and development expenditures would only be a way of saying that when quantitative grading is done, all entities will be on the same scale (p. 231) 3 Before the interpolation of Accounting Standard AASB 138 Intangible Assets in 2005, Australian companies were allowed to treat research expenditure as an asset and spread the charge against profits over several years. a Examine possible impacts of the introduction of rising accounting standards regarding research expenditures to the key elements of companies fiscal statements such as assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses. With the coming into force of the new accounting standards on research expenditure, one of the key impacts that is expected in terms of financial statements of companies is that there will be an overall change in the technical structure and setup of their financial statements (Deegan, 2012). For example as the new accounting standards brings into force new definitions and categorisations of key entities like assets and expenditure, it is expected that the overall structure of financial standards will change drastically. In terms of assets, it is expected that companies are going to record comparatively decreased volumes of assets than they

The Problems With the U.S. Education System Essay

The Problems With the U.S. Education System - Essay ExamplePrivate schools have a more higher level of success than customary schools. Costing between $10,000 and $30,000 per year, their enrollment is limited by scotch word form, and though not immune from problems, they are generally more isolated from the catalysts found in our earth school system. For the most part, the students are of similar class and background which limits the stratification caused by classify conflict. However, public school systems are subject to geographical, economical, and political influences which can cause great disparity in the lineament of public education.With the more diverse location and population of our public schools, educators are forced to confront and act the conflict among groups. The system needs to accommodate parents, school boards, teachers, and students. In the hierarchy of the power structure the students, the least(prenominal) empowered, tend to form in various groups with c ommon bonds or a common cause. Economic class will group with members of a like class. Racial and ethnic groups will form in a common force against the authority. Genders will bond to advance the goal of equal rights. As the groups gain self-identity, they set off to stratify into recognizable entities, each with an identifiable level of authority or power.As each group competes for more power, it can cause violence in severe cases or may take on subtler ramifications.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

433Mod4SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

433Mod4SLP - rise ExampleA common example of HCI which I experienced is GPS navigation dodge. This has proved to be right for me as I often plan trips where locating my destination becomes important. The navigation system is a turgid example of human computer interaction approach (Wasson, 2006). My personal experience with this application has been good as it was completely a user friendly technology. I just had to enter my location and my destination and the system was so designed that it gave me the entire route map to reach the destination. The usability factor is a matter of colligate as proper interaction would be only possible if users find it easy to operate on such(prenominal) application. Similarly I found the navigation system based on HCI approach ingest high usability. When the application was installed in my mobile I was keen towards learning its facilities (Kirlik, 2006). It was designed in such comprehensive manner that before going to the main page the applicati on introduced the user with a break example on how to operate such application. This proved to be helpful for me as I could describe the required steps which I need to take to locate my destination. On the contrary I retrieve that authoritative HCI applications are difficult to understand. Like for instance my brother installed a computer gaming packet in my laptop and I was not able to operate that properly (Jaimes and Sebe, 2007). It comprised of some complicated operating instructions which a user cannot understand if he or she does not have some technical knowledge. This in turn I feel reduces the usability of a HCI application.I have noticed that in some organizations in that respect are user friendly applications implemented in the system but there are certain programs which require some theoretical knowledge. However usability is an important factor when it comes to HCI and its applications. HCI is all about effective intercourse between machine and human and I think t hat this can be only possible if scientific

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Pros and Cons of Abortion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pros and Cons of abortion - Research Paper ExampleAccording to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that to understand the phenomenon of abortion make better it would be ideal to look at its pros and cons.It is believed that abortion is a justifiable act as it is a killing of a fetus and not that of a human being. A person is originated at posit and not during conception. This is a biologically proven fact and hence favor abortion. The oath of Hippocrates which the medical professionals take itself forbids abortion and hence is a malpractice. The original text of the Hippocratic Oath, the oath that doctors traditionally take when fellow to practice medicine ethically, forbids abortions. The U.S constitution gives liberty to live to all men and killing of one vitality is against nations proclamation. Allowing abortion directly contradicts the Founding Fathers intentions for an inalienable right to life in this re cosmos. It is evidently clear from the discussion th at abortion having pros and cons can be defended and justified according to the situation and picture of this medical procedure. It is not possible to condemn abortion altogether as it offers various benefits to women. The good side of abortion is weighed more in American society and the bad effects stand as reasons for the public to defend against it.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Language Literacy and Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Language Literacy and Learning - Essay ExampleThere ar various factors that are in a position to help children develop their literacy levels. Literacy is the ability of these children to read and write without overmuch difficulty. These practiti cardinalrs chew with young children of early years in schools. The practitioners should be in a position to develop keen-sighted lasting partnerships or relationships with the parents and in a multi agency context (Adekola 2007).One of the roles of the practitioner is to enhance utile interpersonal communication between him and the parents. This is because being made responsible for working in nursery schools involves one taking care of children up to a possible age of five years. The progress the children make in their early school years need to be monitored. For this to happen, then the teacher and the parents curb to keep running play of the kids. Young children are capable of having difficulties at the initial stages in school. Th is is because they had not been used to too much load. Learning to gain the required literacy levels can sometimes prove to be a tall mark for them especially the young ones not interested in learning at all (Siraj 2000). Thus, the practitioner and the parents have to communicate often on the progress of the children in the nursery school. Therefore, any problem that may get is detected early and settled.The practitioner should also ensure that there is a conversation between the parents and their children. Parents should get time for their children and not be too busy for them. If parents ensure a communication with their children, then they are able to learn a lot from those conversations. It is evident that children that are known to be sociable communicators go out drive their own learning. They will be so eager for their parents to get back from work and excuse to them what they have learnt in nursery school that day

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Employee Turnover Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employee Turnover - Dissertation ExampleThe study would also highlight whether, the charge has a key role in mitigating the turnover effect or not. Research Process & strategy Identify the problem Set the accusives Develop the Research Plan selective information collection Analysis of selective information Finding (results) Source Kothari , 2008 A literature review was undertaken to investigate the influences and motivational forces that increase employee turnover. Further the touch was established in order to find a relationship between the established theories and people take personal opinions. According to Marchington & Wilkinson (2005) the best and most reliable information given by employees is d unrivaled so by exploring their own personal views. The literature review had enabled me to gather and link a good centre of inquiry from theorists who have interrogationed employee retention in depth. The above mentioned steps are executed systematic all(prenominal)y to chance on the desired goals and objectives. The first step in the search process is to identify the problem and set objective carefully and agree on the research objective. In an investigative and descriptive study as the one in particular can frame the objectives by breaking them into various investigative questions as verbalize in the above research objective section (Goddard W & Melville S, 2004). ... It is most expensive and most devoted to error. The fourth step in research process is to analyze the collected data. The last step in the research process is that the representation of findings or ultimate deduction of the analysis drawn. According to the nature of research problem, it is beneficial to emphasize more on qualitative data rather than three-figure data. It is a be fact that human behavior can be complex, interactive and consist of indescribable and illogical aspects (Goulding, 2002) curiously when discussing personal experiences. Denzin & Lincoln (no date) found that qualitative research is a method for examination, contribution, interviewing, and ethnography. It serves as a illustration for majestic knowledge, for strength and for the truth (Denzin & Lincoln, no date), it really depends on the size of data you need. Both quantitative and qualitative are scientific, and the results will deliver a similar result, but each method has a different approach, and the results are presented differently to the reader. Data Collection Collection of data is one of the important aspects of research methodology. This consists of gathering the data from various sources. Types of data & Analysis Data is important to collect the necessary information. Data may be of two types primary and secondary data. Secondary data is one of the parts of research methodology through which information about the project can be collected. This particular research would be based both on the secondary and primary data information, different sources such as Journals, Books, Newsp aper, Magazines, Internet, Articles and all authentic published relevant material would be referred for the accomplishment of the objectives and goals of the current project related to the

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group, LTD Research Paper

Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group, LTD - Research Paper ExampleThe entrepreneur is described to be a risk taker, merely also with ability to turn the impossible into business opportunities. More on his mass investment in entertainment, transport, telephone services, and financial sector is elaborated. He also demonstrates his leadership skills, sequence dealing with his employees, customers, society, and his different businesses by close association, partnerships, and participation. Keywords Business, Enterprise, Entrepreneur, Leadership Skills, Ideas, Motivation, Investment, Opportunities, Evolution, Virgin Atlantic Airlines, Virgin Mobile, Music Label, Employees, orbicular Warming Introduction The ability to be a successful individual in society is viewed otherwise according to individuals, or a collective perception of people. Today everyone associates success with education, learning and gathering information, but opposing, excelling and living a satisfactory life n eeds the basics of wisdom, understanding and hard work, if not on the job(p) smart. Sir Richard Bransons history exists to confirm this. People tend to strain in life, as they force themselves in situations where they do not fit it is not really the sharpness of a student in divide that determines his or her future. The idea is that, people are totally different, with diverse abilities and interests. ... He possesses the qualities of a great leader, which about businesses in the world lack, leading to their failure. Interest, Idea and Ambition in Business Different nations have divers(a) ways to nurture the tender population in paths of their careers. At least academicians are now concentrating on this, unlike in the past where education was so generalized. Bransons venture into business occurred in his childhood, at the age of 15 years, he began producing and selling magazines in his school, before dropping out at 17 years of age to fully participate in his business (Mills et al., 2007, p. 485). His entrepreneurial skills outweighed the impact of education in his life, but on the bright side he began nurturing his career early in life. He turn the business idea into a fact, hence bringing an impact into the market through his innovation and creativity. agree to Schmidt and Ludlow, Starting a magazine for young people, Student, he already had the idea that the concept could cover numerous other products and services for young people a student travel service, perhaps a marge (2002, p. 130). His business venture in school was strategic, not that other individuals could not come up with another(prenominal) proposal, but because he took advantage of the market niche, combined with his wisdom and tactics to flourish at young age. Earlier on, he seemed to struggle with his studies especially with the rigid school rules, which most students also have to bear in the education systems. Convinced on his entrepreneurial step, he only got to begin with 4 dollars as his capital, with Jonny James as the only supporter, before his head teacher finally accepted his successful appear (The success story, 2008). His venture in business was humble,

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pennsylvania Association Essay Example for Free

Pennsylvania sleeper proveThe right to an appropriate open fostering and come to treatment of children with disabilities has been a highly contested event in the last few decades. Until 1975, most disabled children were deliberately segregated and denied the right to education. In 1971, a type was filed by the Pennsylvania Association for retard Children against the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania (PARC v. PA) on the nark of to public education by the children with disabilities. Attorney Thomas K. Gilhool be PARC while Attorney Gen. , Ed Weintrub represented the defendants in the three judge case. The concerned parents (plaintiff) done their attorney argued that children with disabilities were denied free access to education and/or an appropriate and adequate education under the then instructional course of studys (United States District Court, 1971). Inspired by the equal rights movement, the parents presented their claim through Attorney Thomas who based his argument on the Brown v. Board of teaching method case which had ruled out that the equal merely separate schools segregation in practice was unconstitutional under the Federal constitutions Fourteenth Amendment.However, the defendants (commonwealth) did not struggle for the exclusion of such children but rather opted to collaborate with the United States federal official court and PARC to arrive at a consent agreement. The case led to a landmark decision affirming that children with disabilities meet an equal right to education at the cost of the public including repayable processes. Ruling on the case, the judges referred to Section 1304 of the 1949s Public School enrol under which they forbid any form of denial of access of the mentally retard children to free public education and/or training weapons platform (Ibid).Quoting Section 1372(3) of the same code, the court ruled against denial of office based instruction to any child with child retardation on the basis that the disabil ity due to retardation is not short-long-term and/ or that the retardation is not accompanied by physical disability. The judgement likewise obliged the defendants to conduct with immediate effect a reevaluation of the stated plaintiffs including all other mentally retarded individuals of 6 to 21 years and provide every one of them appropriate and free public education program and training in line with their abilities (Wise Fagan, 2000).PA was also ordered to provide a preschool program for both mentally healthy and retarded children below six years of age according to their abilities The impression demanded that commonwealth provide free appropriate public education (FAPE) which is an individualized educational and training program that meets the specific needs of each individual according to their type of disability. This implies that a school psychologists, regarded as a diagnostician with the responsibility of conducting individual study and evaluation of abnormal cases to pr ovide recommendation.The psychologist is concerned with the assessment and formation of contingencies for groups or individual students (Ibid). The ruling of this case expanded the scope to which the psychologist could intervene into individualized cases as the express focus on individualized instruction formerly practiced was lifted. For instance, prior to this case, a school psychologist would have been limited to rear intervention programs recommending extra or individualized care since segregation did not grant it. This means that the school psychologist is no longer limited in the range of individualized remedies they can offer to various instructors.The U. S Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education wreak ( mind Act) governs the manner in which public agencies and states provide special education and early intervention programs for children with disabilities. It focuses on the age bracket ranging from birth to 21 years of age. IDEA was formed from the preceding Edu cation for All Handicapped Children Act which is a product of several federal laws ruling against the unconstitutional segregation and deprivation of public education and training programs to children with disabilities (Network of Advocates for assure Practices in Education).The ruling of the PARC v. Common wealth case provided the platform for these similar cases that facilitated for the 1975s Education for All Handicapped Children Act that guaranteed for the first time, constitutionally protected rights to an appropriate and free public education to youths and children with disabilities. Amendments on the law in 1990 had the name of the Act changed to IDEA. This 1971 ruling has continued to impact on IDEA and disabilities issues at large since through its consideration, the former unconstitutional segregation of schools on separate but equal basis was nullified.References Network of Advocates for Promising Practices in Education, IDEA History. Retrieved 27 May 2010 from http//www . etsu. edu/idea/nappe/ideahistory. html. United States District Court. (1971). Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 334 F. Supp. 1257 (E. D. PA 1972). E. D. Pennsylvania. Retrieved 27 May 2010 from http//www. faculty. piercelaw. edu/redfield/library/Pdf/case-parc. pennsylvania. pdf. Wise, P. S. Fagan, T. K. (2000). School Psychology Past, present, and future. (2nd ed. ). Bethesda, MD National Association of School Psychologists.

The media’s recent focus Essay Example for Free

The medias recent focus EssayEvery year, the number of heavy Americans is increasing dramatically, and its spreading all over the nation like an pestilential. But this is old intelligence operation this relinquish has been talked about decades ago, as it spread rapidly across all the states during the 1990s. Despite all the childbeds by the authorities to solve this epidemic, slew continue to grow fatter and fatter. What could be the key to solving this conundrum? Lately, the issue has been given special attention by the media. Theyre not only calling for individual inaugural to solve obesity, barely also for changes in the physiologic education designs of our country in order to sh are with this matter. But can media attention really affect change on this one? Annual subject reports on obesity showed that instead of decreasing, adult obesity rates in the country rose in 31 states as of last year. Obesity policies are really failing in the United States estim qual ified now, despite all the efforts by the government to stop the problem (Gutin, Riggs, Ferguson, Owens, 1999).According to the reports, there has been a major(ip) breakthrough in terms of drawing the attention of the people to the obesity epidemic. All eyes and ears were on the issue, yet the mouths continued to feed. What the country need is a breakthrough in terms of policies and results, as the scurvy nutrition practices and carnal inactivity of most Americans are making the case much worse, affecting the peoples health and productivity (Labbe Welsh, 1993).Because of this, the approach shifts from the individual American, towards various groups and institutions like families, communities, schools, employers, food and drinks companies, health professionals, and government at local and national levels. There were some recommendations given in order to solve the problem of Obesity. One is the involvement of the federal government, by developing and implementing a national strat egy that would clearly circumscribe the roles and responsibilities of the state and of the localities in dealing with these concerns (Hart, 2005).Another is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle by braggy Americans the necessary tools for them to achieve the recommended levels of physical activity, like in schools and offices. Additional researches on how to promote these healthy choices are also being encouraged. There are various strategies that could encourage people to make healthier decisions, but more research is needed for it to be effectively promoted (Crawford, 2005). In the heat of the obesity epidemic issue, visible Education programs is one of the ways that authorities see as a means to solve the problem.The veritable Physical Education programs in various institutions may be assumed ineffective in hold in the obesity problem. It is expected that these programs would be changed in such a way that it could deal with the problem of obesity. It leave alone be intensifi ed to accommodate the need of the Americans to shed off fats. With a lifestyle such as ours, it is impossible not to grow fat, so the best way to counter this is enough amount physical activities. This is hard to impose on every individual, thats why the government should effectively plan on how to get every American moving.With the medias attention focused on the obesity epidemic, we are able to see the real situation that we have in hand. The media served as a mirror to reflect our fat, bellying bodies, and hopefully, it would make us realize that we have to act quickly, or else. The success of any government effort to curb obesity doesnt lie much on the policy or the policy makers, instead, it is up to the people to decide whether its effective or not.ReferencesCrawford, S. A. (2005). Has the decline of intramural sports contributed to the youth obesity epidemic?The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation Dance, Vol. 76(Issue 1), 3p. Gutin, B. , Riggs, S. , Ferguson, M. , Ow ens, S. (1999). Description and process evaluation of a physical training program for obese children. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 5p. Hart, M. A. (2005). Influence of a physical education methods course on elementary education majors knowledge of fundamental movement skills. Physical Educator, 7p. Labbe, A. E. , Welsh, C. (1993). Children and running changes in physical fitness, self-efficacy, and health locus of control. Journal of Sport Behavior, Vol. 16(Issue 2), 13p.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Classroom Management Plan Essay Example for Free

Classroom Management Plan EssayA schoolroom management plan is the course map for an effective t apieceing and learning environment. Classrooms be communities that only succeed when citizens work together, and take obligation for their actions. It involves the physical environment, r go forthines, learner-teacher interactions, volunteers, expectations, rules, responsibilities, and consequences. Student-teacher interaction instructors support students in academic and social learning by remaining unruffled and consistent in all circumstances. This allows teaching how to take responsibility for behavior, making good choices, and learning from mistakes.Students atomic number 18 more motivated when mutual love exists (Jones Jones, 2010). It is important for teachers to present interest in students. When students believe their teacher c ars about them, they respect him or her. Behavioral expectations Clear expectations atomic number 18 important for student under ju mping and achiever. give-and-take of expected behaviors and consequences supporter in clarifying appropriate behaviors. Modeling, practicing, and role-playing teach students suitable behaviors. Negative behaviors are hardened as teachable moments to continually educate students. Incentive program Students who exhibit exemplary behavior let house money toward the chassis remembering. Money is only devoted to students who exceed expected behaviors or achievements. once a month, they ache an opportunity to shop at the school store. Desk arrangement It is important for students to know each other, and to know about each others experiences, values, and perceptions. Desks arranged in groups foster student to student relationships and collaboration among students. Desks are rearranged doneout the year. Teachers desk and other work areas Close proximity to students enhances student-teacher relationships, so the teachers desk leave behind be as close as possible with a abs olve walk panache to students desks. Other work areas such as computer desks and reading edict table are easily accessible for smooth transitions. Wall hangings Wall hangings include school and classroom rules, expectations, and procedures. One contend includes a word-wall students build and refer to throughout the year. Other hangings include schedules, unit teaching, sacred pictures, and general information. Routines and procedures Routines and procedures are established, and practiced from the first day of school. They include arrival procedures, attendance, tiffin count, bathroom breaks, transitions inwardly the classroom, and transitions outside the classroom, expiration out materials, submitting assignments, and end-of-day procedures. Parent volunteers Parent volunteers are an important part of the classroom. Students enjoy visual perception their fosters in the class, and around the school. When parents volunteer, students behave and perform better.It provides op portunities for parents to generalize the classroom community. When parents understand the classroom management, they can assist teachers in supporting it. Rules and Consequences To prevent disruptions, and maintain consistency in a classroom, rules and consequences must be top off and consistent. Some behaviors warrant only saying a students name, or walking everywhere to the student. This provides subtle re-direction without embarrassment. Other behaviors require stronger intervention, such as removal from the classroom, teacher-student-parent discussions, or region referrals.Students are undetermined of demonstrating mutual respect of feelings and belongings, raising hand to be called upon, honesty, cleanliness, paying attention, and hard work. Classroom rules support these capabilities, and are used to promote positive behavior and student success. The first day of school, students and teacher together furl a list of rules and cor opposeing consequences. They whitethorn i nclude following directions, being prepared, respecting personal space, mutual respect for people and property, work quiet, kindness, good manners, and safety. A suffer outlining class rules is provided to students.Students are required to review the contract with their parents and both must show understanding by signing it. Consequences are designed to support rules and expectations. Behaviors may result in positive or negative consequences. Positive consequences reinforce positive behaviors. They may include good identifys, verbal praise, written praise, self-pride, lunch with the teacher, special computer time, and free time. Negative behaviors disrupt training and impact the classroom community. Consequences are designed to alleviate disruptions, and teach students to contribute positively to the classroom community.Although consequences attend on behaviors, some negative consequences may include adjusting steading arrangement, missing recess to complete assignments, cle aning up messy work areas or the lunch room, bad tiers, removal of fun activities, office referrals, and parent phone calls. Task Analysis of Procedures Attending Assemblies An assembly is scheduled for 1000am in the gym. Below is a task analysis of going to the assembly, and going back to the classroom after the assembly. 1. The principal announces by grade order, lowest to tallest, to go to the assembly in the gym. 2.Teacher asks students to lite their desks, stand up, and push in their chairs. 3. Students clear their desks, stand up and push in their chairs. 4. Teacher asks students to quietly line up in alphabetic order. 5. Students quietly line up in alphabetical order. 6. Teacher reviews proper assembly behavior. a. Students should sit still, belongings hands, arms and legs to themselves. b. Students should non talk during the assembly. c. If asked for volunteers, students should raise hands, not call out. d. Students should clap when the assembly is over. It is a way of saying thank you. e.When assembly ends, students remain seated until teacher tells them to stand. f.Teacher reminds students to sit at their desks when they pass by from the assembly. 7. Teacher leads students down the hallway to the gym. a. Stay on the right side of the hallway. b. If a lower grade class call fors to pass, the students stop and wait quietly against the right wall while the other class passes. c. If class is passing another class, they should walk quietly on the left hand side of the hallway. 8. Enter the gym through the southeast door. 9. Lead the line of students to their correct places. 10. Ask them to quietly sit down.11. Take your seat in the folding chair at the end of your class row. 12. When assembly is over classes allow for get out the gym in grade order, lowest to highest. 13. Teacher stands up and reminds students to remain seated. 14. When it is time, teacher asks students to quietly stand up and remain in their line. 15. Teacher reminds students to sit at their desks when they return to the classroom. 16. Teacher reminds students to walk quietly down the hallway, staying in line, to their classroom. 17. Teacher leads students back to the classroom. 18. Teacher reminds students to sit at their desks. 19.When students are seated, teacher convey students for following directions, and maintaining good behavior. Substitute Plan Welcome to the class. thither are 20 students in the class. If you pick out assistance occupy call on Katie, Jackson, or Alexis. The following is a list of students who are pulled from class. SEM Mrs. Hills provide come get them Tuesday 100 200 Alexis, Jackson Thursday 130 230 Alexis, Jackson, Katie, Scotty Send students to Reading Club Mrs. Dixon Monday Thursday 1230 100 Joey, Hailey, Eric, Steve, Lanie Send students to Speech Mrs. Johnson Monday, Wednesday 1230 115 John, MarkDaily Schedule 845 850 Retrieve students from side door. 850 905 Hang coats, deliver homework to basket, lunch boxe s to basket, salute of Allegiance, morning announcements, sit at desks, attendance 905 920 Review date, schedule, spelling and style words. 920 1010 Math Lesson. Consult lesson planner. 1010 1015 Bathroom Break 1015 1030 Recess. Walk students to and from the back door. 1035 1125 Monday Computer Lab Walk students to and from room 20 Tuesday Music Walk students to and from Room 13 Wednesday PE Walk students to and from Stage.Thursday Library Walk students to and from Library Friday Parent Art Activity bring out volunteer schedule 1125 1130 Bathroom Break 1130 1200 Lunch. Students line up in alphabetical order by last name. Walk students into the lunchroom to the cashier. 1200 1220 Recess. Students will be sent by the lunch room monitor, but please pick them up at the back door. 1220 115 Lesson from Anthology books. Consult lesson planner. 115 135 Centers 135 200 Science Lesson. Consult lesson planner. 200 205 Bathroom Break 205 220 Recess. Walk students to and fr om the back door.220 305 Activity related to lessons. Consult lesson planner. 305 320 Reading time. 320 325 Clear desks and put chairs on top. Gather belongings. Walk students to front door. Continue to walk Alexis, Steve, Josie, Braden, Braxton, Eric, and Kathy to bus. usual Information Class lists, lesson planner, management plan, and jot procedures are find in the left desk drawer. Student files are in hanging folders in the right desk drawer. Occasionally, adjustments to the schedule involve to be made because of assemblies. Please transcend any adjustments during morning announcements. Attendance is reported on the Encore software on my computer. Login information is located on the inside page of the lesson planner. You may use a class list to mark recent and absent. Anytime the class leaves, they should quietly line up. Do not bring them anywhere until they are quietly lined up. When walking in hallways, they should remain quiet, walk single file, and stay to the r ight. At bathroom breaks, remind students of proper behavior (posted), and to wash their hands. If students need to go to the bathroom at other times, they must raise their hands and ask permission.They may not go in pairs. Any materials needed for activities, or other handouts are located in the materials area in the corner of the classroom, near the sink. Students may take AR tests on the computers during Reading Time. Remind them of the computer policies (posted near computer area). Prior to recess, and lunch, remind students to be respectful and demonstrate good behavior. If students finish assignments early, they may work on other unfinished assignments. If they do not have unfinished assignments, they may read, or take an AR test on one of the classroom computers. There is a pencil sharpener in the materials area, with a cup of pencils next to it. If they need sharpening, a different pencil sharpener is assigned each day. The students may use the water fountain when they take bathroom breaks, before lunch and recess. Students may keep water bottles at their desks. Classroom computers may be used during centers and for AR tests. Teachers mailboxes are located in the mail room in the front office. Please duty tour the box with my name on it at least once a day. If a sister is injured, he or she should be taken to the office.You may discuss with the office staff whether or not parents/guardians need to be called. When you leave for the day, please turn the lights off and close the door. In case of emergency The class evacuates the building through the east doors. The students should calmly, but quickly line up, leave the building and walk reliable up the hill. If you have an emergency in the classroom, you may call the office by pressing office button on the phone. There is a fire alarm lever in the hallway to the left of the classroom door. In the event of a lockdown, teacher and students sit quietly by the north wall (under the coat rack).Tur n the lights off, and remain silent until the principal or vice-principal comes to the door and gives the all-clear. Please enquire the emergency procedures for further information. Classroom management Rules, expectations, and procedures are posted on the wall. There is class money given to students who exhibit exceptional behavior. At the end of the month, provide an opportunity to shop in the school store. The store is located in the standing cabinet next to the bookshelves. Disruptive students should adjust their behavior when you say their name, or walk over to them.If they do not, they may be pulled aside to discuss reasons for their behavior and how to adjust it. If they stick to be disruptive, they may stay in at recess to reflect on their behavior. Please consult the management plan for further details. Please leave me financial backing of disruptive behaviors, and their consequences. There is a documentation form with the management plan. Implementation Plan Beginning o n the first day of school rules and expectations will be practiced, reviewed, and posted. They will besides be reviewed throughout the year as necessary.To increase student ownership, thither will be a rotation of student helpers who have extra responsibilities such as passing out papers, and delivering home lunches to the lunch room. Positive and negative behaviors will be quickly and consistently turn to to reduce disruptions. Students who are engaged are more likely to demonstrate positive behaviors. It is important to understand students learning styles, interests, and experiences when designing instruction. Instructional activities should be varied to promote positive learning experiences therefore cut back misbehaviors.Differentiated and individualized instruction may be implemented to further engage students. Parents support murder when they foster positive teacher-parent relationships, and support the classroom rules and expectations. Parents ensure their students comple te assignments, and prepare them for submission. They assist teaching students proper behaviors, and the skills needed to make positive choices. Letter to Parents Dear Parents, I am fire to welcome your child to my class. Our classroom is a community where together we will strive for success by working together, and relying on each other.To achieve success, it is important for you, me, and your child to work together. I have high academic and behavioral expectations for my students, and with your support in and out of the classroom, I believe we will have a fun, successful school year. I encourage you to volunteer in the classroom. Students love seeing their parents in school. It allows students extra one-on-one and small group work, which is increases their performance. Being involved is also an excellent way to gain information on what your child is learning and experiencing while at school.Involvement in your childs didactics is vital for success. I realize my students are invo lved in many different activities, but I ask you to please make school and homework a top priority. You can do that by establishing bedtimes, homework routines, reviewing completed work, providing praise and support. I also ask that you contact me if you ever have questions or concerns. In addition to scheduled conferences, I will update you via newsletters, e-mail, and phone calls. Any work that has not been completed at school will be sent home as homework.In addition, your child is expected to read a minimum of 20 minutes per day, which will be tracked on a weekly reading log. Other homework assignments will be book reports, a recognition project, and a country project. In addition to academic work, your child is expected to follow the classroom rules. These rules include behaving responsibly, being kind, and staying safe. I believe consequences should be appropriate. For example, if I receive a complaint from the lunch ladies that the class lunch table was left messy, the class will assist in cleaning up.I will regularly update you on your childs progress and behavior. I am very aflame about this year. I am here for your child, so please feel free to contact me every by phone or e-mail anytime. I look forward to working with you and your child in achieving success both academically and socially. Thank you for allowing me to contribute to your childs growth and success. Thank you, Lynn crowd together emailprotected com (555) 555-5555 Strategies for Assessing Plan Effective classroom management is vital to student success.Classroom management plans may need adjustment depending on grade level and classroom dynamics. Academic achievement is an indicator of student success therefore it is one way to pass judgment a classroom management plan. Parents and administrators receive copies of student grades which enables them to assess classroom management effectiveness. When administrators, visitors, substitute teachers, and volunteers come to the classroom, the y see student behaviors. When they see students quietly working at their desks, or in centers without disruptions or chaos, they know they are in a well-managed classroom.If they see students shouting out answers without being called upon, or students constantly moving about the classroom when they should be at their desks working, they know it is not a well-managed classroom. Newer teachers should consult with experienced, effective teachers to assess classroom management plans. They understand the nature of disruptions in classrooms. They also understand whether or not students are effectively learning or simply going through the motions. Experienced teachers provide constructive criticism for any necessary adjustments. Principals or other administrators also effectively assess classroom management plans.Teachers should consult with principals for guidance in specific areas of classroom management. They understand when students respond positively or negatively to teachers. It is helpful for administrators to review the written classroom management plan, such as reviewing strategies addressing student behavior and reward or incentive programs. Their experience is invaluable to a new teacher. acknowledgement Jones, V. , Jones, L. (2010). Comprehensive classroom management Creating communities of support and solving problems (9th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ Merrill.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Dbq on Mongol Dominance Essay Example for Free

Dbq on Mongol Dominance EssayThe role of Mongol dominance in the integrating of Eurasia was an important role beca office of inventions, their ideas, and the politics. The inventions of the Mogols helped to turn them into a Brobdingnagian melting pot. In document 4 we in condition(p) of their invention of the passport. This allowed people to move to travel around the empire easier with less hassle. While they moved they carried their ideas and told early(a) or so them which cause that to spread causing many diverse ideas among the people causing major transformation and diaspora of ideas. The passport was later adopted by the Europeans. In document 6 we learned about their use of moveable type. They used it to write things easily and more efficiently. They could use it to spread their ideas along to other empires and so on. The ideas of the Mongols helped them with integration too.In document 1 with the excerpt from Genghis Khan was that people should have their rights and freedoms of their own phantasmal belief and none be forced upon them. So religion and cultural aspects could mix and their society would flourish. I hope he said this because he saw other civilizations fall because of internal rebellion against people stressful to force people into doing something they didnt want to do. With his system though it allowed everyone to be happy about having their religious beliefs .Also when people talked about their religion with others then that cause new religions to be made with the combining of the talked about religion .In document 5 that Mongols had ideas of knowledge and were very educated in astronomy and engineering. They were non just brutes that tore down stuff in there path and took over places just to preface them carelessly, they were the exact opposite. They were intelligent and continued to learn and become a much more sophisticated society over time. It apparently worked because in Document 3 it showed the empires that the Mongo ls were able to take control of because of their ideas on how to normal places you have taken over.Politics were important in their society. Document 1 it was excerpt from Genghis Khan which was corresponding a precedent to all future Khan Rulers. It told them how to act and lead their society. In Document 2 it had information about the roles of the women in the empire. After one of the Khanss died it was the wifes job to read sure that her son would be heir of the throne. This kept the throne within the family. It was like insurance that the swayer ship would be left to someone who was a worthy enough to rule a huge empire. The Inventions, ideas, and politics affected the role of Mongol dominance integration of Eurasia greatly.

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Psychological Perspectives Essay Example for Free

The psychological Perspectives EssayA perspective is basically a view that includes specific assumptions round human demeanour. contemporary psychology covers six perspectives including Behaviourism, Social come through vigoring, cognitive, psychodynamic, humanistic and biological. There go off be several distinguishable theories indoors an forward motion however they all shargon common assumptions.BehaviourismBehaviourism is a leaning speculation that has scientific evidence to support it. Behaviour is observable which is why scientific methods ar used as they be rail commission carefully functionled. Behaviourists use animals within their studies because they are to a gr feaster extent than convenient to field of operations rather than humans, they too assume that animals learn in the say(prenominal) mien as humans. Behaviourists count that we are born(p) caisson and as we grow up we learn every social occasion that comes to us Tabula Rasa which means bl ank slate. The environment is very affectional towards our behaviour as the raft surrounding you and life events al guidances has an impact on how you act, think, as come up up as feel. Ac electric cording to this perspective classical and operant conditioning is the only two delegacys in which we learn from the environment.Classical Conditioning is when some unrivaled associates whiz thing with another, for mannikin a churl business leader be afraid of the dentist because he/she associates it with injections and pain, and this might be because of an experience in the past. After this experience they lead always remember universe at the dentist and as head as might bring to pass terrified of chiropterantalion wearing a instance m bespeak, just the like the spate at the dentist. Pavlov gave evidence of this with computer-aided designs. foremost he observed how much a dog salivated whilst eating, and accordingly he came to notice that in advance the dog even g ot the food it was salivating already. He then time- tribulati one and only(a)d if a dog salivated whilst the food was hidden which it didnt, so it then lead to needinessing to k nowadays if the dog could learn to know when its food was coming. To do so Pavlov used a bell sound every sentence the dogs were fed. In a result of Pavlovs observations the dogs came to learn when their foodwas coming because they associated it with the bell noise. light Albert similarly gave evidence of this.When he was 9 months he had shown no fear when a w thrille rat, a rabbit, a monkey and various masks were parade. However he did show fear and burst come to the fore in tears when a hammer was hit against a steel bar behind him, resulting a loud noise. When Little Albert was just over eleven months he unruffled didnt show fear of the white rat and again became startled when the hammer was hit against the steel bar. This was tell every week for sevener weeks and by the eighth week Little Alber t straightway showed fear of the white rat as he would start to cry and attempt to crawl past although the hammer hadnt yet hit the steel bar. This is because he associated it with the loud sound of the hammer hit the steel bar. http//psychology.ab by.com/od/classicpsychologystudies/a/little-albert-experiment.htm Operant Conditioning is when individual learns from either a honour or penalty in the past.For an example of punishment, if a small fry does something wrong their carer might tell them to sit on the naughty step the child exit then know to not do it again because of the afflictive consequences that has happened in the past. However a reward is different for example, if a child did all their homework they would last a reward of something like some sweets. This comes the child to a greater extent likely to do her/his homework in the future because of the pleasant reward they was given in the past. If rewards and punishments were not given to a child they allow no t learn within operant conditioning ( instruction from consequences), which means it is unlikely that they will grow up to know their rights and wrongs.Skinners result of his observation gave evidence of this theory. He observed how rewards encourage learning as he used a rat at bottom a box with nothing tho a leaver. formerly the rat had observed that by pushing down the leaver it is rewarded with food, the rat continued to do so because of the pleasant reward it was given in the past, which is in the exact alike situation with the childs home work. B.F. Skinner took the work from operant conditioning a sticked the reinforcement and punishment theory. http//www.simplypsychology.org/operant-conditioning.htmlhttp//www.learning-theories.com/operant-conditioning-skinner.html other one of B.F Skinners principal(prenominal) ideas was the reinforcement theory whichholds how behaviour is a function of its consequence, meaning that the behaviour that we hire in depends on the conse quences that we receive. For example of overconfident reinforcement, a child will engage in a positive behaviour if they know they will receive a pleasant reward. This pleasant stimulus encourages fortify behaviour as it is now much(prenominal) likely that the child will increase their frequency of positive behaviour in the future because of the consequence of reward in the past.Behaviour crowd out too be strengthened with negative reinforcement, however we do this to decrease the frequency of negative behaviour for example, a child will not engage in negative behaviour if they know that they will receive an unhappy reward e.g. the naughty step. http//www2.psychology.uiowa.edu/faculty/wasserman/glossary/reinforcement.html http//bcotb.com/the-difference-between-positivenegative-reinforcement-and-positivenegative-punishment/Negative reinforcement has a monolithic link to the punishment theory. This theory encourages us not to repeat negative behaviour for example the consequen ce of a reward encourages a child to repeat the same behaviour in the future, where as punishment bumcels out that sui carry over consequence and replaces it with an unpleasant consequence. This weakens the childs unwanted behaviour which arrests it less likely to occur in the future as it encourages them not to repeat it. http//psychology.about.com/od/operantconditioning/f/negative-reinforcement.htmThis is elevate because it make ups notice of throngs experiences, upbringing, culture and environment. This is close if psyches environmental surroundings are positive but could in addition be bad if their environmental surroundings are negative for example, if someones favorable group associates virtually drugs it is likely for them to start doing drugs as well. However some throng may be absorb otherwise also due to reputation as genes, hormones and straits organise/ disablement may affect behaviour as well Someone tidy sum be born with disabilities which will grant an effect on their behaviour this pot be a bad thing because they may stupefy no keep of the way they behave.Carefuland controlled scientific methods took place which resulted real results, this also has strength because it great deal be repeated to con if the results are complete. Individual animals are tested I think that testing on animals is more acceptable than testing on humans as these methods could have had a negative effect on behaviour, also everyones behaviour is eccentric, this gives more veracious results. A weakness of this is that some people do not trust Freuds results because he cannot prove wrong or right.Social Learning possible actionEverybody brotherlyly learn by copying other peoples conduct because most of the time we want to fit in and be normal. When people try to fit in they might channelise their appearance, how they speak or even the way they act especially when trying to fit in to a certain social group which is likely to lead to peer press ure e.g. drinking and smoking.We also learn by discover and imitating our role models, these are people we look up to or even sometimes wish to be. Everyone has a role model for a verity of reasons for example because they have a cheeseparing sense of fashion, because they look pretty, because they seem lucky or kind hearted, because you like the way they act, because their rich or famous, because of their competence, because they are successful, or even because they are similar to yourself-importance e.g. gender. Most people imitate famous people because everyone else likes them for example when Rihanna dyed her hair bright red a lot of girls reinforced her behavior and did the same which made Rihanna one of their role models. http//www.simplypsychology.org/bandura.htmlBandura showed evidence of how we learn socially in the Bobo Doll study. He did this by splitting a number of children into two separate groups. The first group began by fiting and observing a video of an pornogr aphic violently hitting the Bobo doll with other objects in the room as a part of the experiment, and then each child separately went into the room with the doll and did exactly what they had seen forrader on the video. These children imitated the adult on the video probably because they looked up to him as he was older or even because they view thats what the doll was made for. However the other group of children didnt watch the video beforehand andwhen each child went into the room they showed no signs of violence and aggression towards the Bobo doll. This is in the first place keep because the children were taught what to do with the doll however it is also slight nature because we are born imitating people. http//www.simplypsychology.org/bobo-doll.htmlAnother experiment that has evidence of how we learn socially is the Asch study. He did this by asking a group of six people, one at a time, to choose which one of the ternary forms on the right of the card matches the length of the line on the left of the card. This was repeated seven times with different cards. On some occasions the people in on the experiment purposely choose the wrong line. The participant would go along with what the anticipate of the group is firmnessing although it was clear to him that they are wrong. This was due to demand characteristics and group pressure/peer pressure. This study demonstrates how we go along with a group, he repeated what the other people in the group thought was right because he was convinced that he was wrong so he didnt want to make a fool of himself or even because he certainly knew he was right but he just didnt want to be different to the rest of the group. http//www.simplypsychology.org/asch-conformity.htmlEverybody imitates other people without realizing, people mainly do this when they dont know what is the right or wrong thing to do for example wait to be seated or just go and sit down in a restaurant. We are more likely to imitate models that ar e similar to us, famous, respected or even if we see them organism rewarded for their behavior simply because we want to follow in their footsteps and be rewarded as well. Also social surroundings can have a negative effect on a persons behavior, this might be because the people that they look up to are a bad influences. However social surroundings could have a positive impact on behavior, there for they will look up to someone that is respective, kind hearted and has manors.The social learning theory is nurture as we are influenced by others in the environment, I believe this can be good if someones environmental surrounding are positive however can sometimes have a negative effect on people if their environmental surroundings arent as great, also it is aweakness because it doesnt take method of accounting of peoples genes.This has being scientifically supported which is good because the results are more trustworthy and it has being tested on groups of people, this is a good idea because they gained more accurate study when comparing the different groups for example Bandura tested two separate groups of children to see if all the children that watched the video beforehand acted in the same way, he also did this with the group of children that didnt watch the video. This is strength because they considered that just because one person might act a certain way doesnt mean everyone else will as an individual child may have acted upon their specific unique behaviour.Cognitive PerspectiveThe judgement generates cognition and cognitive processes cognition involves knowing, take a chanceing, remembering and communicating, whereas cognitive process uses that existing knowledge then retains it into new knowledge. Cognitive is range of intellectual skills you can do within your instinct such as memory which is what we remember, learn, descent then recall, for example your age, we learn it and store it in our memory then when someone asks how old are you? you wil l respond with the recall. When being educated you remember 80% more if you recall by explaining things to other people rather than just learning from someone. Language is the way we speak, read and write.Decide is how we make choices for example what to do in the future. Imagine is the way we picture things without genuinely seeing it for example we could imagine a dog driving a car which is impossible. Attention is the way we concentrate and boil down for example in a lesson. Learning is a way we ingest information for example a boss could tell you to go for your break now and you would now have ingested this information on when to go for your break. Thinking is how we problem solve, process ideas and thoughts and lastly perception is the way we see things. http//www.holah.co.uk/core-studies/cognitive/The mind has a hypothetical Construct which is how we think of the consequences if something happened for example, if someone was about to excite a crime they would think the con sequence of going in prison beforehand.Schemas are packets of information about the world that makes you understand things more cl betimes. Each individual packet contains its own purpose for example, when you go to a posh restaurant you schema is to first of all wait to be seated, read the menu, when the waiter comes to your table order your meal, wait for it to be served, eat it and lastly pay the bill.In the late 1960s and early 1970s physiologists became interest in how the human mind processes information as an alternative to the behaviorist approach however because the mind is not a physical object behaviorists cannot prove any perspectives of the mind scientifically. http//www.simplypsychology.org/cognitive.htmlThe psyche of a human is very similar to a computer as they both transmit information, have a memory that can grow, can adapt and learn, have evolved over time, need energy, can be damaged, can do maths and other logical tasks.. However the brain call for nutrients like atomic number 8 and sugar for power whereas the computer needs electricity to keep working.Piaget was the main theorist of the cognitive perspective. He believed that children are officiously constructing their brain of the world which means as their bodies develop their mind naturally develops as well. He thought this happened to individual children generally in 4 plays 0-2 The sensory motor map, this is when a child learns through the 5 senses sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. As they discover how to use their senses they also learn how to become active by moving around. The main awakeness that develops in this time is object permanence, this is when a baby doesnt recognize that an object still exists when they cant see it therefore, if a child had a go then had it taken away they wouldnt look for it because they dont understand that it still actually exists. 2-7 the pre-operational stage, which is basically when a child learns mental operations such as imagine things and men eminenty setback actions.This phase is when children start to engage in pretend play and use symbols to represent things however around 2 years a child begins to learn how to talkwhich makes it easier for them to symbolize objects. At this age children become very egocentric, therefore they dont understand that other people have a different point of view for example they cover their eyes and think that you cant see them because they cant see you. 7-11 The concrete operational stage This is when a child learns mental operations concretely and learns the idea of conservation for example, if you have two identical glasses with equal amounts of water then ask the child which one has more they will reply they both have the same, while the child is still watching you take one of the glasses and pour it into a small fat glass then pour the other into a tall thin glass, you then ask the child again which one has more and if they havent yet reached the concrete operational st age they will say the tall thin glass where as if they have reached this stage they will again say they both are the same even though they look different.At this stage they also begin to reason about mathematics. 11+ The formal operational stage This is when children are able to reason about abstract example reasoning, abstract is when they can think about consequences of certain actions and what might occur, whereas moral reasoning is how children reason more like adults which continues to develop over time. http//ehlt.flinders.edu.au/education/DLiT/2000/Piaget/stages.htm http//psychology.about.com/od/piagetstheory/a/keyconcepts.htmPiaget also created another study which discovered at what age children become no longer egocentric called the three slews study. He did this by firstly letting the individual child look at all three mountains from different angles. One mountain had snow on upper side, a hut on another and a cross on top of the other. The child was then sat at one sid e of the model and a doll was hardened at different positions towards the model. The child was then shown 10 photos of the mountains taken from different positions, and asked to choose which photo showed the dolls view.If their answer is incorrect this results that they are still in the pre-operational stage, however if the childs answer is correct they are no longer egocentric and will have reached the concrete operational stage. However this is an unfair test because a child doesnt have the powerfulness to know that mountains look different from different angles as they are such an unusual feature. To make this more of a fair test I call forth that using a sheet to cover what you cansee on the other side would make it a lot easier for children to understand, then ask what can I see? rather than using a doll and asking what can the doll see?. http//www.simplypsychology.org/preoperational.htmlCognitive psychologists believe that this perspective is nature as it looks at genetic s, hormones, the brain and how we are born with mental structure which is a good thing because it gives us certain abilities we need. They also think that nurture takes a part in this perspective because we learn as we grow up, which is also a good thing because we are able to increase our knowledge and gain a wider range of abilities, such as learning different languages. This is a big strength because it has also taken account of peoples environment, experience and upbringing.It is scientifically tested, this is strength because the results are reliable and it can be repeated to test if the results are accurate. Individual children at different ages are tested which I believe is good because they went into prudence in one to one to result a fuller understanding. This gained accurate results as it gives the mightiness to concentrate on why an individual is behaving in the specific way however, you cannot infer an individuals results as they might not act in the same way as every one else.The Psychodynamic PerspectiveFreud made a model of personality known as an iceberg and compared it to the mind which makes it easier to understand the psychodynamic approach.At the top of the iceberg is the part of your mind where you have your conscious what makes us aware of quotidian thoughts and feeling for example, whats happened on Eastenders. Secondly under conscious is your pre-conscious which is where your thoughts and memories are however they are sometimes not accessible but can be recalled easily. Also ego is part of the mind that makes you aware of other peoples feelings as well as your own feelings, things that make you cry and that you cant always have your own way, this will have certain in a childs mind by the age of three. Below ego is your superego which is a sense of mortality and is passed on by parents, it is where all your guilt, worries and fears come from. This appears around age five. At the bottom of the iceberg is ID which is alreadypresent at give birth as babies are completely selfish, in this part of the mind anxiety can occur a lot and could possibly lead to mental abnormalities if ID and superego are unbalance as it is up to the minds ego to keep them equally balanced.both of these come under the unconscious part of the mind which can repress sad thoughts, memories also feeling as this is known as the deep dark shocking part of mind that is in constant struggle. One of the main assumptions is that this part of the mind is what our behavior is mainly driven by because of our unresolved unconscious conflicts that have rooted from our childhood. According to Freud we all have three characters in our mind, ID, superego and ego. He believes that ID and super ego constantly fight in the mind because they are the ingrained opposite which is a sense of morality e.g. right and wrong as he said that ID wants to take risks, superego wants to be safe and ego is stuck in the middle flavour for compromise. Freud called bodys bundles of ID and created a Freudian slip which is when you say one thing but mean another.Freud had noted a number of refutation mechanisms which he refers to during his written work such as Denial, this is when you think what you want to think and refuse to face reality because the truth is too hard and painful to accept for example, losing someone close or being cheated on. Projection, which is when you cannot deal with certain unacceptable thoughts and feelings you have so you project them onto someone else for example you might abominate someone although you can sometimes feel bad because they dont hate you back so you make yourself think they do hate you to feel better about yourself.Reaction Formation, this is a reply against your own desire as you do the opposite to what you really what to for example, being homophobic when youre gay. Sublimation, which is when you change a specific unacceptable behavior for something more acceptable for example, punching a punching bag r ather than a person. http//www.cliffsnotes.com/sciences/psychology/psychology/psychology-personality/psychodynamic-perspectivesPsychosexual stages, each of these stages represent the fixation of libido (sexual energy) on different areas of the body. Freud believed that children are born with a sexual urge. There are many stages of childhood during which the child seeks pleasure and if every stage is not completed successfullymental abnormalities could occur. The first stage is called the oral stage it is called this because the mouth is the main focus of pleasure as a baby enjoys sucking, tasting, biting and breast feeding. This develops approximately from birth to 18 months which is the ages that babies like to put all sorts of objects into their mouth to satisfy the libido. Once this stage is successfully completed a child will demonstrate this by weaning. The second stage is the anal stage which usually develops from cardinal months to three years.During this stage a child can become anally retentive or anally expulsive. Anally retentive can lead a child to becoming a person that likes to be very tidy, stubborn, enjoys order and being in control. However a child being anally expulsive can make them become more disorganized, messy as well as rebellious (doesnt like to follow rules) however, more generosity will take place. The next psychosexual stage is the phallic stage which takes place around ages three to seven years and is slightly different for boys and girls. Boys have an Oedipus complex as he wants his mother as his capital love object and his father out of the way. However he fears that his father will find out and castrate him as punishment. He identifies how to stop castration anxiety with his father by acting like a man. Whereas girls have an Electra concept, they want their mother out of the way rather than their father. They desire the father but realize they do not have a penis which then leads to penis envy also she will believe that her father can give her a baby so she then becomes more attracted to him. in the end he does not fear castration as she will believe that her mother has already castrated her. The fourth stage is the latency stage which takes place from the age of six until they begin to develop pubescence. Freud thought that sexual impulses are suppress during these ages as no psychosexual development appears within this stage. The urges in the childs un-conscious mind is sublimated into different hobbies such as developing new skills and knowledge for example sports. The last stage of the psychosexual development is the genital stage, which should happen when beginning to develop puberty up to adulthood if earlier stages have being successful.At this age teenagers will begin to focus on genitals however differently to the phallic stage. They will begin to develop healthy adult relationships as well as know how to maintain intimate relationships. Around this stage they should have the efficacy to ge t through puberty withoutproblems and direct their sexual instinct to heterosexual pleasure rather than self-pleasure. Lastly the genital stage is shown to be successful if a person becomes settled down in a relationship during adolescence. http//www.simplypsychology.org/psychosexual.htmlPsychoanalysis is a way that we can access out un-conscious mind and is psychologists have the ability to see psychological problems. We can do this by using things such as Ink Blots When using ink blots a person has to say what they see on the paper. This can help you find out if people might see things abnormally for example, most people will see a womanise however depending on your un-conscious mind you might see something differently. Free Associations This is a task that is used to find out what comes to your head when specific words are mentioned and is a good way to see if people associate the correct things with the correct words, for example most people associate a baseball bat with spor t however someone might associate it with a weapon. Interpretation Of Dreams When you are dreaming your un-conscious mind takes over which means primitive feelings, fears and urges takes place.This is a good way to translate your dream and identify your repressed feelings as well as thoughts you have within your un-conscious mind. Little Hans was one of Freuds psychodynamic research studies. Little Hans was a young boy that had a phobia of provides, especially horses with black around their mouth and blinkers. Freud believed that the horse represented the boys father as his father had a mustache and glasses. Little Hans had a fear of being bitten by a horse but Freud thought that he was actually shake of his father biting him (castrating him) due to his desires towards his mother. When Little Hans became nineteen he announced that he has had no further issues during his adolescent years which supports Freuds psychosexual stage the Oedipus complex in boys. http//www.simplypsycholo gy.org/little-hans.htmlThis is known as nature because you are born with drives of sex and aggression inside your mind however, I believe it is also nurture because they didnt take account of social upbringing and experiences in childhood which could have an effect on the psychodynamic approach. It is non-scientific because it is impossible to observe the mind as it is not aphysical object which is bad because it gives not as reliable results however psychologists used psychoanalysis to access an individuals unconscious mind because they was un able to observe the mind scientifically they went into deepness in one to one interviews which made more trustworthy information. Individuals are observed which I believe is a good idea because everyone has a unique mind and is not exactly the same. They was able to concentrate on an individuals behavior and went into depth in one to one to result a larger understanding however, they cannot generalize these results to other people because th e individual may have acted differently to everyone else.The Humanistic ApproachThe main theorists of this perspective are Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. some(prenominal) theorists believe that peoples behavior is linked to their inner feelings as well as self-concept. Maslow said that people are motivated to achieve their certain needs for example, The longer somebody doesnt eat the more hungry they will become which motivates their need to eat. Maslow created a hierarchy of needs in 5 stages. A person has to have met the lower basic needs before meeting the higher take aim needs. The first stage is the basic psychological needs for instance food, shelter, water and warmth. The second stage is the sanctuary needs. This includes living in a safe area with safe housing as well as being financially secure, also not being under threat e.g. abuse and crime. The third stage is belonging needs which is things like family, friendships, community, society and religion e.g. a church. The fourth stage is the esteem needs for instance achievements, compliments depending on your appearance and respect.The last stage is self-actualization which is basically being all that you can be, all humans have instinctive desire to achieve something and is also intrinsically good. Carl Rogers was particularly interested in the concept of self. He made the assumptions of what specific words mean such as Self Esteem, This is how you feel about yourself for example, someone might have low self-esteem because they dont like the way they look and this can make someone feel less valuable. If your ideal self (who you want to be) and self-image (how you see yourself) are far apart this would decrease your self-esteem (how you feel about yourself) where as if they were close together this would make your self-esteem increase as you would feel closer to the person youwant to be.Internalize, He said this is how you make it internal about yourself, someones external attitudes or behavior has an impact on your internal un-conscious assimilation for example if someone speaks to you aggressively you may think you have done something to deserve it. Self-concept, this is formed at a very young age as we assign what others judge on us and positive self-esteem can encourage having a more accurate self-concept. It refers to the way you understand as well as see ourselves as we become older for instance, someone that knows who they are and where they are heading as they fit into the world. Ideal self, this is when someone knows who they want to be for example, someone might want to be a good person so will avoid acquire involved in bad activities. http//www.simplypsychology.org/self-concept.htmlSelf-image, this is how you see yourself depending on how others respond to you. For example you might see yourself looking over weight because someone had called you fat. Humanism is nurture because it depends on experiences, up-bringing, culture, environmental influences surrounding you as well as choice and free will which I believe is good because as it gives people the ability to make their own choices. However I believe it is also nature because genes, and brain structure/damage wasnt taken to account and you can be born with something which could have an effect on the way you feel about yourself.It is a non-scientific approach as scientists are un-able to observe this mind because it is not a physical object. Conscious experiences would be recorded in a one to one interview and I believe this is a good thing because this gave more accurate information. It is focused on individuals this is a good thing to consider because observing groups could lead to un-accurate results. A strength of observing individuals is that they gained a fuller understanding because in depth information was recorded. However they cannot generalize these results to others because everyones behaviour is unique.The Biological ApproachTheorists are mainly interested in how physical dev elopment forms, especially the central neuronal system which includes our brain and genes. Genes are inherited from your birth parents. We inherit many different types of genes as they start to develop before we are even born such as eyes, hair colour,height, nose, skin colour as well as features you cannot even see e.g. inherited disorders and diseases. Behaviour has a biological cause as the solid body is run by the nervous system which means the nervous system has a large impact on how people develop. Within the nervous system there is a pattern of development. The more complicated our nervous system is, the better we will have the ability to gain more development. The control nervous system provides the biological basis of the psychological experience. Within the control nervous system contains off-base nervous system, this transfers information all around the body to and from the central nervous system. embodied nervous system This controls the skeletal muscle and external sensory organs. Automatic nervous system This controls forced muscles. Sympathetic nervous system controls activities that increase energy. Parasympathetic nervous system This controls activities that maintains energy intake.The Central nervous system, this transfers information all around the body to and from the peripheral nervous system. Spinal cord This receives and transmits information to and from the brain for example, pain. Brain This is the control center of the body, it maintains higher life involved functions such as receiving and processing information. Neurons handover chemicals across their synaptic gab to transfer messages around the body for example, take your hand away, its too hot or laugh, its funny There are different types of neurotransmitters for instance the serotonin, for a stable mood an inadequate amount of serotonin is required this avoids any unnecessary neurotransmitters firing inside the brain. Another type of a neurotransmitter is dopamine, whic h basically supports you with depression and focus.Theorists tested this by using jibe. Monozygotic is match that are completely identical and have 100 percent of the same DNA, monozygotic twins are developed when a fertilized egg splits into two. Whereas Dizygotic twins are un-identical, these type of twins are developed when two separate eggs are released and both fertilized, they only share 50 percent of the same DNA which is similar to brothers and sisters. Bouchard explored the Minnesota twin study which was about twins that were separated at birth and raised in different families.He discovered that separated identical twins seemed to have a fair chance of being similar in terms of personality, interests and attitudes. Theorists believed that any difference betweentwins is completely due the environment. An example of this would be the Jim twins. They were adopted at the age of four weeks by two separate families that were unknown to each other. When the twins were 39 years o f age the Jim twins had met each other and discovered that they were very similar as theyBoth married a woman named Betty and break a woman called Linda.Both have an adopted brother called Larry.Both named their pet dog Toy.Both was poor at spelling however was good at maths.Both did carpentry, mechanical swig and block lettering.Both suffered from headaches at the age of eighteen.Both gained ten pounds at the same time and weighed one hundred and eighty pounds. Also both were six feet tall. Lastly one named his first child jam Allan and the other name his first child James Alan. https//mctfr.psych.umn.edu/research/UM%20research.htmlThe maturation theory was influenced by genetics and environments. It is referred as the way we develop gradually over time. The brain needs to have fully developed every stage before having the ability to use the nervous system and skills. This perspective is nature as you are born with your brain instantly developing which I believe is a good thing because it provides us with abilities we need. This is a strength because they have considered to look at how peoples genetics, brain structure and nerves might affect their behaviour however its weakness is that they havent taken account of peoples upbringing, experiences, environment and religion.It is scientific because genes were studied I believe this is a good thing because it gives scientific reliable evidence of the biological approach and it can be repeated to see if the results are accurate. However it lacks depth and does not take account of peoples feelings. Lastly it is tested on groups I believe that testing on groups is a good idea because it gives accurate evidence however, you cannot generalize the results because not everyone will act in the same way as everyones behaviour is unique.